German Culture

>Blue Eyed
>Takes the greatest invention known to man, the modern toilet, and adds a fucking shit-inspection ledge to the toilet so not only does every krauthaus smell like shit, but so they can inspect the feces and even take notes in a fecal log book

What the fuck Krauts?

Other urls found in this thread:

pic says its to check for worms n shit

enjoy your ass worms faggot

>shit ledge to stop toilet water splashing your balls

german engineering at it's finest

I've shat in such a toilet. It's very comfortable, no water splashes on your ass. 9/10 would shit again.

>greatest invention known to man
>modern toilet

Nice proxy, pajeet


Except if you have diarrhea, then it just sprays back up at you.

I don't have a ledge on my toilet but I have pooped in a lot of friends houses that do

I am American living here since April

>Germans don't like their butts getting splashed by dirty water and urine while dropping a shit.
>Leaf: Hurr Durr inspecting ledge
Gas yourself

i thougt thats there so my fat log doesnt SPLASH