I use to do pic related and model rockets as a kid. Then computers came out and I became a hobbyless zombie.
what are some good hobbies to keep your mind sharp and away from a monitor screen?
I use to do pic related and model rockets as a kid. Then computers came out and I became a hobbyless zombie.
what are some good hobbies to keep your mind sharp and away from a monitor screen?
I make soap and beauty care shit in my bathroom. One day, I am sure to burn a hole straight through the toilet.
Is it possible? I play Bass, Guitar, Chess, Poker as my main hobbies and for the Bass and Guitar i need the PC for tabs and music, although i suppose i could join a band and go practise with others. Chess and Poker are played on the PC as well, although i could join a Chess club or drive to the Casino, do them in real life. The thing with the PC and internet is that everything is more convenient nowadays. If you want to avoid them then you have to find something that isn't available online, like a Sport where you have to get physical and leave the house. Try taking up swimming, or boxing..something like that.
Why do you have to ask this? Smdh. Cars, music, sports, outdoors, guns, gains, poon, etc
the fuck?
are you a woman?
math and/or programming
Sex with fat black woman
you werent required to answer,faggot.
gtfo if it gets your panties in wad.
how bout you spend your time studying history, and trying to figure a way out of this mess, instead of diddling around with toys, pussy
Bird watching, fishing, landscape/wildlife photography.
motorcycling is fun as hell
I also enjoy cleaning my face, feels great after using pic related
spending time with friends
music, Sup Forums has good taste if you browse enough. First board I made home after leaving
a good night's sleep, exercise, cooking, things I do less often but feel amazing after
learn to build things
wood to plastics to metal to electronics to a combination of all
I am starting to learn how to fly quadcopters.
Bought a Tiny Whoop E010S with a flight controller, googles and Simulation cable.
Gonna learn to fly on the sim and then start to fly the Quadcopter.
Then I will get something bigger like a 5 inch racer.
Could be very useful in some situations to have the fast moving eye in the sky.
Do BJJ just don't go to a competition school if you're looking for self defense
As a person who is interested in aneteur rocketry. Have you ever thought about cloud seeding?
if you actually knew how to read, I said I was into that shit as a kid.
I pan gold, make geological maps, and golf.
how much was yours? those things can get fucking pricey. I was looking into them.
I just went and launched some model rockets with my gf's nephew the other day, pretty fun and pretty cheap, I forgot how badass those things are.
Otherwise, get a gun and shoot it. Learn to play guitar or another instrument, but guitar is a good one to learn because girls love a dude who can play guitar. Just find something that interests you and learn how to be good at it. It doesn't even have to be something "cool" or Sup Forums approved. The sad truth is, most dudes (and way more for chicks) don't really know how to do much of anything. Seriously, people are stupid. My last girlfriend rode horses competitively and jumped over huge walls and shit on them, I hate horses but it was cool to at least meet a woman who could actually teach me about something I don't know much about, and who was better at something than I am. Most girls are just vapid as fuck and their only real "hobby" is social media. Just learn how to do something useful, bitches love a guy who can actually do something.
Panning gold is fun.
I screw around with recovering gold from old technology.
And I made a Red Solution of Nano Gold too
Metal detecting.
I got a Traxxas Alias quadcopter for about $100 on Amazon, it's definitely a good beginner one, the thing jams but is responsive enough you can fly it inside too if you have a big living room, and the range on the controller is pretty decent.
I have not
quick rundown?
The E101S is a small one you can fly around the house and learn with. It costs 60 and comes with a FPV camera.
The Flight Controller radio was another 45 bucks.
10 bucks for set of extra batteries and you can learn to fly pretty good with this setup.
Then you build a real 5 inch prop size one. You can also buy them ready to fly for about 200 bucks.
Lift weights.
Shoot guns.
Grow a garden.
Read classic literature.
Stalking, serial murder, flashing, rent boy, burglary, raping.
Basically putting some chemicles like solver iodine, dry ice, or even propane into the atmosphere to make it rain or precipitate.
Thought it might be useful to combat the forest fires here in oregon.
