Brit/pol/ - Chickens Edition

>Hurricane Irma shitting up the colonies,follow the progress live
>Montserrat avoided
>Anguilla hit, niggers and Caroline Lucas seeking gibs
>Projected to hit Turk and Caicos islands hard

>Argentina have ‘ceased to be a capable military force’

>MPs to begin scrutiny of vital withdrawal bill

>Northern Ireland 'should have different Brexit deal'

>Scotland’s deficit figures show that the UK works

>Jaguar Land Rover to go all electric from 2020

>School bans girls from wearing skirts as it brings in gender-neutral uniform

>Calls for extremism investigation into British armed forces after ‘neo-Nazi’ arrests

>Rees-Mogg defiant over abortion row: Catholic Tory MP says it is wrong to abort babies - even in rape cases

Other urls found in this thread:

first for chinese fidget spinners

wheres Rimmer? I miss the reference more than anything

who here has done CBT?

His trip was reclaimed by the original rimmer, who then proceeded to rape him like the poofter he is.

First for solitude in the countryside

Yeh, cost £110 and lasted about 5 hours. Passed, obviously, and rode the 125 for a year before doing my full license

Did mine a few years ago.

Oh damn, congrats on that mate but I meant the other CBT (the treatment for mentals not the motorbike test)

Yeh I know, I was just being a cunt. Fuck knows but be careful if you go that route, don't want to be on yet another list

I have. It was completely retarded. Some woman got me to follow lights on this weird machine with my eyes and it did literally nothing. She was charging me £75 a pop too.

Fucking shower went off at 2am while I was covered in BASTARD soap, cold tap for the bath doesn't work so had to bathe in boiling hot BASTARD water. The absolute state of British hygiene.

lel, then no I haven't had cognitive behavioural therapy.

Watching a Bowden talk in which he repeats "degree to which" seemingly more than all of his other talks combined

>Cold tap doesn't work
Impossibly desu lad

Sounds like you did (((CBT)))

Just got motivated to really turn my life around and stop having my head in the sand. Hope it doesn't wear off in the morning when I have to walk the walk!

>This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put

I notice I do this sort of thing occasionally, start saying a word or a phrase and it wriggles its way into my entire speech for the rest of the day. Most recently I kept say "I suppose", started to get really annoying.

It will wear off in 3 hours lad

How do you mean? The hot tap for my bath runs, but the cold one you open it all the way and fuck all comes out. It's been like that for years, no one in this house takes baths so no reason to fix it.

Hmm that's not CBT

Yeah I'm not convinced it can do anything more than I can do myself

So whats the preferred way of necking in England?

Chicken Run is actually a metaphor for the Second World War. The American comes in, makes a big show about how he can help the Brits defeat Nazi Germany (the Pie lady) and eventually gets found out as a fraud, leaves to do his own thing, the Brits develop a way out of it on their own through teamwork, then the American shows up at the end and they all escape.

I could just be really high though and talking shit

Speaking from experience?

hanging because we don't generally have guns to blast ourselves with

Checked the transcript, he says it 10 times, or about every 6 minutes

>Hmm that's not CBT
It was

It's a parody of 'The Great Escape' so you're not that far off the mark.

Yeah that's the point, it's basically a pastiche, a cartoon chicken version of 'the great escape' starring steve McQueen.




Anyone seen the new Ace Combat?

Does anyone else think the Princess is a mirror parody of Diana?


Is she a whore?


and how does it make you feel


>not having proper plumbing

inb4 electrocuted from larped plumbing job
>can't fix anyting noo
living in a bubble what

Oh. Well in that case you've either got a leak or you've isolated the tap. The hot and cold run in from the same pipes so it's clearly getting past the stopcock.

Agreed. I think self medication is for the best in most cases. Our forefathers managed on that, we can too.

Daily experience.

That's quite often, he'd probably read something recently that used it and just took it on as his own. I do the same as well. It's easy to fall into the trap of repeating yourself, it's also easy to fall into the trap of saying the same thing. What's worse is falling into the trap of reiterating the same point.

