*sips tea and waits for Sup Forums to try to refute this but they can't*
Nathaniel Wilson
Brayden Gonzalez
More like America FEDORA amirite?
Charles Miller
the shilling is off the charts today. Quality post OP 10/10
Gavin Phillips
who da fug is dis stumpy little man faced bitch?
Jack Murphy
More like Mexico Sombrero amirite?
Julian Watson
immigrants are what made this nation....??
implying two decades of 3rd world filth entering the country, made america.
Justin Wood
still illegal
Gavin Thomas
Tea is for faggots who don't work.
Real workers and contributed to society drink coffee.
Matthew Martin
LEGAL Immigrants*
Jason Long
Do these people seriously not understand the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration?
They always say that Trump is against immigration, and always seem to leave the "illegal" part out.