Why do people freak out so much about seeing girls in headscarves?

Why do people freak out so much about seeing girls in headscarves?

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muslims are bad so everything muslims do must be bad also. its low IQ thinking

some people get more frightened than others when they see stuff that is foreign to their experience and culture

because they shouldnt have to, but do because their family and friends will ex-communicate them which is fucked up

you know it's true

Fug that video is cute

It's an alien culture.

They're storing bombs in there, somewhere...

it's not freaking out, it's disgust for subhumans

It's signalling people that they have NO INTENTION OF ASSIMILATING

Please tell me this is from a porno

It should garner the same reaction as wearing a Swastika or KKK hood
It is a symbol of HATE


Because on 95% of the cases it is not their choice, even if they think and say it is.

Islam is shitty religion and cultures bound to it try to make female cover themselves and not look pretty, even god made them just to look pretty.

It's like women has only one job and muslims want to take even that away.

not necessarily, it could be a sign that their family will give them a tough time if they don't wear a headscarf.

there are definitely girls wearing hijab who would hook up with or date a non-muslim if the right circumstances fell into place.

It's important for us as europeans to help muslims assimilate by fucking their women at a greater rate than they fuck our women.
When they fuck our women, our population gets more islamic, when we fuck their women, their population becomes absorbed by us.

It's our duty to help muslims assimilate by fucking their women and showing them the superiority of western culture so that islam will become diluted and there will be fewer durka durkas blowing themselves up.

Remember to fuck muslim cuties.
Even better if you manage to turn a genuine muslim girl who hasn't done anything with a guy before.

It represents a culturally invasive force. I respect it to a degree as a religious or culturally conservative element of their own.

Reminder: that girl wants you and your white family DEAD

There's nothing inherently wrong with the scarves. I actually like women wearing scarves if they're married, like proper Christians should. Only unmarried girls should let their hair flow. The real problem with scarves is that it has become the uniform of a Muslim. And I really don't like Muslims.

Check out the brains on this europeean

They're just going to throw acid in her face, rape your niece, and have you cut them a check for your islamophobia.

Only way to deal with these people is to kill all the men and convert the women by forcefully dicking them. We had this shit figured out a thousand years ago but we let kikes and niggers sow doubt in our minds about the righteousness of our cause. Now you live in a country where even acknowledging this fundamental truth will land you in a prison where you'll be murdered by savages as your white brethren sip tea and watch football.

hahahaha typical EUROcucks

Brits...Swedes...Germans...all Euros are cucks.
Me and my based black gf are expecting another child soon, meanwhile you guys will be blown to bits by Ay-rabs. hahahaha

I can own a gun if I want to because I live in the BASED USA, meanwhile you can't even own knives hahahaha

I don't trust ninjas

It's a symbol of intolerance and backwards ass ideology. It also falls under the same democratic umbrella as 3rd wave feminism, so it shows what absolute hypocrites and idiots the left are.

She probably just wants to lez out with her strong friend

>It's a symbol of intolerance
That's a really fucking stupid argument.

I was fucking an Iranian muslim girl from my uni on the downlow. She liked being choked with her hijab while I hit it from the back.

I don't want them to assimilate. I want them to leave.

I feel the same way about ALL groups that have NO intention of ever assimilating to MY culture when they live in MY fucking country.
>Hasidic Jews
These other groups are just annoying as fuck. With muslims I can also look forward to the eventual jihad and violence. The scarf is a reminder that someday I will have to kill that person to protect my country and family from this hostile invading force.

Well, now that you put it that way.
WTF now I love Muslims

It's fucking rude.

When you walk indoors you take your hat off and you uncover your face. It's a sign of respect and decency to the other people around you. It shows that you don't hold yourself in a higher regard, that you're not stuck up, that you're not ashamed to show your faced among others.

