You're just mad because he's right

Prove him wrong and develop a non-austistic plan that can get a majority of people to agree with furthering white nationalism.

And say don't anti-illegal immigration/ anti-refugee because he already agrees with that.

Other urls found in this thread:

his head on a pike

he's a fat smug smarmy piece of self-entitled shit.
reminds me so much of ben "the eternal kike" shapiro, only he's much MUCH dumber than shapiro.

how can anyone justify his appearance on Joe Rogan
"Seriously??? You don't know about this? You haven't heard about Anita's attack on me????"

like get a fucking grip dude NOT EVERYONE is an autist online for their profession

his head's already on a kike

We don't need a majority. William Pierce said we need 3%. And he's a lot smarter than Sargon of Akkad.

There is a real way to victory. That is entirely doable. But it takes actual work and that's too much to ask for most people.

>You're just mad because he's right
Right about what?


he said that the alt right is counter intuitive, because betas waking up alphas is counterintuitive, apparently.

This fat pig somehow believes because he has made a million low fruit "hey look how stupid feminists are guys"

He is some kind of intellectual or go to guy for knowledge based discourse.

He is a fat smug pig and his loser Skeptic Community™ is sinking into irrelevance.

Sargon is the new Amazing Atheist. A character from a different age of YouTube. I will be happy when the pig is gone and has to get a real job to pay for his wife's son.

>betas waking up alphas is counterintuitive

yeah, chad nationalism is weird

why would we want to make bullies to push us into lockers again?

degeneracy is the way to go for us nerds

more acceptance

Fuck him. Anglin will fucking rape him on Sat just like he fucks Thai pussi

Sargon is just mad that we call him a quandroon.

Also, he's conflating the cringy spencer/nazi larper camp with the enlightened white nationalist camp.

some people have higher ideals that just their own lives, some want to build a garden around them.

This is what I've been telling people. Just 3% of the population needs to be willing to stand up for white people. And I mean truly stand up, not whine on the internet and call anyone who does stand up a "controlled-opp jew" or a fed.

3% is a LOT more than you've got right now



tara btfo him in less than 5 minutes. enjyo faggot

that's 6 million for the US

you don't need a majority of people. Revolution is a spectators sport.

Jf soon gonna pick him apart. I know theyre buddies rn but so were he and destiny and jf stayed brutally honest

Not bombing Middle Eastern countries and causing mass migration of refugees and economic migrants to flee to Europe, thus causing more race mixing.

Middle Eastern christian communities have been almost completely destroyed by these continuous wars, its given Muslim leaders like in Egypt a carte blanch to purge Christians during the "Arab Spring".

Also the huge increase in drugs like opium and heroin from Afghanistan have caused lots of degeneracy in the USA.

No more wars for Israel. No more wars for the Jews.

Why does he look like a fat eskimo?

>Im raising another mans son. I cucked him so hard! Checkmate!

>literally a cucko raising another man's child
>me, an intellectual

William Pierce failed and the NA broke apart few months after his death.
You COULD theoretically control a big western country with 3% of the population BUT it would have to be the top 3%, that would fund, use and - when needed - discard expendable puppets.
So basically. instead of larping, siegheiling (now that's a Pierce term) in the open, or sucking up to cuckservative parties and begging for funding, you should concentrate on making money, acquiring power and control over corporations and the deep state, networking and helping each other in a material sense (like Jews have done over the centuries), brainwashing your children to continue the Plan and become even more powerful and after 3-4 generations be in a position to control your country.
A fucking jewish family did it successfully. Aryan families could do it too.
But no-one does this and no-one will, because it's difficult and demands true dedication.
Much easier to larp around.

24 posts.

0 rational arguments.

Oh, alt-right. Never change.

Sargon has literally said he does not care what happens to the world, which includes his own family after he dies.

He's a narcissist, so why should I give a shit about his opinions on the future of my culture and family?


Shut up and raise my kid boyo.

How's the lawsuit going?
He could ask the Jews for some money.

I have already responded to your comments.

your a nigger

The white race is dying, and I couldn't give less of a fuck.

Advocate for the truth, which is that America is facing a demographic shift and all the evidence says it will have severely negative effects and is therefore in everyone's best interest to keep America white and to put an end to the beaner invasion.

All this condemnation coming from every soft faggot kike lover sitting in front of a camera or microphone is essentially "stop having political goals white men REEEEEEEE." They just can't handle truth, that egalitarianism is an idiotic meme.

