Best of Owen "Make The Sloots Cry" Shroywer

No one has gone out and faced as much degeneracy as Owen has:

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Is this the 'Hillary hologram' guy? What a fucking retard, even his film crew should have known that it was just background zoom due to the camera.

i honestly feel so bad for all of those americans that died for their country

such a waste

>the 'Hillary hologram' guy

He did a report on one of the US election rallies claiming that Hildabeast was a hologram.

Eurocucks apparently don't know what humor is

>you like kissing ugly women?
I died

kek, got a source? Haven't seen much of Owen getting into Jones tier conspiracies. He could have been joking. Infowars does a lot of satire that gets reported as their real opinions.

He's shit at debating, "who can yell the loudest" is not an argument

>Holory Clinton