so they're basically bavaria, right?
So they're basically bavaria, right?
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No, they are basically arabia.
Have you been to Red Vienna lately? Antifa stickers, niggers, sand gypsies, leftists everywhere and quickly islamizing.
Austria is lost, 500 years after Sobieski saved them they gave up willingly, what a fucking disgrace.
yes just like bavaria
Only the Tyrol is like Bavaria.
Vienna is literally the Los Angeles of Austria and is hated by everyone in the country
based af, Imams under ctrl. only need to ban minarets and burqaniqab.
we urgently need the same laws concerning Imams here. Schluchtenscheisser
Vienna is a problem:
Knapp ein Viertel aller Jugendlichen in Österreich hat einen Migrationshintergrund. Ein Blick in die österreichischen Schulen verrät auch, das 22 Prozent der rund 1,13 Millionen Schülerinnen und Schüler eine andere Muttersprache als Deutsch haben.
In Wien ist der Wert besonders hoch: Knapp die Hälfte aller Volksschüler hat eine nichtdeutsche Umgangssprache. In den Hauptschulen beträgt die Zahl der Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund sogar 70 Prozent.
Probleme am Arbeitsmarkt
Knapp ein Viertel aller Schulabbrecher haben keine deutsche Muttersprache. Nur drei Prozent ihrer Schulkollegen mit deutscher Muttersprache verlassen das Schulsystem ohne Pflichtschulabschluss.
Das Problem wirkt sich auch auf den Arbeitsmarkt aus. Im Jahr 2015 waren Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund doppelt so oft arbeitslos als Jugendliche ohne Migrationshintergrund.
Vienna is a problem
Vienna is a big problem
A fucking big problem.
Carinthia is pretty nice too
Anytime independent Austria comes up. Someone makes a joke that Vienna is too big of a city for the nation.
Is this true.
If so, lm here to make the joke.
Also the joke that the eurofighter couldnt make a turn without exiting the country.
I dont understand either of these
African Carp syndrome, described in
At least Turks are going down
naturalized, not neutralized
Just how different is the atmosphere between
Budapest and Prague are cool. Vienna is nice, especially the Leopold museum. not sure about Bratislava
They're slavic germans like the czechs are german slavs
I should experience them myself. I do however find it interesting how all 4 cities could be so different after that empire was forcefully split. Multiple times.
You do know German originates from Austria, its the equivalent of saying The English are European Americans
>meme flag insulting other countries
Fuck me
In seriousness, after they purge Vienna, they should unify with independant Bavaria
>german originates from austria
What kind of kool-aid are you drinking?
I only wanna get away from it tge longer I stay.
Because it we a multicultural meme empire and it also only split once
If ww1 wouldn't have destroyed the empire, a civil war would have
>Vienna is nice
How do you think I feel?
I live in this shithole, to be precise, I live in the 10th district which is 80% immigrants and since I'm young and don't make that much money yet I can't even move out this gay fucking city
Get used to yurop then, burger. Almost every single european country suffers from overcentralization. Even Greater London and Ile-de-France are grossly distorting the country around them.
Because the "empire" was only a fraction of the history of these cities. Most of them have been continously inhabited before roman times.,
>Is this true.
Very. It's practically a country unto itself.
Despite the cultural enrichment, I feel we have a better control of things than Paris and London. But of course we need to start acting now, hopefully with a right wing government next month.
If anything their celts who got raped by german tribes from the north.
Wew lad
I'm pretty sure they also take Eastern euros like Poles and Hungarians in that statistic. At least I hope.
>I feel we have a better control of things than Paris and London.
muhhh feelings.
I predict a Truck of Peace attack in Vienna in the next 12 months. You really think if they do it in Barcelona, Vienna, the most multicultural Muslim city in Central Europe won't get an attack?
>Wew lad
And it doesn't even include migrants of the 3rd gen and before. Vienna is about 70% migrants, around 20% Muslim.
Oldest German scripts were found in Slovenia and Germany
>tfw living in l.a. going to college in vienna soon
also can you guys explain how austrian politics work? all i know is vote for FPO when i go there.
Basically FPÖ were evil nazis and their ideas gruesome and very nazi like and not tolerated in our beautiful country
And now literally every fucking party copies their ideas and claims them as their own, (even the socialists) and the people fall for it
In college you will find mostly libtards and communists, like everywhere in the world.
The FPÖ is a little low energy this period, the center right will probably win. They want to protect our borders and force the EU to do the same on a bigger level.
How do you do my fellow Australians?