Hollywood hates asian men

>Already, Sony’s adaptation of Michael Lewis’ 2014 best-seller Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt is effectively dead because it no longer would be the default to cast real-life protagonist Bradley Katsuyama with a white actor. “A decade ago they would have just done that,” Lewis said Sept. 2 at the National Book Festival. “There were emails back and forth about how impossible it was to make a movie with an Asian lead.”

Why do Jews hate asian men so much?


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We can't act. Shit I can barely hold a steady conversation with a hot white woman without dropping my spaghetti.

Cast the guy from the walking dead lol

What. Go watch some Asian cinema idiot

Have you heard Asian men talking in English in Asian cinema?

>same as other asians
Hollywood is literally bought out by chinks (who are peas in a pos with kikes) you retarded nigger. Where the fuck have you been?

Asians are terrible actors. Have you seen Gran Torino? They're all like that. Now fuck off we don't want your "diversity." How about you try making Asian movies in Asia?

You know ignoring the Jews fear the samurai meme, I always thought Asians were a very bad match up for them. Like Jews can easily control the goyim but Asians see right through them.

I mean we see tech firms like Google and Facebook fail to make a dent in China. Hollywood has to alter the film's to appeal. Jews are getting their asses kicked in the real estate market etc etc.

Can't someone explain this?

There's the guy from walking dead and maybe Godfrey Gao but I haven't seen his one movie that was in theaters about him having super powers.

Then there's Jet Li and Jackie and maybe Ungbok the kick boxer but they don't talk much.

Oh there was Ninja Assassin with Rain but his English is pretty poor.

Hollywood wants to cast actors that will bring on the revenue, if there was an Asian actor with that capability why wouldn't they cast him?

I wonder if asian men will prosper in hollywood when it's controlled by muslims...


Maybe because the asians(especially the japanese), are the only people in the world that aren't cuckholders and keep their nationalism to all costs.

If you want a Hollywood block buster with an Asian actor, just cast Rain again with a white male co-star kicking butt.

The white actor can date the Asian guy's sister and vice versa, their sisters both get kidnapped by the Crips for backpage prostitution (hood napped).

God I hate east Asians, they actually think they're on par. If not better than whites

Asian cinema is awful lmao
They all overact and keep a story going without having everyone screaming at each other.

What. Whatever. There's some things we're better at but not acting.

we are better than you

>t. Race that literally handed the world to the Jews

1. Asian men are short
2. Asian men can't grow beards, every fucking protag has now beards.
3. Asian men are meek and awkward as fuck.
4. Less people would be interested with Asian protag, therefore less money from the movie.

Hitler said it best in 1925:

The Jew knows only too accurately that, owing to his
millennium of adaptation, he has it well within his power
to undermine European peoples and to train them to be
sexless bastards, only he would hardly be in a position to
subject an Asiatic national State like Japan to this fate.
Today he can ape Germans and English, Americans and
French, but he has no bridges to the yellow Asiatics.
Therefore, he strives to break the Japanese national State
by the power of existing similar structures, to finish off
the dangerous opponent before the last State power is
transformed in his hands into a despotism over defenseless

He dreads a Japanese national State in his millennial
Jew empire, and therefore wishes its destruction in advance
of the founding of his own dictatorship.

Therefore, he is now inciting the nations against Japan,
as against Germany, and it can happen that, while British
statecraft still tries to build on the alliance with Japan, the
British-Jewish press already demands struggle against the
ally and prepares the destructive war under the proclama-
tion of democracy and the battle cry: Down with Japanese
militarism, and imperialism.

Stop it. Don't make me slap you, I'm pretty girly.

I can grow a beard!

This. Used to be in a relationship with Japanese girl for half a year, damn I loved that dominant controlling bitch - best sex and femdom ever. I'm a Russian nationalist and oppose racemixing in general, but totally fine with Japs. My girlfriend having Jap ex lovers is one the hottest things about her. Love licking her pussy while remembering how she fucked a Nip before. It's amazing seeing Russian qties dating and mating with Japanese men, thanks god we live in Vladivostok and it's a common thing to happen. When my second cousin married a Japanese guy and gave birth to a hapa, I had creamed my trousers from a soft cock. don't like Putin or any cucked Western leader, my girlfriend doesn't, my Jap bred second cousin doesn't like them either. im a type of a nationalist, that is okay with traditional native to Russia ethnic minorities. No tolerance for jews, chinese or central asians. I don't want more foreigners except for some Central, Northern Europeans and Japs who historically settled in Russia. Japs can be good allies in erasing Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China from the face of this planet or just keeping the border. Few Russian qties sucking Jap cock is a good price to pay for a merge of high cultures.


What the heck.

My beard is gonna be bad ass once the rogain fills in the patchy parts.

Nothing to see here, folks. Say something that can even slightly misconstrued as racist against black people or mexicans and you will be devoured by liberals who fashion themselves as enlightened progressives. The same liberals who'll laugh at tasteless asian jokes, won't promote asians to upper management and will typecast asian actors.

