Despite the dearth of it here
>"muh all white wimmin are degenerate"
*Wanks madly to loli hentai while he spends his days arguing with strangers on wannabe right wing echochamber*
Let's cast the blame elsewhere shall we?
Despite the dearth of it here
>"muh all white wimmin are degenerate"
*Wanks madly to loli hentai while he spends his days arguing with strangers on wannabe right wing echochamber*
Let's cast the blame elsewhere shall we?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty sure Sup Forums is also anti porn so you can fuck right off you filthy roastie.
definitely a roastie, probably a fatty too
this is your answer right here
Why you wearing the uniform
why do people find that attractive? Shes fucking fat with no ass.
Yeah, Ariel Winter is such a hypocrite
The people who post here have literally nothing to make their lives worthwhile or be proud of.
This is why they derive so much self worth from belonging to ethnic groups. It allows them to derive a sense of pride in the accomplishments of a group whilst doing nothing themselves.
Women, whose main evolutionary purpose is to choose the best quality mate possible, naturally reject the sad men who do this. The lack of introspection and self-awareness among these men prevents them from seeing the true reason for why they're ostracized and hated, and so they lash out.
Real men produce and derive self-worth from their own accomplishments. Real men do not sit around on the internet making memes about minorities.
>western civilization has become too degenerate women are all degenerate
>posts sexually suggestive pics of children who haven't developed the maturity to realize what a loser he is
The only reason you don't understand why whites like their ethnic group is because their ethnic group has tons to be proud of.
If I was part of an underachieving race I'd probably want to tell people race doesn't matter to hide the fact that I suck as well.
>talking shit about what it is to be a real man
Well, once we gain power we can show you that you chink nigger faggot.
It's entertaining desu. Especially if you remember all the CP on chins and pedobear meme shilled 10 years ago. When called out on their degeneracy the actual pedos (it wasn't just an uber-edgy larp) would tell you to kill yourself. But now everyone on chin is a moralfag. I wonder how many are the same people.
>If I was part of an underachieving race
Remove race from that and you've got... well... you!
Don't try and hide your failure behind the fact that you're not black...
Good posts. Cheers.
>I wonder how many are the same people.
Some maybe - most have probably moved on to other places. This place get quite old quite quick unless you have the nous to deal with it.
why is being a hypocrite a bad thing?
i am on lots of topics, i don't feel too bad about it.
i understand if you are a leader or authority figure people will see hypocrisy that affects them negatively and will be mad at it, but is there anything morally wrong with being a hypocrite?
>why is being a hypocrite a bad thing?
>but is there anything morally wrong with being a hypocrite?
You're literally deceiving yourself. And others.
But the fact that you aren't prepared to stand up for what you believe in regardless of what everyone else in your buzzword-filled thought bubble does then you're not a moral person.
>let's remove race from an argument about race and instead turn to ad homs
You're clearly not too bright kiddo, bet you're just afraid of getting wiped out in the coming eugenics program
i don't wank to hentai...i know white women are trash because i've dated them
Yeah... except it's literally the only thing most nazis can be proud of. They're worthless otherwise. In fact, most are actually net negatives on society that do not go to school, do not work, and live off governmental assistance. google the classic article 'critics of the social safety net increasingly depend on it'.
I literally never see successful well adjusted white people hold the views that are promulgated here. Shameful.
She's sporting a label that actually says 'Trash Whores'
You do realise the pointlessness of arguing about race on a board populated primarily by unemployed white, middle class guys with little or no life experience, don't you?
>he calls me kiddo.
Also I didn't trot out the adhominem m8
>you filthy roastie.
>definitely a roastie, probably a fatty too
>i know white women are trash because i've dated them
So you're happy to be generalised about like I did just here?
Cheers m8. It was sickening. They would spill to myspace (that was before it was BTFOd by fagbook) and spread there degeneracy there, all over the forums, with the mods doing fuck all. You were the "uncool normie" for objecting. I come here because I agree on politics and this is probably the last remaining PC free place where we can discuss things freely. But when they start moralizing (even if I agree with the content) I just can't take it seriously.
The women in this thread are ugly as fuck.
>what's integrity?
We got Trump elected, what have you done? Suck your mother's dick?
