Can an American please tell me why you NEED an anti-tank rifle to be legal in your country? Can you do it without using the words 'shall', 'not' and 'infringed'?
2nd Amendment
>bc we can
It's about the rights, not the needs.
>tfw no anti-tank gun toting tit cow wife
because were not peasants like you lot. were free people and we have right to defend ourselfs
To satisfy the superiority complex, when essentially they are just a 3rd world country with iphones.
I fired a gun during mandatory army training
It was fun, I think more people should do it once
It's not that scary, pretty cool actually
I'm going to do whatever I want and (YOU) can't stop me!
>anti-tank rifle
this calibre is a joke, could only penetrate BMP-1s or M113
Because all of our potential enemies have tanks? If a tank comes rolling down your street looking to blow your asshole open, all you can do is throw plastic spoons at it. If a tank comes rolling down this woman's street looking to blow her asshole open, she can blow its asshole open with high powered glory.
People all over the world make guns, but somebody has to shoot them. We are pretty good at it.
>165464623014494943465646646th copy paste anti-gun thread
At some point I really feel the NEED to find you faggots and slit your throat as slowly as possible until I behead you.
typical britbong getting mad every time he can't slice his own steak.
Go back to /k/
why do you care, unless your intention is to invade the United States or kill it's citizens with weapons of war?
Literally why not? When was the last time an anti-tank rifle was used in the commission of a crime?
>defend ourselfs
Against who? The REAL Americans, you mean?
Can you tell me why you NEED a pointy stick without using the words "Muslims" "Invaders" "rapes" "bomb explosions" "Machete" "turbocuck"?
whatever you say, leaf
Like clockwork, no funs faggots like OP show up posting stupid shit. Fuck off and die already, you limey twat.
BILL OF _ _ _ _ _ _
Simple logic:
We have the right to bear arms.
It's an armament.
>anti-tank rifle
noguns need to fuck off
It's a pretty simple concept and is easily explained to anyone who has the mind to listen. Op is a faggot.
the founding fathers were very careful with making sure of the second-amendment because they knew the jews would be coming, and that one day we would need our guns to massacre all the jews.
BOOM! Frenchie gets it.
America is a continent not a Country.
Such a shit argument. When was the last time a hydrogen bomb was used in a bank robbery? Never? No problem then they must be safe, lets just start handing out ICBM's.
why does it need to be illegal?
how is it any more dangerous then any other firearm? afraid someones going to go around shooting random cars or something?
>robbing a home or mugging someone with an anti-tank rifle
a 9mm handgun is vastly more dangerous
The second amendment guarantees that US citizens be able to defend themselves from their own government or the governments of other nations hoping to invade.
Also why the fuck shouldn't I be able to own an anti-tank rifle, its not like its practical for anything other than battlefield use
when the government's tanks come to your house?
Stop copying us, colonials. We had one first:
That is literally an anti-tank rifle, though. It's been useless for that purpose for almost 100 years, but that was originally what it was meant for.
And we all know who that continent belongs to.
If anyone here has a shit argument, it's you, britfag.
To shoot at tanks... you're making us look stupid.... stupid!
Go get your firearms licence and then tell me they're not fun... and reassuring.
>When your country is being destroyed by Islam and you still don't see the need for the right to bear arms.
Wew lad.
You realize you don "need" anything besides food, water and maybe some clothes
Now go learn about Tianaman Square and ponder why a government is driving tanks around in its own country and against its own citizens faggot
Spot on brother
>says my argument is shit
>doesn't provide a counter-argument
a hydrogen bomb can potentially kill millions
an anti-tank rifle could potentially slowly kill a few people one by one if you have good aim till the cops or someone else armed shows up. maybe you shoot some cars in the engine block i guess. whatever
clearly not even remotely the same level of potential lethality
nobody is bringin an anti-tank rifle to a crime, that would be retarded. it's a totally impractical firearm for anything dangerous to civilians or police
Because anti-tank rifles are fucking awesome.
Also its the bill of rights not the bill of needs. I thought we went over this 241 years ago.
It's not the bill of need's
Gotta love these crumpet niggers, got their ass kicked 200 years ago and they're still mad about it
Because go fuck yourself.
If you don't have a tank you intend on using to harm me, you have nothing to worry about.
Haha shitskins still salty they got destroyed in 1492
formerly known as huck's
Lol... CIA... but yes... you're right... OP is a Paki or a nigger ... don't respond to it
Sure can. Nazi Germany. Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Having a well armed citizenry ensures people will always have a fighting chance when (not if) there governments go tyrannical.
