if you arent r1b you are inferior
R1b = white
Aren't you from a country filled with the human waste that my country didn't want?
They regressed to the European mean and became normal.
No, his is the country filled with ape creatures that they treat as equals... kinda like my country.
my parents are both english kid. sit your polish ass down r1a trash heap
At least my trash heap has decent WiFi
So if my great, great grandfather was a pure German, but if every female ancestor was black from there on in, I'm still superior?
>inb4 the inevitable post which actually believes Y chromosome haplotypes can be inherited from the mother
thats not how it works retardus
australia invented wifi kid
What's your point? It doesn't make your archaic shitty government Internet infrastructure any less shit.
R1b are the whitest haplogroup indeed.
For example, Central Africans, Turkmens, Tatars, Armenians are all white.
that must be the egyptian gene
It is
100% white R1B x 100% negress
50% white still has r1b x 100% negress
25% white still has r1b x 100% negress
12.5% white still has
R1a and i1 are the actual white genes. But I'll concede that they didn't accomplish anything till they started trading/breeding with Romans
thats not how genetics work kid, thats some old jewish idea. genetics are a licky dip not an exact science. you can have two sibling witha black dad white mum and one of the siblings is more nigger then the other
for example i am more german/french than my sister who is more english despite having the same parents
what exactly is r1b that makes it "white"?
Spaniards are white then?
Lol the point he was making you could be r1b and still be a nigger. If the case I provided happened they would be.
They're whiter than the French
R1b and R1a are sub groups of R1 which is a sub group of R which is a sub group of P1. P1 is an Asian haplogroup. It's parent group are Asian haplgroups responsible for nearly all the other Asian Y-DNS haplogroups. P1's other sub group is Q, the most common Y-DNA halplogroup.
The predominant Nordic Y-DNA haplogroup is I2. It is completely unrelated to R1b and is a closely related sibling to the Arab J1 and J2.
If Nordics truly are the whitest race among Europeans, then R1b can't be a marking of whiteness when it comes from an Asian family of Y-DNA haplogroups.
Considering a large percentage of pure black Sub-Saharan African niggers in Chad are R1b it's pretty easy to figure out how it got all over Western Europe. Simple: A proto-Mongol hoard called Indo Europeans (aka Aryans) invaded and raped their way across Europe. The Aryans lived near the Ural Mountains and had Asiatic Mongoloid nomadic lifestyles and buried their dead in Kurgans. They were ancestors to the later Mongols and Turks despite speaking a different languages family (separated by thousands of years). Nothing to be proud of. They also practiced artificial cranial deformation.
France is literally Africa.
Meant to say Q is the most common haplogroup in Amerindians. Not in general
Only Germans and Scandinavians are white desu, everyone else is a shitskin
>The predominant Nordic Y-DNA haplogroup is I2
You mean I1
nordic dna is shit tier
everywhere that r1b dna exists predominately civilization happens
It also lost a war with birds.
>arbitrarily starts collecting data at 1400AD
that just shows where r1b exists of course africa is gonna have heavy r1b dna we colonized them
if you take the actual totals of africa they are still well and truly niggers and dont have anywhere near the necessary amounts of r1b to create a civilization
>nordic dna is shit tier
hmm I dunno about that buddy
its not like nord or slav land had any achievments then either
if we go prior to that it was all italy and alpine europe aka r1b
rly makes one ponder
Much of the Anglo-Saxons who made up the founding population of the United States were nordid.
Hyper-progressive Hallstatt Nordids descended from the British Isles are the actual master race and epitome of human evolution.
>not wanting a qt traditional Anglo-Saxon wife
how to see if i have rb1?
Much of the Nordid character of the British Isles has been preserved quite well in Australia btw, but I bet you're probably some kind of wop or leb shitting on goat tier euros.
Northwest Germans and the Eastern English are the master race.
>Northwest Germans and the Eastern English are the master race.
all of those groups are predominately r1b
Half of mexicans have r1b and 20% of African Americans. You can keep your whites.
The r1b in chad predates European colonization
thats because they are mixed with people with r1b dna
they dont have enough r1b to create a civilization
The I2 group is an anomaly of history. It was transmitted by a SINGLE MAN who lived around 5000 years ago. Perhaps a r1b whore cucked her husband with a hunter gatherer, and the son became the chieftain.
This is kinda why haplogroups are shit. Autosomal DNA is where it's at.
And I2 Nordics have the highest admixture of Yamnaya (i.e. aryan) ancestry (The Yamnaya were R1b).
its honestly probably left over egyptian dna
all the mummys they tested had r1b dna
Another example of the shittiness of haplogroups.
