Parenting Thread

How can you raise children in the modern world without them becoming degenerates, especially when you're contending with the indoctrination in the public school system? Is it better to be stricter with your children, or will that only make them resent you in the end? Boomers were raised in front of the television, and the current generation is raised in much the same way, with computers, game consoles, tablets, smartphones, etc. I imagine keeping them away from technology for as long as possible, or at least limiting their access to it, especially smartphones, is a good way to go, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, if you have kids, or are planning on having them, what are you doing/going to do?

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Learn how to be firm but not authoritarian. Don't take away all technology, but putting some limits on their use of it might be a good idea until they're old enough to be responsible. Do good old-fashioned things like boating, hiking, crafts, yard work, and such to teach them the value of hard work while letting them enjoy themselves.


Live in the country, homeschool, teach them useful skills, curate non-degenerate media for them. Don't be authoritarian, instead teach them to hate postmodernism as much as you do.

First step and this is assuming you've already married a woman who shares your beliefs and respects you, is to move to a right wing state, preferably one with low degeneracy like Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas, etc. Suburbs are fine but rural is better IMO. The second step is to have your kids homeschooled, have your wife take care of them while you are at work. Have the wife teach your daughter or daughters the importance of being feminine and being pure. Teach your daughters to not grow up to whores and to not dress up like whores. Your job as a man and dad is to teach your sons to be men, to be fighters. Start having them do push-ups when they're 9-10. Teach them the importance of being dominant. You should teach your kids the importance of gender roles. Don't send your daughters to college, they don't need it, they just need to know how to be a good wife and loving mother, which your wife will teach them. Do not give your children smartphones. Don't keep your kids as shut ins, you have to have them go outside and do outdoors activities. There are sport teams for homeschooled kids.

You have to be a strong father otherwise you won't be respected. You are not your kid's friend, many parents today are too lenient with their kids and are more of a friend than a parent. You need to discipline your kids when necessary.

homeschooling bad idea
kids especially must be social

Are you actually a father?

Install a speaker system in their crib, instead of playing Mozart play Jordan Peterson lectures

Yes, and sending them to schools full of below-average IQ mutants, sociopaths, and education majors is the proper way to socialize them.

>The only social opportunities for young people are in schools


>not putting Sup Forums on a baby tablet 24/7

I just had a daughter and I worry about these things.

First be fun yet stern.
Give your daughter personal instruction for most everything and explain truthfully and dont make up stuff like god is watching
Also, raise them satanist, follow these with her

Damn how shitty is your school district? Are you poor?


It was going so well....

Never potty train them.

And he doesn't realize that homeschooling is basically a fucking subculture. It's not that difficult to find likeminded folks with homeschooled kids for your kids to meet. Churches also historically were basically the meeting grounds for kids before public schools became mandatory.

so, I am doing this.

4 kids so far.

we are part of a rural church that is fantastic, and a rural Christian homeschool cooperative that is also fantastic. my sons are in cub scouts, and that isn't degenerate yet because its in a tiny rural town.

wish me luck, anons

Father of two boys here. The key is to have a two-parent household and to love your children, let them know they're loved, spend time with them, let them know you're interested in them. Yes, set boundaries, but it's the love that does it.

Public school in general is shit, never mind the fact that practically every middle class community is being flooded with diversity. I wouldn't send my kids to school to get their asses beat by Puerto Ricans either to be honest. That's basically child abuse.

true (white) mans best friend

My kids 14 14 and 16 have no problem figuring out the bs the school pushes on them.
The reason is the technology So don't assume it's all bad.
They will laugh in your face if you call them racist sexist or any of the other lefty crap. This is true of most kids of all races,they are true egalitarians.

>My kids 14 14 and 16 have no problem figuring out the bs the school pushes on them.

Yeah but their education is basically shit-tier. Public schools are fucking garbage, besides all of the cultural marxist indoctrination. Even if your school doesn't have a 'diversity problem'
you're still subjecting your kids to a poor education.

