How to get more women on our side

It's no secret that far right/pro-white politics are dominated by men. So how do we get more women to join our movement?

Easy. Be better men. Improve your body. Improve your mind. Get a high-paying job. Act with honor and virtue.

Women are emotional creatures and deep down what they want from men is very simple. Have faith, my brothers. Improve yourselves and the women will come.

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>So how do we get more women to join our movement?
>Easy. Be better men. Improve your body. Improve your mind. Get a high-paying job. Act with honor and virtue.
I've actually had this thought, using male sex symbols here, I thought, probably won't work out. I think women are more likely to group think with women and feel free to disagree with hot, politically outspoken men since they're kind of like a bad boy, someone who can be changed later.

So no, I don't believe male sex symbols will work out.

Pic related, a successful political philosopher sex symbol.. because her audience are guys.

>Act with honor and virtue
This is the best way to be a better man. Getting in shape or maintaining your physical body should already be a part of one's daily ethos. Dying as a disgusting sludge body while still young is just sad.

wtf is up with posting this grill?

dog, just because we love you and will marry you doesn't mean we're gonna sign over our rights to you. As long as the alt right and pro white movement is synonimous with anti womens sufferage and womens rights we're not going to vote against our own interests anymore than you would vote to make men lose sufferage and the right to persue a career.

that said, slut shaming men and persuing honorable tasks just as much as you slut shame women is pretty much the best thing men can do right now to cement their cause and grievances with women.

Most of us don't think we're equal to you, we think you're as dumb as us.

it gets a lot of replies usually by people arguing over the cringe so it is used to keep a thread bumping

lift and read books, practice social skills and hone your talents – women are infantile pseudo-retards who need to be lead and taken care of. If you're alpha enough they'll fall in place and eventually make themselves useful.

This won't happen though, prepare yourself for further decay and eventual ruin.

>women on our side
so they can destroy it from within like they're doing to the left?
fuck off cuck

Ironically, somehow, I actually support this. If you can please a woman enough to make her feel like men should be the ones dealing with politics, go ahead. Make it happen. Take your beliefs as far as you can. Be the best man you can be.

I doubt you'll trigger a full cultural reversion to the 1920's, but if that's what you believe about human nature and politics, be my fucking guest. I will be the first to acknowledge your success if you can achieve any.

One phrase: take now the iron pill

ahh ok

then again it already means they're on our side
they just don't know it nor do we have to pay them anything for it

>suffrage and womens rights period
>also no booze erra
see this is what i mean when I say we consider men just as dumb as us.

are you the faggot that spammed /bant/ with women in diapers?

you genuinely aren't wrong.
when I think about the greatest dangers to womens rights, SJWs are at the top of that list.



its a newer meme sir but it checks out.

>So how do we get more women to join our movement?
We don't as if we control the government the women will have to follow us and submit to our ways since we are the ones in charge.

Who gives a fuck what the women think? or to get them to join us as women will follow.
>Be better men
Aka be a better workhorse, be a better slave to women and society then currently you are now.
> Improve your body. Improve your mind
I am only gonna do those things on my benefit. Not for the benefit of women or society because fuck them both.
>Act with honor and virtue.
Set up a white knight, cuckolded code of honor which mandates being a gentleman and a white knight.

Can't. Women, especially white women, love to love non-white men because white men are the villains of society today. Nothing we can do about it other than accept that fact and embrace virginity.

No other race of women work AGAINST their own men, only white women. So let white women live with the men they love and see what happens when they are at their mercy.

you already are the ones in charge (men)
>women will just have to do what we say becayse we have the house etc
are you retards allergic to planning? or do you expect that the jew you pay to do it for you is going to look out for your best interests in mind when deciding whos and how much rights to take away from the american public?

But "she" has Adam's apple.

only thing i can say is bring me a 3/4ths angle image and i'll use my gaydar if you want to be sure.

she is the new queen of pol, get used to it

Create an environment where they are socially rewarded for breeding and mothering children. It's what Nazi Germany did, it's what the Mormons do.

The problem really is that there's too many salty kids in the Alt-Right that care more for fighting than fathering. Essentially they're 1800's Irishniggers.

>sign over our rights to you
>implying men even need women to do that

Someone sauce

seems about right to me, whenever I bring up the fact that being a house wife is shit from the stability perspective (you have no savings and are entirely dependant on your husband to survive at his whim) I'm accused of being selfish for wanting to have my own money i can save and use in case of mergency to do things like eat and have shelter.

Pol equates the idea of rewarding being a home maker with degeneracy itself, they want a return to chattel slavery for women and more than half of them like to pretend we're gonna somehow enjoy having no choice in what we do from cradle to grave.

>Nazi Germany
socialist shitheads
>the Mormons
a kooky cult

what wonderful role models you have

you are correct that we're not needed, but you are wrong if you think our doing so wouldn't hasten and ease your burden of enslaving us, as op is suggesting you get us to do.

>women on a side
women are objects not persons who pick sides. right now the popular opinion involves fucking the nigger who killed your brother as show how tolerant you are.

women need to be exterminated not partnered with

>you already are the ones in charge (men)
In our democratic society based on voting no however just due to male power yes as we can take women's rights away on a whim if we really wanted too (cucks are currently preventing us from doing so).
>when deciding whos and how much rights to take away from the american public?
At the very minimum women's rights must die.

