Even when you think you've won, you lost

Even when you think you've won, you lost.


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wow hes done now he's impeached it's over RIP durmple turp there's no way he's getting reelected after this theres no w

I didn't vote for a Republican.
I voted for Donald Trump.
I would've voted for him if he ran as an Independent.

why does it matter now? he's already president who are they trying to trick


You seriously think that YOU choose whether someone becomes President or not? It's all chosen Donald Trump won't do shit about the problems because he is a puppet just like Hillary. Fuck off with the "Donald Trump MAGA" shit.

Witnessed. What if we archive that

Donald Trump doesn't have any firm ideologies or beliefs, he just adopts whatever benefits him in the moment at any one given time.


Paul Ryan and mitch have been playing this point scoring game against him so he just got back at them by showing he does not need them. This also shows them to be worthless to the base. Dispite all the approval ratings meme Trump has higher approval then anyone on that couch.
