enjoy the "happening" discord server community

> enjoy the "happening" discord server community
> one of mods "suggests" creating a nsfw channel so he can post lolicon there
> tell him to not impose his filth on other people, and there are other servers for this kind of garbage
> b&

You idiots can't do anything the right way, this is the essence of this board. Fucking disgusting antisocial degenearetes.

/polgb/-there's a better place!


Take this cancer and shove it up your ass

>telling people what to do on a server they're in charge of

>answering to a suggestion

There's a difference you dumb pedo fuck.

Good job, all lolifags should pushed back against at every opportunity, so they may feel the shame of what they are.

Well user, if you had half a brain, you could have figured out that it was a bad idea to use an offsite non anonymous forum with active egocentric mods and no one to reign them in. But you don't and now you just look stupid.

>join the /r/the_donald discord
>get banned by a mod for not liking pedos
What did you expect

Op is a bitch, bet that didn't happen at all, just got banned for being a retard