>using a google chrome derivative like chromium or brave or vivaldi
>not using the blazing vulpes

explain yourself? Why do you willingly use a google botnet

Other urls found in this thread: privacy browser&cad=h

firefox just fucked up half my addons while transferring to that chrome-wannabe addon system.

I still use it though.

Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora.

Help make mass surveillance of entire populations uneconomical! We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.

I've been using firefox since 05 and never switched. It's perfect in all ways.
Vivaldi and browsers like that might look flashy but you can't go wrong with the old fox.
I can't see how people use regular chrome, though. It looks and feels like shit. And they censor their addon store, too. Plus, they send your data to jewgle.

firefox? kek

We need a new broswer. Tried Brave but it has convoluted addon & extension support.

What is a good name for Sup Forums browser?

I have been using Qwant search engine for the past month or so. Pretty good. I haven't noticed any difference in quality of search results.

FF CEO was forced to resign for not supporting gay marriage.

fucksakes... I thought brave was good? After all the degoogling hreads and everyone saying brave is good and fast, I downloaded it and am using it . So youre telling me it's shit?

fuck off from Sup Forums