Do gay genes really come from Jewish descent?

AI can recognize gays with near perfect accuracy, and it says they look like Jews.

That would explain a lot.

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All degenerates are of the same stock.

I hate jews, but gay specimens are found in almost every mammal that I know of, which suggests that gay genes are much more primitive and wide-spread to be caused by jews. They may have more gay genes than other sub-species of humans, but I don't know that there's evidence of that.

Society did fine with the last 1500-1600 years of faggot persecution/restriction.

>haha i hate jews but i believe jewish propaganda

Prove there is a gay gene, show me Mordecai

>wtf i love AI now

>If i pretend that a problem doesnt exist and it festers outside of my sight that makes it fine
I dont understand right wing people who hate gays but want to restrict us and hide us, that just puts evolutionary pressure on us to spread our genes to look normal.

>im a dumbass who doesnt believe in a gay gene but i'm gonna criticize this guy for not believing op that gays are a jewish gene
I've already proven you are an idiot, are you sure you want me to explain where the gay genes are?

Are you of Jewish descent?

doubtfull but i have no idea. never got my genes tested, only know i'm white and dirty blond hair, blue eyes.

Physiognomy is real.

Think about it this way, sodomy was so bad in jewish communities they had to write a whole parable about how Sodom got nuked by God to convince them to stop doing it.

Do so then untill a cure is found.
Also gay gene has not been found yet, gay gene=bad parenting, human sin/evil.
Or don't do so, and fucking die, to be sent to hell, or heaven if you have enough faith. (doubt it fags are to self centered to have faith)
Win win for civilization.

Homos please don't reproduce, you're not helping. That includes you, Jews.

Very true. The existence of a gay gene and the tolerance of it are quite different things. I do believe that society is better off not tolerating it, even though I do think it's 100% natural and not a choice at all. I fail to see how those things should result in tolerance, however. Human suffering is a truth, yet the universe shows no tolerance towards it.

It's actually on you at this point. There have been observations of gay birds, deer, lions, tigers, etc., etc., etc. The evidence that the gay gene exists is beyond refutation at this point.

fuck off, faggot.

Large foreheads are masculine not feminine.

No such thing as a gay gene.
23andme attempted to find it, but couldn't.
It makes no sense that gay genes would propagate. You either have to deny natural selection, or come up with terrible logic acrobatics, like gay genes cause women sibling who share the gene to operate at 300% baby making capacity.
You are just trying to make an excuse that you can't change. It's the same as claiming you are "big boned" or born with a condition that you can't lose weight.

>no gay gene

what is it about boipucci then?

To childishly clear the air, I am heterosexual and have a son.

As far as homosexuals and evolution go, the current theory is this: some women are hypersexual. this much is clearly true. hypersexual women tend to have more children. the children of hypersexual women have a higher chance of being homosexual, being that the same genes that make them crave cock also make their poor sons crave cock. there's also a ton of evidence that the more sons a woman has, the higher chance they're homosexual. this also makes a ton of sense in that it's natural population control. explosive population increase is dangerous to humans, which is why so many homosexuals exist in Africa, India, and China, though they're forced to hide it more.

My overall point is that homosexuality is not necessarily against natural selection.

gay genes have been found you moron. it has to do with womens pregnancy genes not being perfectly suited to dropping the right gender juice at the right times

not bad being not a moron with how gays can be evolutionarily competitive with certain selectors, but its definately more complicated than this single effect, I'm an only child gay and many white people dont have shit loads of children.

Its definately linked to natal development genes though, so the effectiveness of the mother of the gay is the one spreading the gay genes unless you pressure gays like me to get a husband or wife and reproduce.

Faggots and capitalists arent white, faggotry is judaism and fags were drowned in bogs in germania



Why don't they channel that energy to crave pussy instead, and be normal people, senseless.
Why are you even defending them what have you got to gain from defending no good degenerates, that can't even provide children to strengthen their nation.
Deficient people, can't even complete a vital action for human survival, further reinforces that they need to be ended.
So gay people are a perversion of the human race, and cary a severe genetic disease.
Do you want to reinforce my cause or mine, because you are just giving me more excuses as to why you need to be ended.

>Why are you even defending them
I'm not at all defending them. I'm just explaining reality.

The problem with most conservatives (I include myself in this group) is that they conflate "natural" with "okay". Homosexuality 100%, unequivocally is natural. So is rape and murder. Dolphins rape and murder. Other primates rape and murder. Rape is actually one of the oldest reproductive strategies, of course. Does this make them morally acceptable? Well, no. Humans are not animals. Animals engage in rape, murder, and homosexuality. It's all natural in that it occurs on the Earth with no influence from men, but it's not okay.

Yeah gays should have biological children because they are smarter on average, and we need more smart people!

I'm saying the more you want to end us the more worthless your desire to attack is becomes. it will only encourage us to procreate more and blend in more, making us more prolific if more miserable.

Homosexuality was a gone concept in the west untill it's repushing by kikes, so I disagree.

The percentage of gays will remain stable basically no matter what. So it doesn't matter how we treat you. If we are more hostile, you'll just hide it better. I prefer when you hide it, desu.

yes, the gays were really jews all along, you figured it out

>Durr if i pretend something doesnt exist it doesnt exist
thats like saying drugs are a gone concept in the west because they don't teach how we traded opium and other drugs across the world to get super rich in schools today.

>population of gays will remain stable
wrong, more gays having reproductive sex is more proliferation.

You're a fool if you believe less gays had kids in the past. You're literally having the same number of kids as always. Men just sucked it up better. Homosexuals aren't necessarily the problem, gay culture is. Faggots make me sick. Well-manner homosexual men are fine. I know that you know what I mean. My homosexual friends have confirmed as such.

Romans would have slit your throat for getting between them and their boipussy.

Sodomy is the endemic vice of all the Semitic peoples, including the Arabs.

>longer noses

Now that we are perfecting AI gaydar, it will be much easier to find your kind and neutralize them.

>gay gene
You cunts are retarded.
Did you even read the article?

Gay can be genetic or partly genetic if survival is important to a social species, not just individuals.

>Hey fellow goys! Being gay is not a choice/result of brainwashing... it's genetic! See? It's science!
Fuck off you fucking kikes