Shoo, shoo, jew
>I can easily insert a 2 liter bottle into my destroyed cunt, but it's not the issue, it's the penis size of those who criticize me
Like everything you just said is total nonsense. I have more life experience than you could ever imagine. I have listened to the dark heart of niggerdom whine about their "trap house" raided in 2013 because of Mitt Romney. I have seen cackling self dick sucking niggers try to gang up on people and me and watch them chimp out. I have talked to a jew who bitched and wanted to destroy the white race, all this at the GROUND FUCKING LEVEL. In a "conservative" You are full of shit
She reminds me of my hot once hot cousin who now really fat.
I'm proud of my white skin because I was born white and I have embraced it. My race has tons of cool history and folklore, different whites from different places have lots of unique and individualistic folklore. Its awesome and I love it.
>We got Trump elected, what have you done? Suck your mother's dick?
Jesus. People honestly believe this sort of thing?
Noice. But probably waaaay over his head.
>I have more life experience than you could ever imagine.
Like, I totes agree with you mang but Imma have to stop you there and say that what you just, like said m8 makes no fucking sense at all.
Still would but would mean no more family dinners in that part of town?
>The label on the jeans literally says 'trash whores'
>My race has tons of cool history and folklore, different whites from different places have lots of unique and individualistic folklore.
Literally riding on coattails while adding nothing more to the mix than more failed genetic material.
>Looks around
Scrub that - like any of you cunts will ever breed...
>t. father of 2, married for 21 yrs.
Most of us hate porn, though it's not like we'll look away from a pair of titties or a titilating video
One woman obesity epidemic.
Cheers for the coherent and thought out replies chaps - it's nice to know that there is more here than
>muh all wimmin are sl00tz, all blacks are subhoomin and pooftas are gay but I'm fucking perfect....
Wow, run away, fast. Feel sorry for her, mom needs to bitch slap her.
pol still fetishizes anime, which is exceedingly degenerate.
Most people here also seem to also be pro video games, which furthers the infantilization of adult men.
>Wow, run away, fast.
Not my first rodeo phamalama
Fuck off jew roastie.
They are artistic mediums whether you like them or not and all art mediums can have a good practical and productive purpose in society.
Don't be mad you can't fuck with their demographics. They're on to your shisty fucks.
her pants say "trash whores"
>They are artistic mediums whether you like them or not and all art mediums can have a good practical and productive purpose in society.
Think of any historical great man, and then imagine them playing video games. It's a utterly laughable mental image.
Enjoy wasting your life on a child's past time.
Also video games, are not, have never been, nor ever will be art.
>*Wanks madly to loli hentai while he spends his days arguing with strangers on wannabe right wing echochamber*
You do know you are trying to argue with kids on an anime img board right???
>Tfw you find out you're the real loser
>They are artistic mediums whether you like them or not and all art mediums can have a good practical and productive purpose in society.
That's a noice shoehorn m8.
>Think of any historical great man, and then imagine them playing video games. It's a utterly laughable mental image.
Just being devils advocate here - yes I do realise he's fictional...
And here you are arguing with me. Are you typing one-handed?
>anglos in charge of being totally deluded
anglos are the most faggy brand of european there is nowadays, still playing knights and princess and shit and drinking tea in porcelain mugs like the crooked teeth faggots that they are with their emo weather and cultivating and their gentleman bullshit bahaha
Gotta be honest it was pic related or a pic of a Truck...
>because no one recognized as a great person throughout history liked to waste time while doing something they found relaxing or enjoyable and that something didn't have much value outside of that
Granted, hours a day is obscene.
>Granted, hours a day is obscene.
Much like being here for eg.
>NEET = Need External Experience Tout de suite
would shoot my yogurt on her greek tits
>Spend time at home, keeping your fetishes to your privacy
>Doing actual physically degenerative actions, revealing your sexuality and fetishes publically and using a stupid argument of whataboutism
Leftists as a matter of definition cannot comprehend hypocrisy. All leftist claims of hypocrisy are rebrands of a lazy and hastily thrown together Jewish attack on Christianity ("You don't always perfectly meet your own standards as I define them, therefire the whole thing is a joke").
I'm anti porn. Still can't stop my urges to jack off to degenerate porn. It's like when a parent lights a cigarette and tells his kid smoking is bad for you don't do it. We're anti degenerate degenerates.
So you argument is
>my degeneracy is ok if I do it only at home so that no one knows about it
That is literally hypocrisy.
