State your name cuz

State your name cuz

Juan... hey... mang.

Rainer Höss
no questions


Paco pedro juan

Massa will do fine

stomzy innit
rappin innit


Muhammad Abdulla Kaledasa


Backup dancer detected

Sage it

Sensible chuckle.jiffff


State your name, cuz
user, init
What we doing today?
shitposting, init
Yeah, fucking shitposting, init
Yeah fire in Sup Forums, let's go!

Couple anons called me a shitposter
Onstage at the HAPPENINGS, I'm a shitposter
If that makes me a shitposter
The user in your threads? Shitposter
The user in your generals? shitposter
user wanna chat about shitposting

Catalog everywhere I post
I don't respond to larp flag shows
Walk in the thread with all my guns
Thread hits bump limit everyone goes home

Embarrassing. You are reddi

Your reddit too

dips bog nog step

nate higgers

To anyone curious at to what this is, this is an attempt to make Sup Forums accept black culture by these pseudo-progressives.

Accepting black culture is impossible, as the very reason for black culture is to instate a system of self esteem contradictory to our meritocracy. This will cause a collapse to any safe society that accepts it.

tell my man shut up


Fire in the park

Le'monjello Al-Berlini, Formerly of Sudan.

Thanks for the new home and free money white people!

I wrote this myself you son of a fat whore

It's probably best you stop paying attention to all mainstream news. I've gone pretty deep down and most of it in the mainstream is staged to make you fearful or angry which will make you hateful. If you think all of this aggressiveness and aggravation is something that should be apart of your life, you have been programmed to that. We are not going to make it if we fall into the political traps. They are going to try and honeypot or honeydick you, but just keep enjoying what you enjoy and don't feed it. They are trying to troll us and make us their angry sheep. Make yourself happy and you will fight their system.



>Ben "empty my mind on the welfare line" Garrison

Fucking phone posters