Stop watching porn

Stop watching porn

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Tried. Too hard.


I can fap to my imagination

Literally just fapped

I'm trying but I can't, any advice?

I will just masturbate to other things if I don't watch porn.

The longer I go without masturbating the more deviant the shit gets.

You ever got wood from a cat food commercial with no people in it?

I ounce got wood to my brick wall

Masturbation at a reasonable rate is fine, porn is what causes problems.

>You ever got wood from a cat food commercial with no people in it?

Random erections are normal among healthy men without fucked up reward centers and early onset ED.


Fuck off!!!

"Stop watching Porn" is a plot orchestrated by the Feminists to pussify the western male and to make them completely dependent on women.

too late just fapped

stop being a pagan larper

For real, that ass

Who is this semen demon?

Varg didn't age too well. he's in his mid 40's but looks late 50's.


Pic saved for future "research"...

Stop watching porn. Stop fapping. Become a man again. Your hair will come back

So Erectile Dysfunction stems from too much porn...

hey Varg, hows about you stop LARPing as some survivalist when youre really just a poor fag getting gibsmedats from the French government while you make youtube videos about your utopia of tribal bands.

Alright so, porn fucks with your brain wiring yadda yadda, but can I look at pictures of naked women? Do I switch to 2D?