>a cooky cult
its a cult that works, you want recruits you dont consider thoughtful or intelligent. what are you gonna use to real them in, rational arguements?

She's taken it would seem. Ouch. BLACKED and Blue, /poltards. HAHAHAHA.

>at the very minimum
glad you are more concerned with putting us in chains than you are worried you'll be put in chains along with us. maybe you haven't picked up on this but in groups aren't as pervasive as you think they are for the alt right, plenty of men of all kinds are gonna be thrown under the bus if you don't plan this shit just right that you're gonna be thankful we're docile chattel because abusing us will be the only distraction you have from being assraped by the new order.

you think hitler just fucking winged it?

Once it becomes mainstream enough, women will come. They think socially, not intellectually.

A cult full of idiots is a wonderful thing to aspire to.

Here's a secret.
As soon as white women + white men are no longer a formiddable voting block in the US white women will be turned on and treated the way white men are treated today.

In fact they are already somewhat starting to feel this. Historically they have been the primary beneficiaries of identity politics but their place has been taken by transgenders and worse Muslims in recent times.

Despite how dumb some people here think women are they ALWAYS vote in their best interests and if they are going to get more preferential treatment for supporting conservatism they will. The idea that they voted left previously because of 'equality' or 'social justice' is just lolworthy.

Really all we have to do is encourage the left's support for utter garbage like transgender rights and affirmative action for blacks (white women HATE this) and eliminate misogyny on our side.

The way to get women into the "alt right" is simply to date white women of decent character. Any woman who is not a far left liberal, even moderate liberal women, will gradually shift to your politics as long as you fulfill your duties in the relationship.

To appeal to women on the mass scale and not on the personal, the alt right should project an image of strength and potential. There should also be attractive faces of the movement as well as this influences women (see Kennedy).

However, there is one thing the alt right SHOULD NOT, under any circumstance, do to appeal to women. And that is attempt to pander to their female ego and their current feminist politics. Ceding ground has always destroyed right wing political movements, and it never attracts the target audience because it is a sign of weakness. Strength will attract women, failing the shit test will be devastating to the "alt right" movement.

Yeah liberalism is much more sane, we just need to convince people that they deserve shit they haven't earned

>convince people that they deserve shit they haven't earned
you are talking about Marxism

Agreed completely. Your solution to "how can we got more women" doesn't lead the question "how can women change" it explicitly states how men can improve.

Love the message, change the flag, keep going patriot

>LGBT flag
Sign over your rights to the state then nobody cares

Marry one and put a baby in her. That's what makes a woman conservative.

i NEED her name

chad nationalism


wow, shit poster not shitposting,
but you're right for the most part. as an lgbt i support trans peoples rights, but I still face palm every time i see them compete in the olympics on whatever side. I cant imagine the butthurt that causes, i for one never gave a fuck about the olympics though.

>eliminate anti female politics from the alt right
easier said than done.

>implying we aren't already being thrown under the bus
>implying women have ever given a shit about us
>implying light patriarchy is """abuse"""

I like the pic, its representative of what we are dealing with OP.

ceding ground shows you are a rational human being, so since the number of those are so low of course youre going to not have many fans.

>implying traditional gender roles is slavery
>thinking the alt right will ever appeal to people like you
>being this retarded

>sign over our rights to the state
we are doing the opposite of this actually, I dont think you understand how this fucking works, we have our freedom, but no fortification (women and gay people in power), which means we have no defence against retaliation policies. we haven';t handed over any power to the state that hasnt been in the feds greedy little grasp since the civil war concluded.

>ceding ground shows your rational
Not when the other side has no intention of ceding ground themselves.

>implying traditional gender roles is slavery
you're right, its worse than slavery, at least a slave is obliged to be payed for with money, when you take away our rights again, we'll go back to being something you have to pay to get rid of, like a nigger child in disguise.

if you think women had agency in the period before feminism you've lost it.

>glad you are more concerned with putting us in chains than you are worried you'll be put in chains along with us.
I imparting my knowledge unto the future generations so by the time shit hits the fan i will be in a nice box 6 feet underground as i my life was lived and by then it will be over.
> plenty of men of all kinds are gonna be thrown under the bus
That is implying i trust men already.

No fuck it i hate everyone and i only live for myself and my mission and i only trust myself.
> because abusing us will be the only distraction you have from being assraped by the new order.
As i said i will be dead by the time the end comes.

I won't be around for the new order to stick me in my bum.

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not user, if you are you're doing it well. Unfortunately there really are people who think like this.

Here's a secret.

As soon as white men + white women together are no longer a formidable voting bloc in the US, the left will turn on white women and they will be treated the way white men are today. This follows the historical pattern of communism where the useful idiots who lead the first revolution are lined up and shot in the second wave.

That said women aren't completely dumb and have been voting in their own short term best interests right up to the point where the tide will turn against them as up until this point white women have been the main beneficiaries of identity politics.

