My family came from Soviet Union
You could literally do everything the way you were supposed to and you were guaranteed a qt wife, a house, and a family, and any degenerates were punished as so
Why does Sup Forums hate Communism again?
My family came from Soviet Union
You could literally do everything the way you were supposed to and you were guaranteed a qt wife, a house, and a family, and any degenerates were punished as so
Why does Sup Forums hate Communism again?
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because nothing what you said is true
And you know, how?
Were your family degenerates?
I like eating
AS much as i hate Comunism i must say that old comunists in our East Europe wasnt such cucks and degenerates. Literally every young family with children could have state housing very soon. Everything what would you use daily was really cheap. People wasnt degenerates at all. It was time of conservative comunists. Now in West you have just parody on comunists. These are cucked socialists and trockists. Sometimes my heretical mind thinks we shouldnt do revolution in my republic it was paid by western agents.
truth triggers the bolshevik
Kek you should open a history book m8.
Shit got a little better(but even stranger) after Stalin went nuts and died, but it's not what you described. You're basically talking about a very specific class of people who also hated the SU.
how was education handled?
I know a few communists, theyre just rebellious white kids on lots of drugs
The idea appeals to their idiocy, but they dont know what its actually like, or the rationalism it implies
post some NK grocery stores next
Because it's terrible.
Even if you were perfect little angels and you or one of your family members stepped outta line you all would of been fucking doomed.
And if things became that way again, you do know that you won't be one of the lucky 0.2% that are treated well, right?
>qt wife
Russians age like tomatoes.
That's a funny way of spelling "brainwashing".
Everyone was highly educated, especially in important useful shit like Mathematics
It was easy to move up in society, as long as you did shit right you could get into power
Most people here have been brainwashed by american propaganda.
My dad is fond of Brezhnev times mostly. Hated Gob, and basically got the fuck out as the system got changed over.
I don't even bother with most Sup Forums comments on the soviet system. It doesnt matter anyways, it's gone.
Sounds exactly like capitalism.
why did they go to the US then?
If communism is so great why didn't they go to another communist country when the ussr fell?
also, if this system was so great why did it even fall?
>Why does Sup Forums hate Communism again?
Because our communists =/= Slavic communists, and if our communists ever attained power they'd do mindbogglingly stupid shit like letting millions of Africans live in our countries and imprison people for not wanting a tranny wife
>Brezhnev times
The time of Brezhnev was/is the high point of the soviet union before the stagnation
America is failing, capitalism has failed. 90% of Americans are dirt poor....
...and are still better off than 99% of people who lived and are living in commie shitholes.
How many need to die before you admit Marx's social theory might not be correct
It fell apart
And the only other Communist countries were run by fucking Kim Jongs
You know how bad Asians are at copying things, right?
I mean, its what they do, imitate what white people do, but they do it real badly
the capitalists allowed shit troskysm as controlled opposition
they are the cucks of cucks
Well education system was far better than now.Only best of the best could study in University and also few privileged pro comunists families sent their dumb children to schools. What was High school before its University now. People could speak Russian and german and only some people learnt english but older people could understood more languages. In schools were discipline and drill. Young childrens were also prepared how to survive in every situation. My 90s generation cant survive single week if shit happens. Comunism was fucked in my country and couldnt have future because people couldnt leave country if they wished which was tragic for comunist party. In these days comunist party still gets around 15% in elections which means czechs are one of the biggest comunists in Europe. Even our conservative comunists hates cucked socialists in EU which shows how much different are western comunists.
You sure about that?...
Life in the US is shit because nothing is garaunteed
Getting a good education doesnt garauntee you a job, getting a job doesnt garauntee you any social status, getting social status doesnt garauntee a loving wife
All of us have to run tricks and sacrifice shit just to get basic things here
While good looking 6' something Chads play videogames and eat pizza and get everything theyve ever wanted
even our homeless are fat
There isn't even a fucking distinction between calculus and analyses in Russian.
I see you got the Russian schizo genes from your parents.
so you agree that the homeless in soviet russia were better off...
>waiting list of up to 10 years to get a shitty used lada car
wew lad
Sadly the last part it is not true .
I forgot how the US rounds people up and shoot them in the back of the head for suggesting that the government sucks.
Yes but at least you have food.
>You could literally do everything the way you were supposed to
But, its a retarded way of doing anything, so it is in human nature to fight it
Housing can be built in a week, average russian got paid shit wages and owned nothing.
Being homeless was literally illegal
Yes so homeless were gulagged.
you did not answer my question
>copy communism
>do it badly
>it somehow works better than the "real" communism
>as long as you did shit right you could get into power
Wow, that reminds me of any place ever.
It only worked because they made parts of the country run on regular capitalism while the "communists" lived in shitholes
In reality its no different from regular capitalism
Thats how it is in america...
The National Coalition for the Homeless reports that there is a growing trend in the United States towards criminalizing the state of being homeless.[7] Proponents of this approach believe that punitive measures will deter people from choosing to be homeless. To this end, cities across the country increasingly outlaw activities such as sleeping, eating, sitting, and begging in public spaces, and selectively enforce more neutral laws—such as those prohibiting open containers or loitering—against homeless populations.[7] Violators of such laws typically incur criminal penalties, which result in fines and/or incarceration.
Real estate kikes need to be lynched and housing to be public, that guarantees property and housing for cuts from wages to pay workers, interest free loan for public built housing with no mortgage paid off with state labor or regular trade.
Look at all those Asian kids going to Harvard or whatever here in America, do you think they get any power in society despite doing everything the way theyre supposed to?