Could see some ameteur rockets sending and dispersing dry ice or even propane.
Wood/Metal work
I bought a jjrc h8c a while back. Its so like though that even a little breeze blows the thing away.
it can be fun, but it stopped working after a while for whatever reason.Wouldnt start up even with a charged batt.
In that order?
Rc cars are for retards, rc airplanes and helicopters are where it's at.
Quadcopters are for faggots, takes no skill to build, program, or fly
Being a rent boy would come last
Warhammer 40k is pretty good but overpriced AF
machinery, i have started recently on an old diesel truck, i want to be part if the 2 thousand ftlb of torque club.
i had a brief fling with guns, they are cool as fuck, but i have as many exotics as i can handle.
maybe i will take up woodworking next.
God damn rc is so fucking fun
thats a cool looking little model.. I might check it out... how does it handle outdoors?
Or Warhammer Age of sigmar
Ethnic cleansing.
Pick up fishing man. It's fun, challenging, and you end up with tasty food.
it can still do some amazing stuff outside.
I build 1/35th scale military models. I have built a Tamiya T-34 and Tamiya Tiger 1 Mid Production and am currently building a Dragon M103 and Tamiya Panther ausf. D. It is a fun hobby and it is good for helping you learn about historic armored warfare.
Build raifus and attempt to make them somewhat historically accurate in terms of finish, engravings, etc.
hmm it might work if youre shooting rockets that require e grade engines or higher. I havent looked into the hobby these days. Im sure there is all sorts of shit now, if it is still a thing.
Damn i got trips. I guess my hobby isn't gay, and is instead blessed
Both plentiful here. Lake Erie. Perch is one of the tastiest fish anyone could hope for. Breaded walleye on a hoagie bun is awesome.
Currently converting an old motorcycle to electric, building a noiseless passive cooled computer, exploring the city (going behind every building and such), and I took up bicycling with my friend to get some exercise.
Go karts and machining is fun as well, you can find go karts for dirt cheap on craigslist, 90% they just need a new carb
believe it or not I met a qt blonde flying something like pic related, maybe a bit larger. She was with her bf. I thought it might have been his,but it was actually hers,he didnt seem to car much about it.
thing could fly far and wide, was pretty fucking cool.
mountain biking
Cardio exercise and weight lifting keep your mind and body sharp. Bitches love it.
I saw a couple of niglets riding around in something that looks like pic related, but a lot more sketchily built. Both of them were fat as fuck and I keked out loud as they pasted my front porch.
Yes, go be a faggot on trails where people go to hike and get away from faggots. Bikers are the fucking worst. Twice as gay as joggers and a public safety hazard. Gay ass fucking shit
yeah but they were probably having a load of fun
Photography, Microelectronics, Programming, Geology (exploring, collecting minerals). Retro game collecting is kind of fun, can make some money on the side if you like trading and hunting for deals- same can be said with collecting old camera gear.
that little thing is fucking cool lol.
some machining satisfaction
I used to be into building WW2 models planes and stuff, then I'd hang them from my ceiling in my room.
80% lower
Yeah, I have my poles tucked away.Im far from any fresh water holes now. I could drive 40 mins to the beach, but eh.. Its always filled with spics fishing all over the place.
>no IAME parilla leopard
I fucking miss competitive karting.
I'm planning on getting my ham radio license in October.
one sixth or quarter scale? looks like a beast, nice
How do you mill them out? Just a drill press?
another project
its called only riding mountain bikes on mountain bike trails. theres a mountain bike organization in my state that maintains about 10 mountain bike/dirt bike/atv trail networks each with around 5 trails. youd have to be pretty stupid (or brave) to hike these trails. also ski resorts put hooks on the ski lifts during the spring and summer so you can take the lift up and ride your bike down
1/5th scale
my CNC mill
lol did someone run you over?
I'm still just getting into go karts, I dont have any racing frames yet, but plan on getting one soon
I need someone to machine my lower... I don't want to buy the $120 jig just to use it once, and I've been looking around trying to at least just rent the jig from someone but no one in cali seems to have one.
