Blocks our militia's path

>Blocks our militia's path.

How do we defeat it Sup Forumsbros?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sabotage the roads/bridges it'd have to cross. Avoid places it would be effective.

Stand back, lads.



roll 55 gallon drums of fuel down on it. from forward positions deep in Westvirginia

Dress up as civilians and strap a few kgs of c4 to the nearest kid and have em run up to it

>ITT people try to fight the iron beast head on
Attack the fuel, kill the drivers, run away if it ever wakes up.

Just find out who drives tanks, where they are, then kill them before they can drive them.
Taking out fuel is easy.
Also blowing roads or bridges really puts a damper on them and it makes them use more of that precious oil.

Sticky bombs

Simply, shoot its eyes out.

kek, w8 till they have to leave it, they'd be fighting each other before they'd go against populace, it's another black dick type of thread

A really, really big gun

what country is that shot from?
sounds like spic or something

Attack the logistics, Tanks cant run without people to fix them, fuel to feed them, and ammunition to fire.

We won't need to defeat it. It'll be on our side.

>Doesn't own his own tank or apc
>Doesn't drive his daughter to school in an affordable MT-LB
I bet you still have to worry about IEDs and landmines during your commute to work.

>Attack the fuel
This guy gets it. You don't focus on disabling the tank, you disable its supply line and turn it into a massive paper weight.

They cant shoot what they cant see, optics are vulnerable.

>How do we defeat it Sup Forumsbros?

Claim to be muslim freedom fighters and get free antitank weapons from the government.

Our Coast Guard will deal with it

Its the current Russian MBT

You are sending people to die if you don't have tanks.

Hide until it runs out of fuel and has to withdraw.

I'd fucking puncture the fuel barrels with my 3" government regulated butterknife of course


You don't. Unless it just so happens you have an E.O.D. specialist under your command.
Instead, you sneak into the enemies' base at night, and kill everyone, including the tanker.

''So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.''

>Sun Tzu

>implying I would be in a "millitia"

Wong flag

>being this much of a larping fag

good heavens

Ya got heart kid.

Tie a big ballon to it and watch it float away.

Hide in camouflage and let them get close then place home made sticky bombs in their treads.

Starve their oxygen by pummeling with dozens of molotov cocktails

Bin that knife you fucking madman

>implying I would be in a "militia"

buy some second hand stuff from pakistan

Lol, they barely use tanks now and why are you forming up battlelines?

Owning a tank is the fastest way to get attacked by a tank

It depends on how the tank(s) are engaged, the material, time, and human resources used, and the level of technology. Abstract thought is helpful for creating implements to defeat the armor's hardware. Alternatively, and if you have big balls - see and.

You can also use this strategy for a free (cost of munitions removed) burial

A fleet of these might help.

>crappy ww2 dinosaur vs Authentic T-72M

Send in this Army and tell it you're offended


Jetfuel melts steel tanks.

Call in the Giant.

Anti-Tank Rifles are fun.

>using puny anti tank rifles against a modern MBT

Cat on the manifold.