Let's have a Lauren Southern thread!

Let's have a Lauren Southern thread!

Stop embarrassing our country and kill yourself, preferably take your proxy off first

Joking aside.

I've been practicing MMA for 6 years now, along with box for 7 years, I think I could.

As well as bodybuilding for 4 years, 1.87m for 86kg.

The speed I'm granted is mad, and so are my reflexes. I'd just have to wait for him to rush towards me and throw good punches right at his head. I'd not let him go, any mistake and the gorilla's done for. There'll always be virgins here thinking that it's impossible. Nothing is impossible with willpower to begin with, my friends. And secondly, you're not gonna do anything with the cowardly-shaped bodies you've got.

Any barely trained man can defeat a gorilla with a knife. With bare hands, it's not necessarily more complicated, all it requires is technique.

Will all of that matter when I shoot you with a gun?


See faggot, don't fuck with us:

Triplets confirm

Will all of that matter when I shoot you without a gun?


>when "The Rebel Media" fires their only asset so they have to pay for a lookalike to get plastic surgery to look more like Lauren Southern

stop posting this ugly fucking thot. I swear to god, she's such a fucking loser whose job is to parrot what she reads from Sup Forums.