When did you finally take the Zuckerberg pill?
/Z2020G/ Zuckerberg 2020 Don't fal Drumf edition!
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Christ, these are even worse than the hilldawg originals.
Ironic posting is still shitposting.
Stay safe humpty trumpty!
u wot m8?
Rongey Rampf is done for.
M-Zuck will save America and save the day.
Wrong Mark. Watch out for Mark Cuban.
Somebody gets paid money for this. But manufacturing -- without shoehorning in the cost of trans-Pacific shipping -- is unimaginable.
Mark "Meme Master" Zuckerberg spearheaded the Web2.0 revolution with his innovative company called Facebook.
He's young, he's smart but best of all he's JUST LIKE YOU !
The world is changing and technology is changing even faster. To keep pace with this ongoing trend we need a leader who understands the youth of today.
Someone who understands the science and seriousness of climate change. We need a person who will not only defend our country and it's institutions but also someone who makes others feel accepted onto our wonderful land.
The person is Mark
The time is NOW
Mark - LIKE ME for President !
i like your pics.
i just wrote the piece above. feel free to use or modify it
Take the Podesta Pill today.
kek confirms satanic rapist for president
all hail podesta
op is a shareblue kike, sage
But hillary lost the election
She is a fucking loser
Want to try again sweetie?
Facebook let Russian nationals spread propaganda and influence the 2016 election. Thanks to Zuckerberg, we now have a literal orange fascist as president. Zuckerberg and all his associates belong in prison.