Pick one
My choice would be literal retards, good bye Americans
Pick one
My choice would be literal retards, good bye Americans
Isn't having a button for libertarians and one for literal retards redundant?
gentlemen, the state of Sup Forums.
russians and swedes
Anybody sane would pick the literal retards. It would be more of a service to the future of humanity than any of the others. Ideology is fluid and can change meanwhile if you got rid of retards it would almost wipe some of those genes from the human species.
No atheists = no communists
Societalwise, if we removed all atheists it would be an impossibility for people to be indoctrinated by cultural marxism and degenerancy, I'd probably pick atheists for the good of all
> only pick 2
> Pick one
> Literal retards
Goodbye OP
But the middle and the right are the same ones
Literal retards would take care of 1&2. And pretty brazen words for a Leaf, the nation notorious for unironically posting the dumbest shit on Sup Forums. You have have the combined IQ of 1 "literal retard". You elected an embarrassment.