Genius Grant Winner Ta-Nehisi Coates: "I am literally retarded."


>Donald Trump Is the First White President
> through the passive power of whiteness—that bloody heirloom
>above America’s founding sins,

>It is often said that Trump has no real ideology, which is not true—his ideology is white supremacy,
>To Trump, whiteness is neither notional nor symbolic but is the very core of his power.
>But that is the point of white supremacy—to ensure that that which all others achieve with maximal effort, white people (particularly white men) achieve with minimal qualification.

>Before Barack Obama, niggers could be manufactured out of Sister Souljahs, Willie Hortons, and Dusky Sallys.
>But Donald Trump arrived in the wake of something more potent—an entire nigger presidency with nigger health care, nigger climate accords, and nigger justice reform,

>the conservative social scientist Charles Murray, who co-wrote The Bell Curve, recently told The New Yorker, speaking of the white working class.
> “The only slur you can use at a dinner party and get away with is to call somebody a redneck—that won’t give you any problems in Manhattan.”
>That black people, who have lived for centuries under such derision and condescension, have not yet been driven into the arms of Trump does not trouble these theoreticians.

>a bunch of cherry picked non-random poll stats follow
>Trump’s approval rating underwater with every single demographic group.
>except one: people who identified as white.

Honestly, anons, I couldn't keep going after this point. The last time I read such drivel, it was written by 19th Century race realists.

Is there anything of value left among leftists? I've considered myself a bleeding heart liberal since I was teenager. Now I just shake my head every time I hear a liberal try to say something more intelligent than a regurgitated, MSM friendly talking point.

This guy has always been a fucking racist, elevated purely on the basis of his skin color.

Reminder this guy and Neil deGrasse Tyson are the best people Black America can come up with.

>That black people, who have lived for centuries under such derision and condescension, have not yet been driven into the arms of Trump
>Black people are a monolith
>Except when they're voting for Trump, then they don't matter, ignore them.

EW, that pseudo intellectual dindu reparationfag got a genius grant?

>Makes a career out of saying how horrible it is for blacks to have to live with Whites
> leaves America
> moves to France, a Whiter country


that isn't real right? assembling a PC today is like assembling a Lego set

a negro touching a computer shows he's as smart as everyone else!
accept he's a smart tarbaby or else you're racist

Niggers act like they were oppressed for fucking five thousand years

>badmouthing our boy Tyson

Wut gaem?


that shitty computer doesn't even have a graphics card

nvm found it

>make everything about race
>complain when white people play too
these people are like children who make up special rules to the game their playing so one of the kids can't win.

Remember when you had to actually be a genius to get a Genius Grant?

>option A. Debunk what Charles Murray is saying and his work to further liberalism or whatver the fuck he believes
>option B. whine about donald trump and whyte pipo

fucking jamboy

Onboard graphics

Black intellectuals can't do anything but complain about Whites and talk about "Blackness". They are fucking worthless.

Coates is also writing a Marlel comic.

Why would anyone here know about being a genius?


Nobody in this world hates anything or anyone as much as I hate Ta-Nehisi Coates. Pure pseudo-intellectual hack, and a shameless beneficiary of affirmative action. Dude wouldn't even have made it into a top 100 college if he was a white male. The average American hasn't read more than 10 books in their entire lifetime, which is why they think he is such a great writer. There's no point of reference. There are so many non-black writers out there who are worlds better than this shit-stain.