If THAAD and/or SM2,3 or 6 AEGIS-BMD are within range of the next Nork launch, and it being a very small country, it is likely at least one or two launchers ARE within range, why not shoot that fat little gook's toys out of the air? Not for any defensive purposes, but just to fucking humiliate him? It doesn't matter where they are going, just shoot them down and make it a policy to do so whenever possible. Better yet: pretend to make it a policy, watch the Norks look for edge-of range launch sites, let one slip by while pretending to shoot at it, then when he thinks he has a place to fire from, let him actually aim on too close to an ally and shoot it down, then nuke him.
I see no downsides to this. If we do it, we shut him the fuck up for a bit. If he 'zerks out, we crush the Norks forever and China loses its client country and puppet. Fuck this guy, let's shoot his shit down.
>shouldn't you mean can't? THAAD is a meme, it can only shoot down ~60% of targets in perfect conditions.
Aiden Taylor
They cant, it cant shoot down ICBMs.
Luke Diaz
Because despite all the rhetoric, military top brass isn't very confident it will actually work. A failed attempt at intercepting will be an embarrassment and change the leverage both sides have in this situation.
Anthony Walker
Why should they? US doesn't have to do anything more than tell you that NK is evil for you to push for globalism.
Josiah Ward
smarter idea would be to """successfully""" shoot down one of their (((own))) missiles
Andrew Stewart
this. cost of failure is too much in terms of $$$, morale and military image
Isaac Reed
pretty sure only SM3 is for BMD and i don't think worst korea have them, just the japs
Owen Price
THAAD so far, in its first iteration's TESTS, has shot down 60%. The refinements of late have moved it closer to 100%. So, you know... now the Japs are buying more of the latest block.
PROTIP: Midcourse BMD can handle actual ICBMs from Norks. Fat kid has been firing off IRBMs, SRBMs, etc. (well within THAAD and SM variant capabilities). I don't expect the USA to expose its full power level with ICBMs until more capabilities and stocks are in place (last 'official' count of MCD interceptors in the budget was 64, last public reporting in media was about 36).
I am not seeing arguments why not, I am seeing jelly bongs and roo shitposters. Nork missiles are not emus, Roo-bro. Fear not. And Bong, maybe you didn't know about MCD BMD, but now you do. There are other capabilities hinted at in the budget proposals. Those are available online.
Dylan Parker
SM6 and SM6ER have been cert'd for BMD (former limited to SRBMs), and the SM2ER is certified on certain platforms as well (with limited confidence except against SRBMs). But yes, SM3/ER/EC is the dedicated specialist at the moment. As to your point, Best Korea has recently upgraded AEGIS on its Sejong the Great class and already had SM6ERs. The SM3 is rumored to have been installed on at least 1, as well as the upgrades to allow the radar system to engage in BMD and AAI simultaneously.