>Why do Jews hate asian men so much?
same reason they hate whites, because they aren't borderline retarded niggers

Because we're largely not Jewish.

I know Israel is the Chosen nation though.

Because white actors in asian roles works so well.

you are pussyfied beyond recognition. Have you ever watched anything from Japan or Korea? The guys slayyy there, are brutal looking and charismatic.

I bet it's the jews who enforce the nerdy asexual nip trope in every film.

It's more than that. People who watch movies want to see some idealized type of scenario where everything works out perfectly in the end.

Can anything be ideal with Asian characters? As a chink myself, I think not!

Who is this? Literally who?

Maybe if they cast a halfway competent white actor as Goku.

Oh no not this tired meme again
>monkey ayy
Literally any black haired actor is viable as a Saiyan

That sucks. I guess Asian Americans, who are more liberal per capita than both spics and whites, should just fuck off and use their own national, cultural, and financial infrastructures to promote their own interests.
>waaah we're being treated like second class citizens in a white country
>fuck you whitey we want more gibs

Sure, why not? With the right script it's possible.

No, I admit I haven't.

I've seen Ichi the Killer. And we're not talking about Asian cinema, this is about Asian leads in -Hollywood-.

Please sit down.

Asians are better though.. China, South Korea, and Japan are all first world countries with high living standards and are all 99-100% ethnically homogenous ethnostates. Asian countries literally have everything nazi LARPers dream of having.



You're getting je baited.

Jackie Chan was a superstar and he can act, too. There just aren't any Asians in the top tier right now.

>first world
Pick one, kim chang


No, Asians really do think that highly of themselves while simultaneously possessing that little awareness.

Except we don't have the precious blue eyes white peoples we hold in high social esteem.

Look at North Korea- Pyongyang is a city sure but it's just an imitation of the West.

Monkey see monkey do but monkey doesn't understand why they did it in the first place except to tell the west "see we can do it too just like you, we're equals."

Because they are potentially as dangerous as white people, with higher IQs and structured societies.

The only problem is, they are smarter, and in larger numbers, so it will be much harder to jew them out of existence.

Muh /r/AsianMasculinity movie hero

I think highly of myself but it's not me versus you competition.

Are you even reading my posts? Or is this too much and you can't help but sip on that deliciously bitter cup of haterade.

There's plenty in Asian cinema.

Who even made this thread? I'm the one eating backlash for it.

>other part of the world has different people and culture
>wahhhhh they bad because they don't fit in our preference

In Asia we consider who has beard or chest hair barbaric and disgusting. Asian male on the screen actually can have a different characteristic. Unlike niggers or other race just copy whatever white people do

Because black actors in asian roles works so well.

This guy has to be 1 in a million.


Are you? Asian Americans are as much a bunch of liberal racebaiting haters as spics, and nearly as much as niggers. This thread is full of self-proclaimed Asian Americans. Maybe you all would get some social capital if you just went and got it for yourself instead of asking those with conflicting interests to give it to you dumb fuck.

>mfw I know a japanese guy married to a white woman
>mfw he's cooler than everyone in this thread

It's okay since we get more of there's then they do of ours.

And I say this because apparently nobody lives in those buildings. And many have painted windows.

I'm trying my best to etch out a living here.

Again, things tend not to work out well in movie plot type scenarios when Asians are involved. They just don't fit in the formula well. For an Asian to be crying diversity is worse than being a dog.

Dude I didn't make this thread and I didn't ask for a Hollywood hand out. Wtf read my posts by ID.


Are you really turning this into about women?

Hollywood would rather some nignog do the role instead.

Did an Asian even make this thread? What's with the insults?

Hey op, do you see what I gotta deal with when you make threads like this?

You should of said, "I chink not."


It IS me vs you man. This is a democratic country, identity politics are the name of the game and you're telling me to back off your Asian buddies ITT.

Ya know, pol is always crying about how Asians are "hive minded drones" yet here you are doing just that.

They can't control them.

It's simple, Hollywood simply do not have enough talented Asian actors.

1st generation Asians usually open businesses, work in factories ect.

By the 2nd generation, they are pressured by their parents into being Doctors or Engineers. STEM jobs that are 100% safer than Acting. Acting is simply way too risky if your parents are struggling to put you to college.

Not until the 3rd generation is the prospect of acting even crosses their mind. By then most would still choose to be doctors or engineers because their parents are doctors and engineers.

Btw, watch the handmaiden. Absolute GOAT asian movie.

I can't change how I look. I do the best I can with the hand I was dealt.

you creamed yourself from your cousin giving birth to a baby??

they should bring the guy from Empire of Dust to star in a movie

This is some avant garde tier shit, Ivan. Well done.

Nah, my guess is (((they))) don't see potential profit in casting a movie with a *Japanese* lead. They probably figure it will have limited appeal in the states, but even more importantly they would lose the potential Chinese market.

I don't think the kikes give a shit about "Asian men" per se; it's just a question of money for them.