Young german letf-wing politician ask on facebook for anti-german movie suggestions

>young german letf-wing politician ask on facebook for anti-german movie suggestions
>preferably ones with german people dying in it
>someone screencaps it
>gets shit storm
>gets rape and death threats
>cries on telephone interview about it
>"only right-wing and nazis threatens her"
>it was all a dumb joke
>people didn't get it was satirical
>gets removed from the electoral list

but at least she has some tits
use google-translate, I'm too stupid to link it

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poor girl says she just used the wrong words....

before you go all "nice tits wan fuk" remember she's a container-vegan.

Of course it was satirical. Ignore all my other (((opinions))) over the years.

Joke's on her, I've got AIDS.

>rape and death threats are fine if right wingers do it
That's an Achmed way of thinking.

If she wants to troll, let her get called out for being a dumb cunt, don't need more than that.

So....did she get any good suggestions?

a what?