Why do liberals hate the 1950's so much, Sup Forums...

Why do liberals hate the 1950's so much, Sup Forums? The usually start whining about how "racist" and "sexist" things were back then, while ignoring that the black murder rate was lower, the female suicide rate was lower, etc. It doesn't seem quite so simple based on the actual data, even by their own standards.

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looks comfy

It's a whole series called "Home Life in America" by Douglass Crockwell.

I imagine that images like these trigger the fuck out of liberals.

Because it was before our collective ideology was erased.

We had a strong cultural immune system to their perfidity

Because we were fighting socialism instead of jerking off to Marx. Oh and MUH WHITE PEOPLE!!

Quit jerking it to 1950's advertisements

Because it was very anti-feminist and pro nationalist.

it was so incredibly boring and fake

as opposed to today.....