How do you not lose it? Do you not set goals to be achieved?

I set very small goals and I achieve them often, but I fall apart on the important/large goals. As we all do.

>Implying I haven't lost it

Plumber or?

I've dabbled. But also it's the sort of thing that should be common knowledge but our education system focuses more on nigger slavery and faggot equality than it does on taxes and maintenance

I'm a 21 year old coddled uni graduate who's never worked a day in my life and has always lived at home, so it makes perfect sense that I'm nu-male tier when it comes to something as simple as a shower breaking.

Parents will probably fix it in 5 minutes in 5 hours time.

Is large goals like houses, cars, family etc ? I guess because it's long term you kind of lose track of that stuff, get more caught up in day to day life

Quiet tonight lads.

it's nearly 4am

Seems like all the tripfags are dead which is nice.

Nah smaller than that. Short term goals are spending a day without drink, going to the gym, seeing the missus etc. The house and family goals are a long, long way off and I don't even entertain them because if I did I'd have been swinging from a bridge years ago.

Pretty much all the information you could ever want and need is available online for free. Most of it on YouTube. I did a loft conversion, landscaped a garden, rewired and replumbed a house and fitted a bathroom and kitchen with no help other than what I found online. Anybody can do it.

If you're in rented accommodation then it's your landlord's problem. They have to get it fixed immediately and they have to pay. If it's property you/family own then you'll have to sort it yourself but it'll be easy enough.

If no cold taps work then it's a simple fix. Just find the cold water storage tank (assuming you have one) and turn on the cold taps. If some work and some don't then the issue is a valve along the pipework to the individual taps. It will either be a hand turnable valve or you'll need a flathead screwdriver/key to turn it on, 90deg turns it from off to on. If it's a leak then you need to find it asap before it destroys your house.

True, but still seen it more active at this time before.

Don't know what to think of tripfags desu, the decent ones are Rimmer (but he doesn't use it anymore), Faux Conservatives Must Die and WN. In my opinion.

Plenty of time for that stuff yet all the same.

Yeah, I don't actually mind most of the tripfags but in general most of are annoying often enough that I wouldn't really care if they were gone.

Faux Conservatives Must Die is alright though, not annoying in the slightest. Rimmer is obviously not a tripfag anymore but it goes without saying that he's cool too. Probably one of the nicest people here.

Does Britain have an Indian problem?

Everyone else has gone off mate.

Pakis are more of a problem.

No, we have a Pakistani problem.

On the G&T.

What's that?

It's because they're mussies eh?

Gin and tonic you mongo.


Who could possibly take his place?

The Eternal Anglo must be stopped.

Don't be rude to me, you cunt - you could have just said Gin and Tonic. Bitter alcoholic. Sort yourself out.




Good luck Hans, I'm behind 7 RAF squadrons


Just try it you little shit. We'll stick a missile right in that monstrosity of an opera house.

I'm sorry too lad, hope you're enjoying your drink. I'm on the water at the moment. Why you drinking this early in the morning anyway?


Still night for me. I expect I'll wake up at about 3 in the afternoon like the last few days.

No, just another frog-poster. Rimmer will be out on his morning run at the moment.

Fair enough lad, my sleep pattern has been fucked up as well. I always struggle to maintain it for some reason.

That's completely fucked. My sleep pattern once got so messed up I was waking up at 2am in the morning and going to bed at 6pm.

Would be an improvement desu.

Chickens go in...pies come out..

So what's everyone up to today?

Nothing much, you?


Mod probably deleted it.

deleted what?

Sorry, I swear I quoted you, no idea what happened. A mod must have deleted that guys post for whatever reason.

I dunno man I refreshed the page and posts disappeared.

Weird innit





There you go Rimmer.

nah he's not going to be back from his run for another 20 minutes.

For you, Kiwibro.

Probably not, but it won't get active in here for a while so he will see them, hopefully. If not, there's always next thread I guess

I'm not going to make it.



Please can you stop posting him