You are your ancestors

How intristic is the idea that you are literally your parents and their parents?

Is it an idea embedded in human nature? It's bizarre that it's not only common in the 2017 political landscape but that it's more common in the leftist narrative than the conservative narrative.
>YOU need to pay reparations
>YOU killed the natives
>YOU did the Holocaust

How much truth is there in the idea?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you benefit directly from their actions

Well at least I AM my ancestors cause they all have been Polish

as opposed to American mutts 1/34 Scottish 2/42 Nigerian 44/68 Cheerokee

>a person should behave exactly as their ancestors did
Welp then nigger, you better find yourself a white master and start picking cotton.

>You are your ancestors
Shieeet Finns were enslaved by the Russians, where's muh reparations Ivan and Sergei?

Let's just take everybodys lineage as far back as we can and just admit every last one of us is a rampaging, raping, conquering, enslaving heathen.

That way we can all be equal and hold hands.

>Yeah and I'd do it again


If we are our ancestors, does that mean blacks are still barbarians who would sell out their own to obtain temporary profit?

and the blacks demanding gibs don't benefit from my ancestors work?

Legacy is important.
We are to a very great extent what our ancestors were, but a continuation of their lives. I believe the concept of legacy is built into us, otherwise why would we care for our children and want to life a good life in order to make theirs better.

That said, punishment for crimes should only be held to the person responsible. Anything more is a breach of justice.

Further, my ancestors didn't own slaves, kill natives, or take part in the holocaust so fuck you either way.

he's admitting unchecked immigration leads to destruction
Lmfao libs are retarded

niggers a fucking racist, assumes all white people were original colonial settlers.

so this black guy is admitting that immigrants coming in illegally are fucking invaders? That's progress

>thinks you can be racist to a people who have a certain skin color that happens to be lighter than most others

>why not your ancestors did it

my “ancestors” colonized america and actually made it a civilization instead of a bunch of brown fuckers with feathers on their head running around stabbing eachother and have savage tribe wars

The conquerors are the ones who demand reparations not the defeated. The defeted have no claim on what was taken bacause they could not prevent it from being taken. Its like your mother should have taught you: if you aren't going to take care of something then you don't deserve to have it at all.


He isn't wrong, I think next Canadian election I am going to buy a snowmobile sneak into their country and vote in their elections.

What's weird though is that legacy and tradition have always been conservative principles. Liberals don't actually believe in this until it fits their message.

with that logic most people don't deserve to exist including your fatass mom

Her ancestors also lynched black people.
Maybe the nigger wants us to return to those times.

We should let blacks directly suffer for their actions of selling other blacks.

Couldn't the Americans of allied with the native Indians? Give them resources and shit?

Whoa cool dude! Your ancestors must have been super ambitious and adventurous to want to stay in the same place for 1,000's of years XDDDD

Concerning the picture, actually the nigger is wrong.
Her ancestor didn't walk into another country and started asking for free stuff.
They barged into a lawless continent and took it by force, by systematically killing off its indigenous population.
There is a bit of difference on how the European immigrants built America and what modern day immigrants are doing.

This a very non-White mentality. Note how Arabs talk about American soldiers being "Crusaders". I've heard blacks say Confederate statues "remind them" of "abuse" as if anyone alive today remembers Jim Crow.

Yes the idea of reparations is dumb.
If they insist on it just bring up their ancestor's likely barbaric past, though.
If they say you don't know what their ancestors did, say the same for them.

>teehee white ppl wuz kangz n shit
>we made all inventions n we rule da world
>yes because i am white i now belong to the elite club of kangery n sht
>wtf slavery? genocide? i didnt have anything to do with it. its muh papi. you expect me to pay for the sins of muh father?
>wahh white genocide

pol in a couple of sentences.

It's literally a flat plain that's been crisscrossed by dozens of empires for millenia. Please don't pull the "purity" card.

Our ancestors didn't do any of that shit tho. They took it by force and established dominance.

Every race did slavery at some point.
Whites ended it.

Lmao our ancestors came as conquerors, the natives couldnt defend their land so they didnt deserve to keep it end of story. Third world trash from Mexico isnt entitled to shit in the US. If we find you you will be deported shitskin

They don't

Libs worship being submissive and see victims as heroes. It's why "cuck" is such a sticking insult.