>no argument in OP
>expecting argument


Philia is demonstrably needed for a democracy and you can't have that with multi-racial societies.

the comment was an a reply to your shit tier video you retarded larping faggot

Jesus, you even type like SJWs.

He's overweight and raises another man's child. Therefore his ideas are irrational.
The alt right: because sjws and liberals just attack people's characters rather than think rationally, and we're better than that.

But, Sargon literally didn't respond to her comment.

In my experience, libertarians and liberals of the classical kind rarely if ever deploy ad-hominems as arguments. Such behaviour is rife among both the far left and the far right. No surprise given they are essentially the same belief systems, a case I put forward in this video:

wow great argument after you asked for an argument

fucking clown

Off to get some rest now. Allow me to leave you with this.

Let the triggering ensue.

Goodnight alt-right.

libertarian coming in drove toward the alt-right. 1/8th of sargon fanbase is alt-right

its taking over. so the only audience sargon will have is a bunch of racemixed inbreds who are forced to promote individualism since its their only way to survive. sargon should join while it still doesnt look too opportunistic to do so

Goodnight and good luck with the lawsuit.

>The "son" that sargon has referred to in videos for the last 3 years is another mans child
Is this true, or are you memesters just shitposting as usual?


Woes has been btfo of skeptics for a bit now

Also see Alternative Hypothesis

Goodnight to the Kent Hovind of race denial.

he also ruined it on top of stealing it. he made this into the biggest cringefest in meme history in record time

The quality of this meme tells you everything you need to know

pretty much

he has his own kid and also raising one his wife had from a previous relationship

Sleep tight with Woes video

You hold anti-science views on race because of your own racial bias, being part black yourself.

The uncomfortable truth is that no other ethnic groups on the planet are capable of maintaining Western culture and values, due to vast average differences in intelligence, aggression, and temperament. Genetic science will only continue to erode your world view every day.

God I love her. That weeb faggot, Loius Le Vau, called her a plain jane and said that was why she was against white men dating asian women.

I'd plant white babies in her all day long.

>watching or listening to e-celebs, let alone quadroon of mossad

>Prove him wrong and develop a non-austistic plan that can get a majority of people to agree with furthering white nationalism.
Easy. Do it or the world (or at least any place you'd want to, or be allowed to, live in) will end. That is literally what we're facing.

The normies took Pepe back. This ruining also put a pretty big wrench in the spokes of praising kek

>Prove him wrong and develop a non-austistic plan that can get a majority of people to agree with furthering white nationalism.
Realize how much WN is outside the Overton Window for the West. Understand that there is never going to be mass deportations. Eastern Europe (excluding Russia) is pretty much WN already. There has to be an effort to convince these Slavs and Balts that if they accept nonwhite migration, they will follow the same path as a West. This is the only realistic option for White Nationalism. Anybody who disagrees is either a turbo autist or underage. Nothern and Western Europe has a very small chance of waking up though, we will see.

Literally all it will take to remove the various cancers destroying the West is a economic collapse.

Just here for the memes

No it won't. Be realistic. Americans are not going to blame blacks and hispanics for the stock market crashing. Euros want the migration so I doubt they are going to become turbo nationalists.

zzzzzzzzz. k.

>zzzzzzzzz. k.
I understand it hurts you to think there is not hope for America. I was just giving an honest answer to the situation.

Fixed that pic you alt-light NIGGER.

Sargon of Akkad,
You, unlike most of your peers, have actually talked with Nazis, ethnonationalists, and other groups that considered by the society at large to be evil ideological groups. I commend thee for this, for actually debating and discussing ideas when most are content to throw Ad Hominems. You have not mentally blockaded yourself as humans are apt to do, whatever their reasons.

At this point in your self-taught education Sargon, you are a classical liberal, with strong beliefs in the rights of the individual. I consider myself a libertarian. But my fundamental understanding of the world and history changed after this video.

Before I watched that video, I had never even entertained for the idea that the Nazi's were right. Once I did allow for the idea to be even remotely possible, my entire understanding of history became clears. The Bolsheviks were Jews. The Communists are Jews. Communism is a reflection of Talmudic Judiasm, minus the religious parts. The Frankfurt School created Cultural Marxism, they were Jews. 90% of professional Feminists are Jewish. The 1917 revolt in Germany during WWI were 90% Jewish. The Rothschilds have been for at least the last ~400 years in control of the Banks. The Opium wars that the British fought were for the Jew David Sassoon who established the first synagogues in China.