We're at the start of that now with some women slowly switching because they see identity politics being more beneficial towards transgender people, muslims and blacks etc. it is transitioning away from disproportionately benefiting them. They HATE this:

This is leading to those minorities who are now benefiting more complaining that white women never cared about equality and only cared about identity politics when it benefited them (true).

Simply put if conservatism benefits them more they will vote for it. This is a race between red pilling white women on the direction of identity politics and passing the point of no return in terms of demographic change.

So yeah the strategy would be encourage the left to favour other groups over white women, point that out to white women and eliminate misogyny on our side.

>not when the other side has no intention of ceding ground.
see this is why you're in the jews strings. divide and conquer, you refuse to cede ground and unite, the left will be more than willing to jump ship. even shows like the simpsons make fun of retarded sjw stuff and most of the bleeding heart liberals I know actively hate them.

fuck, all you have to do is set the reticule on first past the post election cycles, which basically ensures that the jews win and you have nothing but an underrepresented and angry public no matter who wins.

>the diaper fetishists are back
Not this shit again

well if you live up to your namesake at least.

thats because its genuinely what happened you idiot. dowrys are part of western culture down to the farthest roots you moron. Women where to obey their father and their husband, they had no other purpose but to serve their owner through their trades (ie jobs where you give all the money to the man) or through providing him sons,

want to know why women like lefties?

because life is about fun and great sex not money

capitalists focus on money and let body rot

I am guilty

but i am fixing the body with calisthenics and low fat vegan food and sleep durianrider style
and bodybuilding without paying for gym

its awesome

women want to be fucked and have few laughs not all thsi boring serious shit

to keep economcally strong thought learn cmputers freebsd and common lisp

also if can get mba finance
or hek lawyer
youtube yaron brook
just working bod and lungs hard
nair hair and shave nuts
dont jerk off so gun loaded
and the take ultimate step and buy sex
women for cheap on seeking arrangement dot com etc
dont watch tv or waste time too much

I am saying this I dont follow all of it

but if get body in good enuf shape can get laid so much

keep things simple

i am stuill trying figure out if you jsut need to starve like this guide says

can u just lift and starve and get cut as fuck?
or is that bs thing to get u slow down metabolism n get fat so need trainer evne more?

>being this much of a slut

Only burgeoise women in anglo cuntris had the luxry of not working - fuck off with this bullshit - and disabuse yourself of this concept of human rights. They only exist as much as they can be enforeced by their proponents aka men willing to do violence on your behalf. If you keep spitting in their face dont be suprised if they dont protect you

c u c k

I think the feminist endgame is making all of the western world look like America's poor, black communities. Men father a shit ton of kids with a shit ton of different women. women have kids from different men, but no fathers are present. Marriage simply doesn't happen. Patriarchy dead. Mission accomplished.
And then the government collapses because nobody is able to pay for this shit. Barbarism takes over. Women are chattel again. Rinse and repeat.

No women spoil all the movement they get into, post Moar of the semen demon though

>deep down what they want from men is very simple.

$ + big dick.

I'm aware that women used to work senpai, I'm refering to the modern feminist idea of work, where we work, but instead of handing over all the agency it earns to the man of the house we keep it for ourself.

as for everything else you said, I can't help but feel you're just another retard proving men are just as dumb as us, because if you read most of my posts at all you would already know I understand sjws and dumb women are the greatest threat to our rights.

Dude, you are focusing way too much on looks. Sure, girls care about it. But mostly they care about personality.

Personality is why us Sup Forums dwellers don't get laid. It doesn't matter how you look or how much money you have, if you're a boring aspie, it's over.

thats retarded, and so are you
Feminist endgame is non existant, feminists are litterally just building their own power structure while trying to pretend that they can litigate people to change their opinions. Its like a religion or a cult with sjws, using social power and cyber bulling to basially create their own regime. the problem is this regime doesnt actually exist because no women are in any positions of actual power.

Basically what used to work for feminism was protesting, and now that we have our rights for the most part the last bastion of oppression is in the fact that some people haven't changed their minds, feminism are applying an old tool to a new problem with disasterous results.

The end game of feminism is to change your minds about women. lacking any actual ways to do this, they are fumbling with politics to make people behave as though they changed your minds when it didnt actually do shit.

This is such a dumb argument. Yes, obviously you should improve yourself, but that isn't and shouldn't be the end of it. The problem I have with tradcons is they just want to blame men the same way feminists do: women act like shit, it's men's fault.

You have to examine the reason for this self-improvement and virtue. The reason is to preach proper morals from a position of strength. The reason societies have had good women is because those women had to act that way to get a decent man, and the ones that didn't were shamed and deprived. Don't build up your body, mind, and status just to settle for some washed up whore, you may as well die a virgin for all the good you're doing the movement. Understand your own worth, better yourself daily, and don't settle for anything less than a woman who matches your virtue.

We only get good women in society by ensuring that only they are successful, and the bad ones are shamed.

Lauren would be a successful sex symbol no matter what shtick she chose.

But I'm glad she chose this one, because now she's my waifu.

>roastie with the divide and conquer tactics
>yes, goyim, attack your own kind to gain our favor!
You know our rules.