The Unabomber laid it out brilliantly. See section "The Psychology Of Modern Leftism":

>demand free stuff
like what?
the natives had nothing to give

>haha stupid fucking palefaces offered me all this cool shit
>wow what did they want in return
>the "land", apparently, like they're going to box up the dirt and trees and stick it on their boat lmao
>hold on a sec one of those palefaces is shouting at me

>okay well, he was standing on my bed and i told him to get off, it's my bed. He applied the same logic to the land we sold. I have some bad news, guys

>why not your ancestors did it?

By this logic, slavery should be okay as well.

>assblasted brown people who pretend there's no difference between being a beggar and a conqueror.

the mechanical combine closed that particular window of opportunity

better just catch HIV and become a cannibal at this point

>le amerucans were immigrants meme
Fucking retarded nigger. We were settlers. We build this nation from scratch. We didn't demand jack shit from the indians, we created it all on our own.
I'm not going to be ashamed that my ancestors were capable and successful

My ancestors came in and fucked up the feather-niggers to take their land. Conquering a lesser people is not the same as waltzing into the lands of your superiors and demanding gibs.

>you are responsible for the crimes of your ancestors or people who look like you

If that's the case, we shouldn't let in a single immigrant.
And you should kill all your non-white neighbors.
Obviously those past wars and wrongs are just as relevant today.

>demand free shit

pretty sure they didnt walk into a welfare state and demand gibs

Everybody's ancestors killed to get where they were at. The native americans killed the original inhabitants. The Maori were killing and eating their competitors into the modern era alongside white people.

>Libs worship being submissive and see victims as heroes.

You're wrong, as discussed above. Liberals can find zero flaws with arabs enslaving blacks. They can't choose a side in the Chinese - Korean - Japanese eternal conflict. They don't know if they want to blame the Hutu or Tutsi, or if it's South or North Sudan that's the bad guy.

This is because the entire victimhood narrative is a joke. It's a smokescreen for a much simpler principle: white people = bad. Less white people = good. It's that simple, and applies to all their positions.

What you think are contradictions will not be, once you see this truth. They won't even entertain more complexity. Ask them if jews and asians are oppressed or oppressors. It will be hemmed and hewed around until they can find a way to restate that all white people are bad.

>tfw no slaveowning ancestors to be proud of

ungrateful american pigs.

Thanks for revealing what a retarded faggot leafs are. You blame whites for things that happened before we were born yet refuse to thank us for building nations that scum like you can't. Can you tell me why nobody is racist against the Turks when they had a bigger role in the slave trade and have committed a genocide of their own? By any chance does this not happen because they're not white and therefore cunts like you don't mention it? Can you explain why whites are he only race who have to pay for bad things their ancestors did? Can you explain why appreciating your ancestors achievements and recognising that people of the same ethnic groups create the same societies has anything to do with being blamed for things that happened years before you were born? Of course not, just another retarded liberal leaf cunt with an inability to think rationally

Because my ancestors came here in the 1600s and fucking built their own community from the land

They didnt just ask shit for free, they worked for it with blood and sweat.

My family came to the US, legally, after 1900. So. Now what?

I have no problem with giving Mexicans the same option white settlers did.

We're on this land. If you can invade, kill us and take it you can have it.

Good luck, I'm standing behind ten machine guns.

My ancestors didn't do shit to anyone else. They were being persecuted in Germany back in the 1800s (not jews) so they immigrated LEGALLY to Canada to start a new life. The only thing they benifited from was the willingness of Canada to give them a shot at a better existence. They worked hard, integrated and contributed to their new home county and weren't entitled shits like some groups I could mention.

My ancestors took this land by force. Is the nigger suggesting the White man take up arms against the colored invading trash? Because I'm in complete support of that.

And your ancestors enslaved and sold you to us...what's your point, nigger?

The argument could also be made that if africans were able to fight then their stupid asses would have never ended up on boats to America.
>niggers can't into law of conquest

I've brought up this point multiple times in online discussion on kikebook and jewtube.

EVERY single time a White guy starts saying "we" in relation to anything positive it's the standard response of "lol what did YOU contribute to the space race or the human genome project huh?"

When it comes to "slaughtering" "natives" or "white privilege institutions" all Whites are culpable.

Point out this hypocrisy and they always then disappear from the conversation. I wish someone could pin down a lib like at those Politicon debates on this specific issue.