Self country hate thread

Post ITT if you hate your own country

>fat, inbred, ugly, mentally retarded people
>soulless drones who only live for money
>56% white
>Jewry up the ass
>white nationalists, national socialists, antisemites and racists are treated like the scum of the earth
>country is just one big Jew owned shopping mall where greed and money are the only things that matter
>materialism is what the population values
>blind obedience, being a retard and kissing jew ass is a virtue
>population is blue pilled beyond repair
>divided left wing, right wing, yet people are too stupid to see that they're being jewed both sides
>Our capital city is Israel's playground
>President swallows 100 gallons of Jew semen a day
>get circumcised because dr. shekel berg said so
>get shot
>major cities are 3rd world tier, nigger warzones
>consumerist zombies who eat, work, sleep, repeat
>be hated by everyone to the point that even your own allies don't like you
>have a stereotype of being fat, loud, obnoxious
>everyone believes that this shithole is the greatest country in the world
>makes Weimar Germany look like a god fearing country
>retarded religious zealots and Christians who belies Jesus will solve all their problems
>our food is shit, beer, cars, architecture, sports etc
>our women are hideous
>helping to destroy Europe with Syrian refugees
>Destroyed Germany twice despite having no good reason to
>Everyone blindly worships the troops as if they're freedom fighters
>destroying the middle east for Israel
>water has flouride in it, food is poisoned with GMOs and corn syrup
>education system makes children dumb
>no social safety net (unless you're a nigger or spic)
>our healthcare is shit
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world tier rail service & public transit
>get into denbt for college
>nationalism is civic
>patriotism is rooting for Jewish wars
>no culture, history or heritage

Plz nuke

Other urls found in this thread:

There's no point in saying 56% white when the country is highly segregated

You missed somthing
>shart in the mart

We the ethnic Russians are like 50-60% of the population

diversity shilling

open borders with china and central asia

sexual degeneracy and drug abuse


anti-White anti-Northern state propaganda

But u got hot women so it is ok

>not fat, ugly, mentally retarded people
> even after 67 years of independence more than 50% of population lives in poverty
>no jews or white nationalists
>population is topkek
>stereotyped as stinky curry niggers
>99.9 % of population unironically believes it will be a superpower in 2020
>worship cows and women are treated as shit
>no toilets, even if there's one, they would still opt designated streets
> has more mobile phones than toilets
>can't even post anything on Sup Forums without being called "poo in loo" unless you use a vpn or hide your flag

>live somewhere else
>get arrested for this post

Doesn't help when it's degenerate genocidal shithole

So go out and do something about it, you sniveling little cocksucker.

bong checking in