Guns to rule
Because if the government decides to go full Saddam on us with tanks, we stand a chance. It's more of a deterrent really.
Yes, you chaps must be furious that all the jobs in the terrorism industry are going to Muslims instead of hard-working Irishmen like they did in the old days.
fun fact: 99 times out of a hundred that a gun is fired outside of recreation is for self defense
fun fact: crime and murder rates when down in detroit as gun ownership went up. the chiefly of police of detroit begging more citizens to arm themselves to deter crime, and it worked.
fun fact: criminals don't care about gun laws. crime is actualy easier when only criminals have guns
I feel bad that you think that girls tits are big.
We've had 44 potential tyrants who were thus kept at bay.
Not to mention nation states giving up on the very idea of starting a war on our soil, for fear of a gun behind every blade of grass.
People with guns kill individuals; governments who disarm their populace kill millions.
Who gives a shit if its an anti tank rifle or a .22. The persons prolly dead either way. Also how often have antitank rifles been used for mass slaughter? If i were in britain Id be more afraid of "lorrys" then anti tank rifles.
>I thought we went over this 241 years ago
Sorry. Was this before or after we burnt down your nation's capital?
What's with the hate against recreational nukes?
Calling on the filth to confiscate your spoons... you don't NEED them since you can pick food up with fingers...
The IRA at least gave warnings of attacks and tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum.
The radical Islamic terrorists target civilians exclusively. They are cowards.
Finger off the trigger, faggot
>don't use shall not be infringed
okay easy, guns are fucking cool
I seem to remember you begging us for weapons after you almost got wiped out back in 1622. I think we sent you guys over a morning star or two.
no you don't stand a chance against modern american tanks with an old anti-tank rifle. at all.
firearms make occupation of the united states difficult. straight up destruction can still be achieved just by bombing the shit out of everyone, but that's kind of pointless. occupation and control is where its at and america would be a hard country to occupy and control because of all those firearms.
hitler took the guns, stalin took the guns, mao took the guns 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS
You are now an honorary burger.
I wish you godspeed and all the blessings of liberty, justice and nice cream sauces.
Or whatever the fuck you people eat over there.
It was before you got cucked by the Jews and bombed to fuck by the krauts until we came to your rescue.
Oh are you mad, because the policeman took your unlicensed plastic knife?
wouldn't they just drone strike the area after losing a tank?
>Be British, enslave and sell indians.
Tuscarora fled north from the pressure of British colonization warfare; they had been subject to having captives sold into Indian slavery.
>Use Indians in their war against the American Colonist.
Iroquois League (the Cayuga, Mohawk, Onondaga, and Seneca) sided with the British and their Loyalists among the colonists
Remain butt hurt hundreds of years later.
Bigger the calibre the better chance to humanely kill large game with one shot. Need an Anzio for huntin" purposes.
my worse dilemma with guns is where can I put them all. I've got a full safe, two full gun cases, and a gun in almost ever drawer in my wardrobe but still not enough room.
>The irony of a Chinese man with the world's biggest balls.
>Wahhhh im a leaf
The post
To keep Porky, Shekelstein, and their men in blue in line.
Can you tell me why the NEED has to be justified
so we can defend our freedom of speech like this oldfag wants to do
>thought the recoil would fuck her up
It really fucking pisses you off that other people are armed and able to protect themselves -- doesn't it.
>Can you do it without using the words 'shall', 'not' and 'infringed'?
Sure, no problem schlomo. Will not subvert, ever.
Only if they're fine with American civilians as collateral. Which would be a huge propaganda point for the resistance. Wars aren't just fought with bullets user, chances are it would be a form of local resistence and I know my area a hell of a lot better than some airforce cronies sitting in a base some hundreds of miles away.
To shoot a tank with obviously.
Silly cuck, rights are from God not the Constitution.
Because I might ned to shoot a tank. Duh. Are you slow?
Can you explain why your complaining about it??? How about showing one time one of these weapons has been used in a crime or murder of any kind...
>what's the reason you need this other than the reason you need this?
Reminds me of that one politician that wanted to ban "high caliber assault weapons" but thought that hunting rifles were okay
you can't occupy a country with drone strikes and tanks alone, you need boots on the ground. that's where personal firearm ownership as a deterent against tyranny comes in.
I bet everyone in that pic was all hurr hurr based Nip when it's some bored Marine on base.
Why the fuck do you care? Its not your country, and none of your business.
OP, of another nation attacked America head on and they managed to get tanks on US soil then it's not just up to the military to defend this county. Also, it keeps government in check because a well protected population can be gassed like the unarmed Jews were.