>We're anti degenerate degenerates.
Surprisingly astute.
Ftr - I wank to softcore pics and that's it. The idea of watching some other guy fuck some woman I might vaguely feel attracted to has always seemed a bit gay/cuckish to me.
But my point with this thread is that the people who post here are just as degenerate and hypocritical as those they accuse of degeneracy in the 1st place.
Saying shit like
>lefties are hypocrites even if they're unaware of it
just reinforces my point and makes you look foolish
Hypocrisy of what manner? Enjoying your own time in the privacy of your own home is degenerate? I'm saying one person is relaxing, other is pro actively encouraging bad behaviours.
Ok, let's extrapolate
People here have already mentioned race and Anti Sematism
>hurr durr it's becuz blacks are degenerate and da Jooz did it...
But I guarantee that if you put them in a social setting where the topic of race or religious intolerance comes up
>inorite? Outside? Pfftt.
They would shrink like the wimpy little wallflowers they are.
So. Unless you're trying to justify your need to wank to loli pron if you support views here you should be prepared to voice them in public
If not - you're a fucking hypocrite.
If it's just about wanking to loli for you then maybe staying indoors and on here is probably the very fucking best thing for you.
>pol still fetishizes anime
Its an anime website, are you that surprised?
The fuck are you on about? Sound mad as hell
>Wanks madly to loli hentai
Unabashedly, yes.
Who else?
>on a site founded to discuss japanese culture
>chingu chongu
We're discussing politics, not poorly-drawn children's cartoons. So keep that shit out of here for the most part
I never said that or anything like that and you still have not brought evidence to the effect that anyone here signed on to a moral system in which masturbation was forbidden, then deliberately violated their own morality while dishonesty maintaining a separate standard for others.
Besides: generally, when the worst that people can say about you is babbling about hypocrisy, they're calling you "successful."
sure ariel
but you are dressed in a whores uniform.
-either chris rock or dave chapelle, i forget
The leaf is right ya sad cunts.
>what are longer shorts
>What is humblebragging
Maybe r/The_Donald is more your speed.
the problem is that she is vulgar,meaning,she's a thicc girl who,when dressed like that,brings out the most base desires in the most base of men. if the shorts were a bit longer,and her ass not as fat,she could pull it off without people going eww or hgnnn,depending on inclination
Also yes,she's not a whore,technically
Chris Rock, something like, if you're dressed as a fireman and there's a fire etcc etc
Whatcha doin Rabbi
>Let's cast the blame elsewhere shall we?
the white race? were all to blame and are degenerate?
maybe we do need replaced.
>you still have not brought evidence to the effect that anyone here signed on to a moral system in which masturbation was forbidden, then deliberately violated their own morality while dishonesty maintaining a separate standard for others.
I haven't said wanking is morally wrong. If I did I'd be a hypocrite
>Ftr - I wank to softcore pics and that's it.
I think you'll agree tho that calling others out for degeneracy when you're throwing stones in a glass house is the very height of hypocrisy.
Read the thread you lazy cunt.
So mad!
Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
i like how she got breast reduction surgery because she didn't like being nothing more than a pair of giant tits, but now she's just a pair of medium-large tits and nothing else.
they are sexism is what they are.
she is entitled to leave her stinky ass cheese wherever she sits, and dont you dare talk about how fucking unsanitary it is to be dressed like this in a restaurant or a produce aisle.
Stop posting this butter-faced dog. Thank you.
I want to impregnate and then force an abortion
Dat ass aint eating no shorts
>has no argument
>no life experience
>middle class
not that user but, i'm a spanish mexican-jew, have lived in both mexico and up and down the west coast (WA, OR, CA) and most likely have way more life experience and wisdom that (((you))), and i'm closer to the lower class(economically and socially) but come from a respectable family line.
Sweetie, please.
Ariel is built simply for fucking hard and repeatedly. This is a woman made to take a pounding and not break.
Since we're comparing life exp
>white, upper middle class
>travelled extensively in my yoof, been to most continents - earned every dollaryoo I spent
>40 something
>married 20 odd yrs, couple of kids
>worked as teacher for nearly 20 yrs, now run own moderately successful business, have done for over a decade
>volunteer in numerous places
>own properties/assets, work most days, pay taxes
So. Aside from getting that I was generalising, how do I stack up against your world view?