The moment you realize your thoughts ressonated with millions of other virgin weaboo neverhappening fags and actually...

>the moment you realize your thoughts ressonated with millions of other virgin weaboo neverhappening fags and actually summoned a higher being that is going to bring destruction and chaos to our world
>the moment you realize the anime porn, virtual friend bootleg that this place is was single handedly responsible for the downfall of humanity

I hate all of you lads

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Yeah but we did it for the lulz

Ok then, I warned y'all

Remember what the alternative was.

Maybe the destruction of the human race may bring something new. Something better than us.

And next time, without jews.

It's hilarious. I love it.

Lulz? Just because you are a nihilistic autistic fuck whose life is nothing but a filthy room with occasional snacks and fapping to 2D porn it doesn't allow you to destroy other peoples lives, hope you faggots are satisfied with what you brought upon us

what a fun ride

admit it, you're all going to be disappointed as FUCK when literally nothing happens
i know i will

The edgelords were right.

Existence is strife. It's time to rest now.

Worry not, friendos.