Vatican 2 is the worst thing to happen to the western civilisation.
Vatican 2 is the worst thing to happen to the western civilisation.
How is that possible when Marxism exists?
Vatican II was the Catholic Church's attempt to kiss as much Jewish ass as possible after being involved in support of Fascist governments in WWII and prior to this.
But the problems of Roman Catholicism are deeper than Vatican II.
nah, germany is worse
roman heresy is the worst. Vatican 2 is just a further cuckening. they literally were lobbied by jews to change their dogma and prayers about calling jews Christ-killers. does that sound like a church to you? or a disgusting government? If Roman Catholicism is real how can their thoughts and worship be affected by jewish lobbyists? lol...
Roman Catholicism is qualified as such because Catholicism existed before in the one true church. The eastern orthodox is the only true christian church.
Christianity was the worst. It was created by the Romans to pacify the slaves. You only have to look at the animals of nature to see what God really believes in: Eternal conflict. There are no slaves in nature.
Because Vatican II is Marxism.
The Jews killed Jesus. It doesn't matter if you are a believer or not. That's how the story goes. Turn the other cheek, do unto others yada yada they literally killed Jesus Christ. You don't have to act all pissed off 2000 years later but that's an important fact that is ignored. Jesus was killed by Jews
Jesuits...we need pitchfork mobs
Vatican II was merely the triumph of modernism in the Church which evolved out of Protestantism.
It was the culmination of a long revolution.