When I see these young girls dolled up with makeup but with a scarf covering most of their head I just think they're stuck up cunts. Funnily enough most of the ones I've interacted with have had a 'holier-than-thou' thing going on. They're too good to reveal themselves in public. Too good for our laws and customs. It's just another way of saying 'fuck you' to our culture and our way of life.

>muh women
Who fucking cares. Muslims are bad because they're foreign invaders not because they have """""backwards""""" views. Theyre fucking right when they complain about western modernity desu.

Seriously. These fucking the_donald tier arguments are just trying to be more liberal than the liberals.


>It's just another way of saying 'fuck you' to our culture and our way of life
That's no reason to hate them. They should be saying 'fuck you' to a culture which isn't and shouldn't be theirs.

>They should be saying 'fuck you' to a culture which isn't and shouldn't be theirs.

In reality they should not be bestowed citizenship then as it leads to serve social unrest, but this "democracy" experiment the west has going on for 70+ year refuses and buries any modicum of common sense and self-preservation.

>shouldn't be theirs

If their intention is to stay here then absolutely fucking yes it should be theirs.
It's absolutely a reason to hate them. Their families have been taken in with open arms, given no end of benefits and support and they still have the audacity to spit on our culture and country as if they're better than it. They mock our values and our tolerance, openly, all the while leaning of us for support and shelter from their own barbaric culture.

That's outrageous. They're loathsome fucking parasitical cunts who take with one hand and give you the finger with the other.
Headscarves of all kinds should be banned, especially indoors in public spaces. You arrive on these shores and you renounce the barbarism that turned your country of origin into such a cesspit or you turn around and fuck right off back there.

Democracy with unlimited franchise plus open borders is a recipe for anarcho-tyranny.

Monarchy is preferable.

>If their intention is to stay here
They need to leave our counties.

Because it's fucking ugly and you should be conforming to our standards. Why is that so hard for you cucks to get

verily as history has shown

bend the knee to your lizard overlords


The options are limit the franchise and have democracy or have a monarchy. Anything else leads to chaos.

>That's no reason to hate them

get the fuck out

It's not freaking out its disgust

Of course, they shouldn't be here in the first place. They are and in number though and integration is a complete meme in regards to anything but small, personal cases. Even the fucking Irish aren't properly integrated, and to the extent they have English culture has changed in accord. Anyone who thinks we can integrate, and without degradation, millions of people who are religiously, ethnically and racially far more different than the Milesians were and are is a fucking buffoon. In the past almost everyone across the breadth of the political spectrum from aristocracy to bloody Engels would see this to be true.

Where there is smoke there is fire.

only speaking for myself here, but I hate it because its really contrived and it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, but I think most are just too polite to say anything.

Its pretty obvious these women are only wearing them because they are currently fashionable AND they give them a coveted "IM AN OPPRESSED MINORITY! I HAVE MORE SOCIAL CLOUT!" status. None of these girls are religious at all. I would be willing to bet most of them were typical american teenagers growing up, then decided to start wearing this shit after they found out their great grandpa was from Lebanon and after being brainwashined in school how oppressed muslims are. I know they are only doing it for fashion because they are young good looking girls who are clearly accessorizing this shit with their outfit. I would take them more seriously if they dressed like an actual religious weirdo and didnt spend their weekends getting fucked up and partying.

Well said Nige.

Its a bit overwhelming going to a tech school in the U.S. and being surrounded by hoards of headscarves and brown men. It's not that it freaks me out, but it symbolizes the invasion which angers me. These fucks are taking our children's futures from under their feet- politicians will be held accountable by the mob.

Muslims are dangerous. Clothes that scream 'I AM A MUSLIM' thus marks you as dangerous. Pretty simple logic, Mohammad.

Gtfo shitskin whore, go home.

Also, you are disgusting and it marks you as disgusting from a long way off.

As a male feminist, I am appalled by the thousands of years of Islamic oppression represented by those "headscarves" and I can't believe some societies are so primitive that it's still going on to this day. We need to wipe Islam off the face of the earth.

