What does Sup Forums think of neo-medievalism? How about monarchies, small tribe-states, and tradition?
Neo medievalism
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I like traditionalism but all this monarchy shit seems pretty larpy tbqh.
Monarchy was irrevocably BTFO with nationalism. hth
And now they ruled by yids who swarmed their country with animals. There's a very scary pattern i noticed - if nation's ethnic nobility killed off/ousted/never existed at all, nation eventually be ruled by banks (and banker families). How's the Emperor Rothschild, Abdul?
Monarchy is shit tier
>works for tens of thousands of years
>explosively increasing progress for humanity
>(((democracy))) arrives
>progress slowing down
makes me think
What do I think about it?
>1000+ years of Christendom: Western civilization
>200 years of secularism: children confused as to which bathroom to use
Join us.
>it's better than democracy so it must be good
I never said it was good, just that it was better than democracy
>Christendom is western civilization
No one tell him
I feel that I was born as a medieval knight and am just waiting for my future reincarnation along with my merry band of brethren. Also, I'm very good at playing Zelda.
>small tribe states
Sounds good. But wouldn't it be up to them to decide just how traditional they would be, or which form of political organization they prefer?
Maybe. I'd just say that democracy is more vulnerable to manipulation through mass media.
You could more or less do this if you went Amish-style off in the middle of nowhere. Buy a ranch in Wyoming and set up a little fiefdom, just pay your taxes and do whatever you want. It's one of my biggest disappointments that more people don't do shit like this just to see what happens.
I have dreamed of Being born in the 1100's
Why was I born in this modern world?
I'm okay with limited Monarchy but fuck feudalism and serfdom
christendom follows from western civilization, not the other way around, faggo
Explain England. They still have an actual Queen.
Sounds like Afghanistan desu.
Why did you destroy their country to bring FREEDOM(tm)
because you a gay nigga senpai
is that a painting of varg?