No videogames, no smartphones, no tablets. Very limited internet access. If they want those toys you let them know they will need to get a job to afford them themselves. What you want to do is limit their access to technology, not to cage them in, but to allow you and your wife time to teach them your morals and life lessons while allowing their own non-degenerate hobbies to flourish. Teach them to hunt, to fish, to shoot, to play football. Anything outdoorsy and let those learning experiences build who they will ultimately become. If they eventually get a job and start getting absorbed into the internet they will have to do so with their own resources. If you don't attend a church start attending and enroll your child in Sunday School.

if you're trying to raise your kid based off the whims of Sup Forums your doing it wrong

Sorry user. Sounds like you live in a really shitty district.

Good luck with the homeschooling. You are actually a father, right?

Step 1. Don't ask for parenting advice here.

Send them to a private Orthodox Jew or traditional catholic school.

When they get older tell them the religions a bunch of shit but the values are bang on.

Also spend a lot of time interacting with your kids as a father. The difference between people raised by single mothers/family's with a distant or beta father, and people raise by a health straight couple is incredible.

Tbh user one thing I've learned that each child responds differently. My daughter (4) could care less if you spanked her... She responds only to positive reinforcement.
My son (10) responded better to a strict environment.
Routine is important. Be consistent both between you and your wife. Teach them to treat people, especially elders with respect. Don't teach them to hate people... If you give them good critical thinking skills and respect for others, then they will figure things out. If they have self respect and self worth then they won't get bullied easily, but they also need to be physically confident.
Don't feed them shit, make them do team sports, and if they can't handle freedom with technology then you need to curb that shit early on.

As a dog lover and someone who considers themselves well versed in dog behavior it is a seriously boneheaded idea to let your small child to play in the middle of a group of large dogs like that. You're just asking for something bad to happen

You see a lot of articles about small children being mauled by pitbulls or whatever but it's usually because of negligent behaviour like this. DO NOT leave your children unattended or at the mercy of large dogs

I grew up around two very, very large dogs (both were easily over a hundred pounds) and never had problems with them. Maybe it was because they were both giant shaggy fluffballs that were bred to herd sheep.

Home school or emigrate.

I was a little shit to the family dog when i was a toddler. Pulling her ears and shit. One day my mum heard screaming from the garden and came out to see what had happened. Turned out the dog had got the shits, knocked me over and was sitting on me.
Tl;dr based labradors

That's cool and all and often a family dog is okay especially if it has a long history with a child....but it's still always risky with a toddler....6 or younger I'd leave it unattended. And especially not with many large dogs.

Dogs are pack animals and are great if they understand that a child is a life form above it (human)....but if the child is small it may take the liberty to try and put it in it's place and can result in a biting

It's important to love your dog but also to realize it IS an animal and may react in a savage way from time to time

My sheepdog-lab mix would eat socks from people's rooms and shit out pieces of fabric the next day. When she got too old to climb the stairs (arthritis) the purebred sheepdog would bring the socks back down to her. Some dogs give zero fucks.

Nice meme.

everything is better with doggos

Good kids.... They raise themselves. We adults die slowly. All I find is a world without lies.Theres a love I I wanna live. In a world I wanna stay. Theres I dream I wanna live. When I wake Up goes away. There ain't no way I can change.

Love and care for them, but don't control or try to shield them from their fuck ups. Know that they'll do bad shit and discourage it when discovered with proper amount of force, advise them and be more of mentor them when they get older and begin moving towards being young adults, but still punish them when they break your rules. Refrain from shielding them from their own mistakes, and let them get burnt. Remember that your job is not necessarily just to protect them until they're 18, but also that you need to teach them and guide them to how to be a productive adult. Encourage honesty and get them working from a young age.

I agree

Don't pay for their college.

I heard this book is good:
>Love & Respect in the Family by Emerson Eggerichs
I'm still trying to find the download for it though.

No Internet. That simple.