>Have to work 7 days a week, no 8 hour days.
>The only way to succeed in society was to lick the party boot.
>Get sent to Gulag labor camp for the slightest offense. (Like having too much money saved up)
>Constant brainwashing of your children
>Very corrupt legislature (part of the system)
>Forced conscription
No thanks
so you are saying that a communist country was saved by capitalism?
As long as they do shit right, yes.
you can't eat a bicycle
There was no communism or socialosm in ussr only exploitation and slavery
>You could literally do everything the way you were supposed to and you were guaranteed a qt wife, a house, and a family, and any degenerates were punished as so
>My family came from Soviet Union
>came from Soviet Union
If it was so great, why did they go to USA?
Do you know what the average Chink lives like?
Imagine living in a shitty cramped apartment with piss bottles everywhere AND you work 7 days a week
That's exactly the same as cops picking up hobos and nobody ever seeing them again
so the only difference is you are executed VS being imprisoned. SOUNDS LIKE AMERICA IS GREAT DUDE
>exploitation and slavery
sounds like communism to me
and I'm sure you think thats capitalisms fault
but you will go on to ignore that before the chinks opened up their "special economic zones" or whatever they call them life was even worse for the average chink
Implying turnip sacks are QT.
Communism there is no innovation. The only reason USSR built rockets was to counter US's strategic bomber threat. USSR wouldn't have ripped off Nintendo and Apple if these things weren't invented by the Capitalist scum who wanted to improve the lives of their own people. And now you are in the internet blabbing about things that wouldn't exist IN Communism.
You can have traditional values without communism.
Capitalism is man exploits man, communism is vice versa
>when your system sucks so hard that you have to build a wall to stop people from running away
This thread has been brought to you by the Russian ministry of propaganda - lying to Americans since 1918.
That more that 3 people believe this steaming pile of bear shit thread is unbelievable - America, learn2 History!
Yeah, Soviet Union was so great that your family had to move to America.
I fucking hate Plebbit communists so much. "Hurrdurr you go to gulag XDDD Stalin did nothing wrong XDDD" all roleplaying about how much they hate le evil Capitalists and they wish they could live in a socialist utopia free from whitey. I want them all thrown from helicopters.
I seriously and unironically hate these people.
> You could literally do everything the way you were supposed to and you were guaranteed a qt wife, a house, and a family, and any degenerates were punished
You are literally retarded and don't know what are you talking about.
i like you
Uhhhh HURDURRR dae HATE CAPITALISTS it's not fair they get money for working hard and I don't make as much for sitting at home and being a useless faggot this is racist patriarchy KILL ALL KULAKS REEEEEEEEEE
What's that? You said the word "dumb"? THAT IS ABLEIST YOU CIS WHITE SCUM BANNEDDDDD
It's okay when we wish death on le evil kulaks. But if you say a mean word? That's forbidden you Nazi.
I see how capitalism is driving the social degeneracy we see everywhere. It's about appealing to the lowest common denominator and enslaving people by crude passions to make the most bucks.
But communism is not the answer. National Socialism is the answer.
You're picture is bullshit because 1999 was the year right after Russia defaulted in 1998. Also 90s ruble != 2000s ruble, it was devalued heavily.
It should be reiterated that the USSR in the last years of Stalin's regime, sort of revivified their nationalist and social conservative roots. There was a big exodus of kikes, Russian Orthodoxy was rekindled, but granted it was heavily controlled, and the social liberalism which characterised the ideals of Lenin and Trotsky was drawn back.
I think this is the idea behind the National Bolsheviks.
>It's okay when we wish death on le evil kulaks. But if you say a mean word? That's forbidden you Nazi.
sounds like laws we have in germany
>its okay when we wish death to all germans. But germans who say a mean word? Pay fines or go to jail you nazi
I thought that was the Idea of Stalinism?
For most revolutionaries, Communism was simply a means to an end, that end being national pride and economic empowerment. In the end, most of these countries either collapsed or returned to a heavily-regulated market structure, as it was just more efficient. ("It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice." - Deng Xiaoping) It was the Jews, working through Trotsky, who envisioned a Messianic global revolution. Jews have also used democracy to promote degeneracy and subvert the traditional family unit, so maybe there were some advantages to having a dictator.
guy stole 2 beers once, served 12 years and all property went to goverment
Communism seriously fucks society up.
If that's true then why did it fail every time?
>tfw you will never live in a commie block with your russian qt state appointed wife
>work at shoe factory designing next hit adidas
>wonder what a mcd taste like but don't care because you have kvass and stroganoff
notice the are all white
>Why does Sup Forums hate Communism again?
To start with your Commie masters built the Berlin Wall then shot at anyone trying to escape your Stalinist paradise. Nothing you said is true and you will notice the migration FROM Russia has been steady at every opportunity.
Go back to Russia you lying little cunt, and stay there. You aren't an adult or you'd have left if you were telling the truth. You weren't kangz.
>90% of Americans are dirt poor....
You have lost your tiny mind, or you are a nigger and think everyone here lives like you do. Check the US median income.
Polish communists were actually ' progressive ' they wanted to adapt some things from Western countries because they did not like the idea of " no food " meme.
Which was ironic by the way, because Poland has very good lands for agriculture and it was held back by retarded version of communism.
Of course, they did not reform Polish communism because glorious idiots from Soviet Union threatened to declare a war on Poland if we tried to be less poor.
Because it doesn't work, literally and figuratively.
Now get the fuck out of this board and go get slammed by a muscle car, communistic faggot.