White people

1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.

3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.

4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.

7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the fuck they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.

8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.

9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.

10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for black and brown kids in need)

Other urls found in this thread:



"If any white person at your work... find out where they work"

0. Black people, give back my fucking bike. Then we'll talk.

white people, if you get diagnosed with an incurable fatal disease, burn down a ghetto or shoot up a welfare line

11. Explain to shitskins they're in a European society built by European people; why the fuck would we do anything for you on the basis of your ethnicity? This is admitting the klan and such were right all along: you are inferior to whites and thus unable to survive in a white society without most of the work being done for you by whites. As a white man i would be abducted, tortured, murdered and dumped in the street as an example in a lot of countries, here the worst that happens to foreigners is you get called names.
You just don't fucking get it; whites are better off because we earn it, baboons get free education and a better chance of employment through Affirmative Action and we STILL need to hold your fucking hand?

even urinocally shitposting this crap should get you shot in the back of the head

Note to self, don't post 1 minute after waking up.
Still fuck you OP

Beg more for the white mans help, i love it.

Black or brown people
how bout you all fuck off back to your own country and hound your own ancestors for gibs


Fuck you nigger

When I die, I'm leaving my guns to the black community so they can eradicate each other more efficiently.
You're welcome, niggers

1. Niggers, learn to read.
2. Niggers, wash your fucking hair.
3. Niggers, get a job.
4. Niggers, stop taking people's shit.
5. Niggers, stop blaming whites for shit.
6. Niggers, stop asking whites for shit.
7. Niggers, stop dealing drugs to whites.
8. Niggers, stop making music.
9. Niggers, stop shitting on America and Europe.
10. Niggers, get the fuck off our land.

Preamble: we, former kangz, would like to ask you, our betters, to grant us niggers the following wishes.

T. Sucked genie cock three times

I'm ready to chimp out, I think it's time for whites to take there land and blood rights back. Keep pushing your monkey logic. It's funny that Jews and shitskins think they can put smart a white with race mixing and stupid homos. I'm getting so done with the filth. Don't put your nigger shit on me. When whites leave these lands you shit skins and half breeds will fail. I will be happy to have a new home land to build and protecting my me now woman and children

1. youtu.be/aUjGAMluQ78

Traitors will hang

I'm curious on how much traction the woman who posted that shit in OP's post got.


Good idea,
I have like 5 bikes,
I could donate to black families!

>I had five bikes
> I thought they were stolen
> turns out I had donated them caus reparations and sheit