Laci Green

Wow so redpilled

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Hottest DOE Head ever, would smash

Title IX is god awful though

Its funny all the shit talking about Betsy Devos. Niggers in Detroit literally praise her because of her support for charter schools that actually have saved niggers from their neighborhoods. But libs have to oppose anything she does, regardless.

Redpilled? She's not fucking redpilled until she's wearing an "empowering" diaper like a good little feminist.

stop suckin trumps dick dip shit

Fuk off with the diaper posting

This is in every thread. You are the homely scottish girl trolling for attention. Please kys

>far left cunt
>tries pandering to the right
>doesn't work
>goes back to being a far left cunt

Wow. Really gets my noodle cooking.

eat shit leaf


at least we tried

she's also a military genius guys

>counter points welcome
Your ideology disagrees

>trans people have always served
I swear to God if I hear another person say that women who dressed as men to fight in the Civil War were "transgender" one more goddamned time I'm going to kill someone. They were patriotic women, mostly on the Confederacy, especially later in the war, who pretended to be men in order to fight for their country. They did not "secretly desire" to be men, they did not truly believe they were born in the wrong body. Stop using their memory for your shitty political aims.

This. Essentially shits on judicial proceedings and has already been abused a lot.

wait you mean she wasn't really becoming one of /us/ a few months ago? you mean it was all just publicity and fake attention whoring crap? damn, if only people had seen through it

Why does this crap get posted in every thread?

Even liberals subconsciously understand that gender and sex are immutable. When they use women in the civil war dressing as men to be able to fight they are actually admitting that trannies are just really serious about pretending they are the opposite gender.

>Upholding the civil rights of the accused is moving backwards
What a dumb kikess

Sup Forumscucks like to harp endlessly about how you can redpill and brainwash bitches, but nobody considers how easy it is for them to be brainwashed AWAY from you.

Women are forever unloyal and constantly unwavering. You can never count on anything they do or say. Never trust a female on any issue, period.

Base diaper poster


Said no one. EVER.

she's behaves like a jew.

>Sup Forumscucks like to harp endlessly about how you can redpill and brainwash bitches
only faggot shills like you think this
I don't try to "redpill" bitches, just pump and dump