>if their intention is to stay here then absolutely fucking yes it should be theirs.
Enjoy the degradation of your culture then. Assimilation doesn't occur, the host culture has to shift to accommodate them no matter how insistent and authoritarian you are in insisting that they do so.

boston bomber mom

You don't understand the subtlety of my point. I'm not saying you can't hate them. I'm saying you can't hate them for favouring and preserving what is theirs. I would prefer they weren't here at all in any number and thus this internal conflict wouldn't have occurred. I despise the people who created the scenario more than anyone.

"they" are propped up and given power by bureaucrats, they do not have the backing of the population to what they do

This type of political over-reach always ends in one way, a major shift in how politics is conducted, and internal turmoil via blood or tears.

did she die?


tfw no arranged qt muslima wife

I think we should give sharia law a chance guys

Damn what a qt

How tolerant are muslim countries again? Oh right they throw fags off buildings, beat their wives, and literally kill anyone who leaves their cult. Are you really arguing that islam is tolerant right now? Stick around for a day and unfuck yourself faggot. Their religion is intolerant as fuck, in direct conflict with western civilization, and that head rag is a symbol of their religion.

They're bad because they're invaders, they're also bad because of their women bullshit and 1,000 other things wrong with these people. Just because one is true doesn't mean the other bad shit isn't also true you fucking mong. Jfc you euros are stupid as all hell.

Headscarves are their way of saying , HAHAHA YOU CANT OPPRESS ME ILL DO WHATEVER I WANT. I mean just look at the webm , she is wearing skin tight jeans , it completely contradicts the whole idea of wearing a headscarf in the first place. If you let them wear it their numbers will go up so fast that in 10 years you will see headscarves everywhere.
Implying you know anything about muslims or islam. Go be self righteous elsewhere you insuffurable cuck.

Don't ever go on holiday to the Peak District.
Took me a week to get over the disappointment.

it's an insular community that will never assimilate with the larger native community due to core beliefs. a muslim woman cannot marry a non-muslim man. it's a one way street that refuses integration and forces assimilation into the fringe group, just as halal meat and other practices secure sectors of society as muslim controlled.

I was fully expecting him hitting her. Kinda disappointed.

They'll try to convert you into Islam retard

This. It's like voluntarily feeding your own parasite.


>a muslim women cannot marry a non-muslim man
why are you teasing?


What point are you even making? I agree. Im just saying i don't blame them for nor wanting to assimilate to a foreign culture you dumb fucking burger

I couldn't give a shit what coloreds wear. But when it's a White woman using an American flag to get on her race traitor knees for mudslime filth, I think that whore deserves to hang.

idiot. you're the same fag that keeps shitposting about world Hunger. how about you stop flying the European flag and start showing that Bosnia and Herzegovina flag?

Why do muslims freak out so much about seeing girls not in headscarves?

Did she die?

Idk bro, maybe it's a man and I'aint like gay n shiet.

This actually makes me more upset than videos of human violence, at least you know the humans probably did something to deserve it

Because it's true, unless they're completely disregarding the tenets of the religion.

A buddy of mine married a secret apostate muslim girl, and still had to convert to keep up appearances for her family

>Why do muslims freak out
More like go into a rape frenzy.

they are xenophobes towards western values, they have to show off, like gangs colors

It threatens Western values.

when the proponents of an ideology which seeks to subvert and destroy the native identities in favour of a barbaric cult devised by a fraud in the name of a false god openly display their commitment to said ideology, only a feeble and emasculated race would not sense any threat

islam is an r-Type DEATH CULT; refer to Conan The Barbarian for details

Because Islam and all that goes along with it have no place in western civilization.

Based Pajeet gets it

I'm constantly caught between the notion of respecting one's religious beliefs and telling them it's a retarded beauty shaming tactic invented by a ego driven confused male.