Why the hell is this the National House of Prayer anyway? Episcopalians are so cucked, I even think the head "pastor" of this parish is a woman. Pathetic. Why not make an Orthodox cathedral the national church of the United States?
Washington National Cathedral
I can't stop staring at that beautiful westwork and flying buttresses!
No more gothic, only brutalism now.
>Why not make an Orthodox cathedral the national church of the United States?
it will become the national religion of America
after WW3 untill the US will fall again but this time to the wiles of the antichrist.
BWAHAHAHA Yeah it's "beautiful" alright. Remind me again how Episcopalians are Christians?
>Washington National Cathedral
cucked into removing stained glass windows honoring General Lee and Stonewall Jackson this week
What a fucking disgrace.
deus vult
Because WASPs used to be the ruling class.
It's all about the architecture. Sorry! Nothing better than buttress jokes on 8th grade class trip.
Yeah. Protestants at that time had just enough Catholic culture still in them to recognize the need to build a home worthy of worship to almighty God; an outward symbol of their faith.
Now, since Protestantism has devolved into its logical conclusions, a tin barn warehouse with fold-up chairs surrounding a tall end table that resembles a pulpit is enough, because "worship" is completely oriented toward man, his emotions, and "feeling fed" by a rousing sermon.
>Meanwhile, coffee and refreshments are in the back. Please don't forget to tithe! Thanks
Bc that place is beautiful. Had my graduation there
This is true beauty.
The church is not a temple, nor is a temple the church. The church is the people of God, each their own temple. When two or more are gathered together, there Christ is among them.
It's as much as symbol of their faith as saint peters basilica is to Catholics. Protestants seek communion with Christ like they did in the beginning, house to house and wherever they could make room. It helps no one to be reductive.
The Orthodox church is an immigrant church, it has no history in North America
Christian orthodoxy nor catholicism is American. Only protestantism is, we have to bring back the KKK to get rid of kikes, nigs, and catholic scum.
The Orthodox Church is the only Church for western civilization. No degeneracy allowed.
That's not American.
>hurr derp we need 2 preserve our culture xD the kkk was based! WASPS are cool xD
>let's make a religion that was never a part of American society our state religion!
No, KKK were heretic Protesatan scum who have no salvation. The Orthodox Church is the one true Church established by Christ. No degeneracy and no heresy.
It's a monument to privilage and noncurrent ideals. It needs to come down.
Again, it ISN'T American you retard. No matter how many times you repeat the same crap, it doesn't change the fact that orthodoxy isn't American. Also, Orthodoxy in the US is more liberal than Protestantism.
>KKK were heretic Protesatan scum
That's the case when it seems convenient to you. Orthodoxy never was nor will it ever be American.
I hope they rejoin the Catholic church someday
The Orthodox IS THE TRUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH you fucking retard. it can surpass certain cultural bounds, have you ever seen the Western rite Orthodox? Their liturgy is Western.