I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years. I've always had the desire to date multiple people...

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years. I've always had the desire to date multiple people. However my boyfriend is highly against it. Now an old friend is in my life again, and I am infatuated with him. Just thinking about him feels like cheating. I don't know what to do.

Do it.
Do it for charity.

>throwing away a 5 year commitment for cummies

>not IMMEDIATELY breaking up the second your women mentions open relationships
>staying with a man who hasn't proposed or got you pregnant 5 years into a relationship
looks like two idiots found each other

kys whore

It is bizarre how women think like this but men never do. Crazy Shit.

>5 years
>not married
dump him you slut and go bang 100 dudes. Your relation is stagnate and failed. Please leave before either of you are stupid enough to have kids.

He should have dumped you the moment you asked.
Go for it, he's already a cuck.

make him watch you know want to

We have kids together... And I'm not a slut