Capitalism is evil. It's the chief cause of the West's downfall. You're a cuckold if you support it

Capitalism is evil. It's the chief cause of the West's downfall. You're a cuckold if you support it.

Capitalism does not have an answer to the behavioral sink.

All the faggotry you see running amok today in Western societies was predicted time and time again by John B. Calhoun.

We're fucked. Totally fucked. Royally fucked.

Take the black pill. Improve yourself, prepare, and enjoy the ride. You've got a front row seat to a great historical event. The collapse of a great civilization.

>Capitalism does not have an answer to the behavioral sink.
You realize that degenerate behavior doesn't work in a free market right? How would you be a single mom if you don't get gubmint cheese? How could you rob your husband if the judge can't discard the prenup? How could you be a "refugee" if you can't get a job and the government won't give you a house and a check?

We got here because the governments of the west subsidize filth.

Was that an attempt at a rebuttal?

Don't talk to me about hypotheticals, and how thing ought to be. I'm talking about things as they are, dumb fuck.

Western liberal democracies mirror the conditions of Mouse Universe 25 exactly.

There is no disease, starvation, no lack of resources in most Western countries. And unsurprisingly people, devoid of a reason to exist, become faggots, and traps, and give blowjobs to dogs, and are literally want to be raped to death by muslims...

>Capitalism does not have an answer to the behavioral sink.
This is really cute.

So a group of MARXISTS fleeing Nazi Germany come to a capitalist state and after 50-100 years of convincing everyone that they're the forefront of sociology, begin making equitable standards politically incorrect and ensure the only people who can be judged or critiqued are white men. Of course there's no answer when all the good answers are rejected. Of course such unequivocal standards causes a behavioural sink; we aren't allowed to shame losers, idiots and the insane anymore or even penalise them. They were born that way.

Then when there's absolutely no standards for people who aren't white men, people like you tell me capitalism has failed to moderate their behaviour or create meaning and responsibility outside of their careers.

It was you who told us white men aren't allowed to do art and that any art by a black woman is worthwhile. It was you who told us we need more women/minorities in STEM leaving programmers who leave gaping security holes open. It was you who left no other option besides a complete exit from society leading to a complete absence of the people who can fix this.

All along, it was you Marxists who've made things shit and then you seriously turn around and try to convince us these are natural, inherent problems with capitalism.

I'm not a marxist, you fucking faggot. I'm done with stupid labels.


Aww cry more, I'm just (trying to) good posting.

Either quote something in there that interests you or pretend you've left the thread and didn't even read it.

You might be done with labels, but you sure as fuck aren't done with garbage ideology.

Embrace Cultural Nationalism, and get back to work. Quit fucking idolizing the people who gave up.

>It's the chief cause of the West's downfall
Wrong, it's the chief cause of the West's rise to power. OP is a faggot

Canada BTFO

It's the chief cause of the kikes' rise to power. >There is no disease, starvation, no lack of resources in most Western countries
That's wrong. People are systematically denied healthcare and food just by being poor. It's unacceptable in a welfare state.

patience niglet.

Thats really cute.

So a group of JEWS and WHITES who run America's biggest corporations decide to bribe politicians and outright kill those who did not play their games (JFK) and """capitalism""" is not to blame.

So capitalism literally has nothing to do with Jewgle, Fuckbook and Microshit literally controlling the world. MNCs have replaced the Church and the State. Do you even realize this you faggot piece of shit.
> fighting systemic racial bias
> inclusion
> diversity

Bill Gates going around the world pretending to cure malaria and shit,
Zuckercuck putting all his wealth in a (((charitable))) trust and pretending like he gives a shit about anybody other than himself.

All of this shit was the domain of the Church. Morality, charity, love and kindness all of this shit used to be associated with the Church. But the Media Jews and Corporate Jews (and WHITES, don't pretend that it's all jews) slandered the Church and usurped its role in society.

Now the government. Even normies know that """elected""" politicians are a joke, and everybody is bought and paid for.

And you're saying all of this literally has nothing to do with capitalism?

Oh maybe you'll be really cute and come up with some bullshit label like "oh no that is not capitalism, that is crony-capitalism / corporatism"

No true scotsman would ever say that!

You're a faggot. QED.

Capitalism is evil.
Your a fu@king white male.
Give me free shit.
OP is a fag

Communism is evil. It's the chief cause of the West's downfall. You're a cuckold if you support it.

Hey nigger, 50 million people aren't dying in a pandemic anymore.

> The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918 – December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.[1] It infected 500 million people around the world,[2] including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population[3]), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.

Good times.

Oh God you're so mad. Is it the cutie pictures? I hope it is, until recently I didn't realise the sheer power of being an avatarfag. It makes people, women especially, livid.

>implying you know what I look like

>Thats really cute.
>So a group of JEWS and WHITES who run America's biggest corporations decide to bribe politicians and outright kill those who did not play their games (JFK) and """capitalism""" is not to blame.
Are we talking about political corruption? Which is fixed in late capitalism by digital disclosure of all donations, or are we talking about culture? Oh, culture? Then I stand by my "Marxists killed classical" argument.

>So capitalism literally has nothing to do with .. Do you even realize this you faggot piece of shit.
Are you done putting words in my mouth?

>> fighting systemic racial bias
>> inclusion
>> diversity
>Bill Gates going around the world pretending to cure malaria and shit,
Yeah, this is outright cultural Marxism. Does it actually surprise you rich people get stupid and Marxist? Bill Gates is the sole reason there's so much preference for Indian STEM, completely against any realistic standards.

>All of this shit was the domain of the Church. Morality, charity, love and kindness all of this shit used to be associated with the Church.
Yes, and the church would see the both of us married by now, unless you're underaged.

>Oh maybe you'll be really cute and come up with some bullshit label like "oh no that is not capitalism, that is crony-capitalism / corporatism"
Yeah, actually.

Do you actually believe media is freely and equally advertised? If not, how could it be capitalist when you're hundreds of times more likely to hear, involuntarily, some Hispanic whore talking about how great black men are than a classical piece?

How is it a true fair market when certain content creators have such an advantage?

Only if it makes you happy

> Which is fixed in late capitalism by digital disclosure of all donations,

... unreal
simply unreal
I hope you're trolling.

>How is it a true fair market when certain content creators have such an advantage?

> no true scotsman argument
> faggot crocodile fuckers from Australia

what a waste of time. fuck this thread.

>accept my idea of capitalism bitch boy now bend over, come on you don't want to be a hypocrite, do you? I totally paid for this, now give it up.. uhhh yeahhh that's right, mmmm

Get a room.

>muh isms
Blood, not ideology, determines the course of things.
>I'm done with stupid labels.
Then provide an issue by issue breakdown about what has you butt flustered, instead of trying to lump trillions of decisions made daily under a single term like capitalism.