How you feel about Trump so far?

Well Sup Forums?

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feels good man

He has no style
He has no grace
But I'll be damned if he
doesn't save the human race

t. Burger

He could be doing a lot better but I don't mind him too much. I just wish some politicians get a spine and work together to actually make this country better.

Then make your voice heard in 2018. Vote out RINOs, cuckservatives, and Dems, and vote in Pro-Trump leaders.

I am waiting for that wall and the termination of DACA.

I live in Virginia, so that ship has kind of sailed.


I grew up in Virginia... what the fuck happened? It used to be so conservative in the 90s.

Alt right racist white nationalist scum.
Rejects globalization and should be impeached right now.

Oh look, a larp flag has an opinion.

That's nice dear.

Why are you posting that debunked image?

Most of the things on there are either completely unimpressive (Wow 28 whole laws!) or are outright false, like reducing the debt by 100 billion. (If we reduced the debt, why do we need to raise the debt ceiling this month?)

I live in Falls Church, and let me tell you, the large influx of democrats moving into the DC suburbs is what happened. Outside of NoVa, Richmond, and a few other cities, the state is still really conservative.

>How you feel about Trump so far?

love him
I'm glad he gets 2 scoops
>tfw it takes a lot of energy to keep thing this interesting

I live in Virginia too. Want to team up?

80% approval shows how fucked up this board is with all the Nazi's, fascists, and red necks. kys

Gotta say the past week has been stellar. He owned the Harvey response, is dealing with NK, scrapped DACA, and stooge slapped the GOP establishment over the debt ceiling.
He's handling shit.

good guy, backed us on Brexit when everyone else (including fucking Clinton and Obama) was tearing us down.

cool another strawpoll for me to ruin with fake votes

Speaking of which, how's that been going along? Haven't heard much about it for months.

Im impressed, just think how hard it must be to keep up one of the most interesting presidencies ever. Good for me or bad for me at this point I dont give a shit, every day is a rollercoaster with that absolute fucking madman in the Oval Office

Best US President since ... maybe Andrew Jackson?

He's not 100% making the calls I would (e.g. end DACA immediately, large-scale deportation), but he's pretty damn great; certainly the best US President in any of our lifetimes.

So is it fair to assume that at least 80% of Sup Forums supports Trump?

Definitely in the last 20-30 years at least.

You forgot about the part where


The EU is pissing and moaning refusing to negotiate face to face with Theresa May (because she's fucking good at it).

There's alot of talk of a "Transition period" which everyone knows is code for "Don't change anything and wait for people to stop caring".
Good nationalists like myself won't stop caring until the refugees are OUT and the door is shut behind them.

>being pozzed with orange trump seed

Beautiful, based Belgium-bro.

Underwhelming. Its somehow hard to realize that he is the same high-energy, charismatic figure that debated trough the primaries and election. He just seems "quieter" and less sure of himself.

He's doing about as well as he can with both parties and the media working against him. Solid B+.

Keep it up based Brit bro. You have strong support.

Watching Brexit closely, another critical front in the defense of the West.


Trump may not be the ZOG destroyer we wanted, but he might lead us to that special person

way better than hillary as expected.

He is an American hero for saving us from Hillary. Call your traitorous congressmen and demand they support President Trump.

Not perfect and green at the job, but the best choice available.

Love him. Every day he's in there is a day some traitorous commie lib faggot is not.

I don't agree with some of Trump's points but, fuck, I want to see him reelected so much just to experience the liberal salt mine that was happening after elections.

Pretty much this.

I didn't vote for Trump, but he is truly a far better choice than Hillary. Plus he is far more interesting.

"Best president of the past 40 years" is kind of like saying "Special Olympics Gold Medalist," but still... Best president of the past 40 years.

didn't israel get a bunch of free f-35s or something today?
it's all a shoah for the average white american

Trump is a turbocuck and a sellout. It makes me sick that he still has so much support on this board.


He's getting nothing accomplished. At every turn he's foiled by Congress or the courts and he just gives up while saying "well don't blame me!"

>elected to stop immigration
>doesn't stop immigration

The Donald

says the guy whose PM loves unclean muzzie cock.

I'm quite pleased with Trump. I wish his AG would do more to fuck over Democrats, but he's doing a great job.

Pretty good.

Literally every single week is another screaming liberal freakout which makes me smile

these, he's done well in some areas and not so well in others. I'm going to give him lots of leeway and chances though, it's not like it was going to be easy and he's the only chance we've got. It's really only been a few months of his presidency essentially. If anything we should be very happy we got Gorsuch.

Most GOP needs to hang though, 2018 we and Trump better clean house

Illegal immigration is down 70%

I feel good about it. If he fucks up or anything, I don't think about the fuck up. I just think about the fact that he's really there and she's not. It feels great.


>ad hominem
>kekistani flag
>unwavering support for the lying ineffective neocon kike puppet

Checks out 100%. Now go back to T_D

>1 post by this ID
>*also on reddit

I was a little worried about him getting the nuclear codes. But fine now, shoe in for 2020.

>parrots putinshill talking points
>sandnigger flag

Checks out. Bin that keyboard muhammad.

>saying overall positive means you support him
>t_d idiot not knowing what words mean


What do you think about him?

Overall hes been doing well but he is such a dumbass.

Whoever made this is a retard. Why would sparks come out of one lead onto itself?

>Has the biggest demographic problem in the first world, by a long way
>Attempts to insult Europe on racial/religious issues

This is why everyone is calling you stupid. Keep saluting those 50 Jew stars while you wank off your kiked cock, trumpy will make it all better.

on the carrier with the military garb.
mixing it up and serving food after the flood.

this man was right born for this.

>>Has the biggest demographic problem in the first world, by a long way
Not when you consider the rate of change as a percentage of population. Also not when you consider the culture of the incoming population. Islam is the worst cancer on offer, and you guys are full to the brim with it. Mexicans are third world niggers, but they have essentially western ideology.

Our ship is more sunk than yours, but yours is sinking much much faster.

You love talking about kikes, but it's as if you forgot that England is literally where israel came from.

They make up about 5% of our population. "Filled to the brim". Okay. Ours is sinking faster but you have wetbacks piling in by the thousands every week and shitting out babies like there's no tomorrow. You will be in a worse state than Brazil by the end of this century.

>Western ideology
>Decapitating people they don't like

Doesn't sound too different from Muslims to me.

Don't forget to lube your dick before you jerk, since the rabbi binned your foreskin.

this cant be happening
80% of my beloved Sup Forums are cucked drumpf shills

good thread OP, weeding out "sorry I voted for trump" fags