If 15/16 of your great greatancestors are kahalari bushmen, but the 16th ancestor, your great great grandfather on your father's side, was an I2 Nordic, then you'd be an I2 """"Nordic"""" too.
I love Australia! The music from Picnic at Hanging Rock is so spooky! It's wild.
Didn't know Russia liberated Japan in ancient times.
r1b is y-chromosomal, so it can only be transferred from and to men
thats not how it works
nobody can be a halo group. you can be parts of them. if you had 1 nordic relative 16 generations ago you'd be like 3% l2
its also a lucky dip meaning you sibling can be more of one halo group than you are despite having the same parents
if you inherited more r1b than your brother you inherited better genes
R1b-U106, which is one of the historically most successful R1b subclades in terms of many different fields of achievement.
Just as any European subclade of R1b is usually going to be of higher quality than the Chadic R1b-M269, R1b-U106, and the other Germanic subclades of R1b are superior compared to subclades associated with Alpinid or Med populations.
Autosomal makeup are just as important as paternal markers.
t. R1b-U198
The haplogroup doesn't change you retard, it is given to you by your father in a continuous straight line patrilineally speaking.
That's why autosomal DNA tests are just as important to test for as is testing the Y chromosome to find out your haplogroup.
Stop spreading misinformation.
White: I (Scandi Golden Haired) and N (Finnish/Baltic Platinum Haired and Pale)
Subwhite Mongrels: R
Right. Which is why it's kinda bad as a measure of ancestry. See my other post : >thats not how it works
Yes, that's exactly how it works.
>you'd be like 3% l2
Haha what the fuck, haplogroup percentages?
Kill yourself faggot.
you cant just post a single halogroup without the totals and expect a realistic conclusion
it doesnt matter if r1b exists somewhere if it isnt the predominant halogroup. which is why nord land has no scientific achievments. because they have heavy traces of slav and other undesirable dna
places which r1b is the dominant overall halogroup is where civilization happens
>Autosomal makeup are just as important as paternal markers.
I'd say they're even more important.
Also, any clue on how some niggers in central africa ended up being R1b?
you do realize the tests they give you at 23 and me are halogroup tests right? they just label the groups with the associated areas rather than telling you the halogroups. yes you can be more than one halogroup
please dont talk about things you know nothing about
Indo Europeans were R1b faggot.
The Yamna culture was overwhelmingly R1b,
You're fucking baiting me, either that or you're just fucking stupid.
Cattle pastoralists from the Mesopotamia or something of the like migrated South and because of their ability to bring food from cows ending up being much more successful than whatever peoples were in the areas now making up Chad and Cameroon. They ending up breeding a lot because they had domestic cows.
You're right I have 23 pairs of Y chromosomes, thank you enlightened one.
Go to sleep faggot
Interesting, so were they one of the OG pastoralists? (I believe indo europeans also originated from mesopotamia, but instead migrated north into Russia, picking up some hunter gatherer genes along the way, right?)
Also why do those populations look like niggers now though?
>halogroups having anything to do woth chromosones
ok now i know im being b8ed
I didn't say they weren't 'European' you Mongoloid, I said they aren't White (beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes). Also Indo-Aryan is all based on linguistic nonsense, we have genetics now. Aryan 'super men' are the extinct 7 foot tall cro-mag, what other race is known for their height? That's right.
R's are all Thalic and abundant in Israel.
>I believe indo europeans also originated from mesopotamia
There are a few different theories but I subscribe to the Kurgan hypothesis which states that Indo Europeans expanded from the steppe, north of the Caucasus.
Because of early domestication of the horse relative to other peoples and use of the chariot, they managed to spread their influence and seed very far.
pic is linked in this post
Aryans were R1b, I2 were a bunch of swarthy hunter gatherers.
Anglo-Saxons and Northwest Germans make up the majority of the white peoples. Benjamin Franklin said this.
The term was popularized by Colonial Americans for social cohesion, as there was no shared common national identity between the Colonial Europeans in North America.
You're a dummy :^)
me on right u on left
Mate you've lost the plot and been brain washed by Jews. It's COMMON SENSE. Aryans are the tall Cro-Mags. The 'super men'. Blonde haired and blue eyed. Neanderthals are from the Caucus and are abundant in Israel.
Oh yes I agree that the IE developed in the steppe but they originally branched off from mesopotamian neolithic farmers/pastoralists in the early stages of the neolithic, migrating north into the steppe.
