American House Prices

Australia is in the grips of one of the worst housing bubbles in history (most houses in Melbourne/Sydney 1million+)

and Americans can literally buy 2 bedrooms houses for less than $13,000 - fuck it, I'm on the next plane over.

Other urls found in this thread:,-98.496122,29.480626,-98.672934_rect/12_zm/

I'm glad your house prices are so high because now I'm a millionaire, thanks mate

Gary Indiana if full of niggers. Notice the police tape on the house.

Welcome to beautiful Gary Indiana. Birth place to Michael Jackson and the graveyard of American industry.

i bought my house in rural new york for 125k. enough land to farm and shoot guns.

never been happier

you are going to love it in Gary

>Gary Indiana

go for it mate.
can't wait to see you on liveleak.

>cheap houses

Yeah if you want to be in the worst ghetto in the country

Why is this so hard for Europeans to understand?


It's in niggatown.