Is the word "Semite" just a meme?

Is the word "Semite" just a meme?

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If instead of having religious schools where they only study the Coran and the Hadiths they could earn more nobel prices.

It's almost like Jews decide who wins. Hmm...

It kinda is in the sense that ashkenazi jews are genetically european (for the most part).

Middle eastern jews (mizrahi) are actually quite stupid. Sephardi jews are somewhat like Sicilians.

I guess if they gave out awards for killing people indiscriminately, the muslims would do much better

The Jews who won those, were overwhelming Ashkenazis, i.e. not real Jews. They're mutant Slav-Khazarian hyrids. Real Jews are desert-dwelling sandniggers, who are equally as dumb as their Muslim counterparts. Without high-IQ Ashkenazis, Israel would be as shitty and poor as every country in that region.

Daily reminder that any academic award given after the wall fell is a fucking popularity contest. Same shit with postmodernism, you don't actually think anyone thinks it's impressive? It's literally about giving people who'd otherwise be ignored a chance at pretending they're intelligent.

Did you know jews had a reputation of LOW intelligence in 19th century England? You now understand everything. There is no Jewish high intelligence, they're just Mediterraneans with exactly the intelligence you'd expect from Mediterraneans that didn't mix with Turks and Arabs.

> votes hard right
> stupid

oh boy

> he says using (((google chrome))) on his (((smartphone))) before flicking back to (((Facebook)))

>> votes hard right
>> stupid
Pick two.

w what... So the Nobel Prizes are exactly the same as the Oscars!!!

who'd o thunk it

>pol is always right

So? Muslim Arabs are some of the most right-wing, ultra-conservative people on the planet? Are you gonna claim that they're not knuckle-dragging retards now? Think it through, Moshe.

Gee, I bet that the world chess championships are also part of Jewish conspiracy.

> muslim arabs
> right wing

Yeah, all those small government free market booming arab economies topkek

>if I own a business, I get to take credit for it.. right?
Besides, I don't believe Jews are low intelligence, just a lot overrated when you take into account their socioeconomic conditions.

It's exactly like when the Chinese government only tests Shanghai, Shengzheng and Hong Kong and decides that's representative of their entire country.

The "hard right" is usually not small government free market lovers you dumb kike.

Amazing what money can buy these days.

Most of the UK aren't real denizens of the isles but are instead disgusting Frankish-Germanic invader chimeras.

Source gives me a file not found page.


How many Jewish judges for the nobel prize compared to Muslim judges were there?

Yeah, because we all know that Saudi Arabia is TEEMING with publications in theoretical physics, and that the Saudi physics research department is one of the most advanced on earth. The ONLY reason these Saudi geniuses go unnoticed is discrimination.

> collectivist this salty

Australians have a reputation of low intelligence in 21st century America

most muslims are arabic, black, or SE asian. a small percentage are semitic.

outside of its use in linguistics, yes

t. triggered kike

Looks like I hit a nerve.

also I should add that nobel prizes are retarded.

peace prize winners have attacked other peace prize winners in war multiple times in the past. peace prize winners have also overseen genocide in africa and right now in myanmar. nobel prize is just propaganda garbage.

Still Indo-Europeans. Anglos are closer to Celts than Ashkenazis are to actual Jews.

That's economic warfare, over here the idea about Australians is that we have a lot of hidden geniuses that aren't being used or allowed at their full potential because it might "discourage" people.

But yeah, Americans want to believe Australians are dumb and can only do sport.

>ashkenazi jews

65% of ashzenazi levites are r1a

Even if this is the case, is it not fair to say that Ashkenazis, if they have any sort of identity, share a common culture and history with other Ashkenazi Jews and place their focus there without particularly caring about how their lineage literally traces back to the original Jews? They identify with the concept of "Ashkenazi Jew", which is a concrete thing, and it doesn't really make any difference to them how that bloodline evolved.

Of course there are exceptions for Ashkenazi Jews who actually observe Judaism, but for the secular/atheistic ones, it's not so much the "I'm a Jew" as the "I share a lot of characteristics with this European group that we refer to as the Ashkenazim".

Most people don't see the world in strict terms of genes, heritage, and blood-bound tribes. This is just Sup Forums projecting their ethno-nationalism onto what they perceive as an enemy which is just as ethnically tribalistic and antagonistic to them as they are to Jews. (Admittedly, hardliners in Israel would fall into this category, but most of them are religious/very religious so let's limit this to the secular or mostly-secular Ashkenazi Jews you typically find in the US.)

t. literal ashkenazi jew