Until you allow for the possibility that you might be wrong, you will never learn.
I wish you the best of luck Sargon in your search for the truth.

Sorry my dude. But you are under (((MTV))) control now. You are tainted.

Sargon doesn't need a counterargument. He needs to be shoved in a gas chamber. Hard.

He's a piece of shit kike.

>Why isn't Sup Forums making the effort to debate against the same shitty civ-nat argument for the 200th time.

How's his wife's kid doing?

Individualism is ultimately doomed as a social structure as it is forever vulnerable to either a group out side it who conquer it or a group forming inside it to subvert it.

Rationalism is ultimately doomed as a social structure as it is forever vulnerable to a group which is inspired by identity and appeals to man's animal spirits from outside it who conquer it or a similar group forming inside it to subvert it.

A man can fight and defend himself but is vulnerable to numbers
A man cannot fight and defend others on sheer reason alone.
All culture society religion are extensions of kin selection without being able to define who is kin and who is foe you are forever weak to those who do.

As to a plan one is really not needed. History will play it self out.
As a white all you can do is identify who is kin and aid him and who is foe and hinder him.
Either whites or various groups of white build a force of kin together and renew themselves so they can fight and defend as a group or they don't.

not an argument

>Sargon hired by MTV
>(((Suddenly))) pro-white genocide.
Imagine my shock

Well we can't say "White Pride" or "White Power" because thats like totally hella racist you know?

So White Nationalism is a healthy alternative, I would like a return to the 60's-90's

You're fucking a white male?!?

>guys sargon is BASED he win argument with DESTINY
>wow sargon is FAT he paid by jews
this is why you guys are a punchline

These aren't refutations this is just name calling. I don't wanna pull the whole horseshoe theory but, you could find almost the exact same argumentation on reddit or some twitter SJW.

Sargon's arguments on white genocide are easy to pick apart, resorting to name calling is fucking retarded.

But sargon IS correct in pointing out that being a autist waving around swastikas and ranting about the JQ is bad optics.

Fucking work out, dress well, get a good career, be active, dress well and have white kids. If you're not doing that then you're not helping.

Right now our focus should be on helping disenfranchised white men with self improvement, Opposing immigration on all fronts and redpilling people on the practicality of traditional values. These are all normie palatable and effective things we can do that will help alleviate our issues. Mainly because these things do more that just save the white race. There are plenty of other reasons to oppose immigration than just demographics, and focusing that helps further our cause.

And while this is going on, we subtly redpill people. We do this by simply presenting facts, and then letting people connect the dot's themselves. You don't ever need to explicitly state that white genocide is happening, you simply need to present enough evidence that it is, but let someone come up with that idea on their own. That way they are more receptive to the message.

Stop getting triggered by sargoy and do some self reflection.

Is that other man white? I wouldn't want sargon's quadroonishness being put into the gene people. He's doing god's work by not tainting the gene pool and rearing a white child of his own volition!

what are you talking about? only retarded yanks keep yapping about muh white nationalism and hitler

Everyone needs to watch this. Sargon in song form

What about the japs?

Individualism and Rationalism create ideal societies, but the problem with them is that they lack the ability to defend themselves. An individualist society is such as Past America is a more preferable place to live than a collectivist society such as the USSR. And individualism and rationalism make much more sense from within society. An example is the fact that a person is only responsible for their actions and not the entire group's actions, nor the group responsible for that individual.

The problem comes into play when you have an Individualist group vs a collectivist group. The collectivist has an advantage of being more organized and aggressive. We see this with blacks, who view themselves more as a collective in America, and advocate on behalf of their group, but not with whites, who view all blacks and whites as not apart of any group. Whether or not the white person views themselves in a group, they are put into an outgroup regardless. So individual whites are targeted for being a part of a group, but do not have a group to defend each other.

Humans are not completely individualist, but we are also not homogenous collectives. Human society functions well because it is a GROUP of INDIVIDUALS. This in tandem works well, but when collectivism or individualism becomes to dominant over the other, you have a breakdown of society.

The solution to eliminate all other groups. Once their is only one group, an individualist society is no longer under threat from an out group.

So basically youre saying fuck everything because a group of idiots despite being idiots will fuck you over at some point?

Best post itt desu senpai, baka