You're a fucking kike mate. You cannot win this argument because you are wrong. This is Dolph Lundgren the visage of the Aryan Cro Magnon Super Man, possibly not one sub human gene in him.
t. brainlet
>not one subhuman gene in him
pick 1
This is the skull of the Cro Mag. It was a sociable and ARTISTIC creature unlike the autistic loner Neanderthals. There used to be populations of these guys that AVERAGED 7 foot of height. There were anatomically modern. There WERE where the Aryan super man mythos comes from. It just makes sense.
West Slavland is abundant in Haplogroup I, it's the Eastern Slavs that are subwhite Neanderthalic R.
Capelloids are superior to the Upper Paleolithic survivors.
Cromagnoids are built for a hunter gatherer lifestyle, whereas Meds are built for civilization.
Depigmented Meds are the best Europe has to offer, ie: Nordids and it's transitional types.
wew you're the only person in thread that knows what he's talking about.
Dolph is pretty alpha, he's Dalofaelid with secondary Nordid features.
left, aurignacoid skull
right, cromag skull
cromags are susceptible to reduction, and are not bred for social dominance like aurignacoids.
Also Slavs are subhuman
When retards communicate
haplogroup l is shit too
nords and slavs have no scientific contributions
everywhere r1b resides the white man strives
french, english, german, north italian, swiss, austrian, netherland and belgium are all over represented by population in their achhievments
finland, sweden,cuckway,pooland,russia etc are all underrepresented shit holes.
>wew you're the only person in thread that knows what he's talking about.
I return the compliment. It's quite unusual to find a Canadian not cuckposting.
There's nothing retarded about what I am saying, it is actually common sense. Sup Forums has been brain washed by Jews into believing the Aryans weren't White but is in fact the same groups and areas the Jews descend from that are White.
Of course it makes no sense but that's Jews.
Nobody's denying that the IE were white (although they probably looked a bit more mongoloid, kind of like Finns).
wtf with is what my skull looks likes...
Also im 6'6
But the reason the modern Finns look Mongoloid is because of literal Mongoloid admixture. The base Finns which are Blonde Haired and Blue Eyed are quintessential White.
Also FUCK your 'scientific achievement shit'. Are you not bowing down to the Jews? If not, fuck off with that shit.
>The base Finns which are Blonde Haired and Blue Eyed are quintessential White.
What do you mean by "base finns"? The Sami? Lol.
>blabla muh kikes
Okay bud.
checked, also maps need to be big
girl I posted is better than the girl you posted, racially speaking of course.
You're really not helping the whole le american intellectual mayme shilled by yuropoors.
this white against white shitflinging is really getting old
This map shows migration routes of the different haplogroups.
Nobel prize is shitty.
is it
Yes and there used to be 7 foot tall ones running around but the Jews have mostly hidden that fact. Wanna bet they were blonde haired blue eyed? I would take that bet.
>The Sami?
No those are admixed. I mean the Finns who are not admixed. The Finn's have the highest percentage of blue eyes in the fucking world you kike.
jews have no scientific achievments apart from einstein
every other relevant discovery was white to its core. newton, faraday, tesla, davinci, darwin, galileo, aristotle, copernicus all house hold names, all western european
name 1 jewish scientist that isnt einstein whos name is a house hold name, you cant
jews are not smart
all whites have their claim to fame
it's nonwhites that are the problem
>implying ethnic turks arent white
end this meme please. most "turks" now are 50%+ arab, but actual turks are white skinned with slightly chinky eyes. some have blue eyes and some have blonde hair
Mongol pride world wide, Genghis Khan did nothing wrong.
According to my Dna test im I-m170, im Albanian/Greek Lebanese
king nigger won a laureate just for being a nigger president
Thank you I mean it is fucking obvious but you helping to prove my thesis.
Why do ur girls have such cute voices
>Most heavy clustering is around Massachusetts.
>the plurality of people in Massachusetts have Irish ancestry
>Irish people are r1b
scientific prizes only
Well I should say it's not good for quantifying societal achievement, it shouldn't be used to say a country like New Zealand is inherently better than let's say the United Kingdom when racially speaking they're on a very comparable level.
Also the guy that made that map (JayMan) is a Caribbean mongrel nigger.
The very act of comparing one European country to another, trying to see which is superior seems to be a folly, but again one that is too tempting not to look into.
If it must be done, it should only be done as a game of intrigue and it is smart to pull from many multiple metrics of measurement for relative successful in all the acts of civilization.
At the end of the day like you said all European peoples have had their own relative success. Non-Europeans/Non-Europids cannot say the same, except for maybe the Northeast Asian peoples, but they are a completely separate issue.