I've been having an absolute blast flying racing drones. I love how it is both a technical sport that is a battle of wits for who can build the best drone as well as a competitive sport.
It's also a blast just flying for fun and exploring my local area. I've spent hours scouring google maps for remote and interesting flying places. I've explored more of my home town in the past 6 months than I did in the past 10 years. Made lots of friends too.
not my video
A hidden bonus is that I have lucid dreams that I can fly like 5 nights a week now. That used to only happen like once a year for me.
yeah, and whoever finishes the 80% owns it, it's illegal to get someone else to complete your lower.
I dont have the jig but managed to do it, but i'f you're just gunna be using a router you'll need it, it's better to have the jig and some spare 80% lowers since they're dirt cheap
Bowling. It's the original white sport
That's how you spot people who arent in the hobby, they're quadcopters, or multirotors, but never drones.
I still R/C (cars, trucks, planes, helis, quads) and did High Power Rockety (Tripoli) back in the day.
Actually just took my drone out to take some pre-hurricane damage videos today incase I need to file a claim.
I shoot a lot.
3 Gun
Benchrest rimfire
Tactical Long Range
I enjoy reloading a lot.
Lotsa fishing, kayak inshore, surf, and freshwater
I always have some type of a wrenching project like a dune buggy or motorcycle to work on.
I like to mess around with Arduino stuff, too.
i make guitar pedals. The market is absolutely fucking flooded but i enjoy doing it and its a fun thing. I have some locals buy cheap clones of existing pedals i make. its pretty rad
I tried using a cheap drill press you can do it but it's very shit compared to what you can do with a milling machine.
I highly recommend it it's some of the most fun I've ever had. Too poor right now to get back into it but I will eventually.
> good hobbies that feel good
> seeking distraction
here's a redpill: power feels good.
good feelings are the reward for power gained or power wielded.
power feels good.
you have a choice: struggle to build your power, or drug yourself to forget your lack of power.
hobbies are the self-anesthetization of sufferers who refuse to acknowledge that they are such.
alternatively, remember that he who wants to live, must fight, and he who does not wish to fight in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to live.
radio control cars? why not skip a few steps and go straight to vodka? the price is about the same in the end, and the vodka kicks in quicker. hell, why not go get some gear and overdose? it'll feel reeeeeal niiiice....
if you can't afford an actual sports car, then shut the fuck up and get back in the fight. poorfag.
I agree. But I gave up on that nomenclature long ago. Every time I say quadcopter or multirotor to people outside the hobby they always say "what?" Then I say drones and they are like "oh OK".
I just call them drones when talking to people outside the hobby for simplicity.
Quadfag from before quads were mainstream.
Get Blade Nano QX to learn on without fear.
That is all.
Target shooting
Cycling on the trails
Vidya games
Occasional weed for quality meditation and deep thinking
Deep fucking some good pussy.
Spending time here... Too much time.
I got a beehive this year, about 300 to 400 bucks and you can be a beekeeper
then you're part of the problem
Shooting sports or build rifles. Weight lift/running. Read, and volunteer at a dog shelter.
I have ~12 done on my Modulus Jig.
I am by blems in bulk very cheap. Can build a good ghost AR for under 400 easy
I'm here for the amusing ride, that's all.
Look for receiver building the parties. People host them from time to time and bring the tooling and do a whole bunch of lowers at a party. We did them in the army for milling ARs and folding AK flats
nah, I just get tired of explaining the difference to people. My racing quadcopters aren't really drones. They aren't able to fly themselves at all. But after explaining the difference to people who obviously don't give a flying fuck about the difference 100 times I gave up.
Besides, when you have things like the DRL (Drone Racing League) being broadcast nationwide on ESPN the drone terminology is going to stick. To the general public they are drones...
the trails are designed to loop around as to make the most of the elevation/gravity while riding they dont lead to any views and they usually have steep banked turns, drop offs, and obstacles making them really shitty hiking trails
that's an amazing jig, what do you use to clear out the pockets?
Master your mind, body and soul.