Jesus Christ Sup Forums, how can you support taking DACA away from these people? This isn't redpilled...

Jesus Christ Sup Forums, how can you support taking DACA away from these people? This isn't redpilled, it goes against our values of human decency and compassion.

Mexico isn't sending their best

>when feelings override laws

>illegal aliens drain medical system and expect us to pity them

>American tax payers should absorb disabled people and all their costs.


nonwhites aren't people, they're niggers
same with (((cripples))), so that makes these taconiggers double niggers

Why is sending a foreign national back to the country that they are a citizen of such a horrible thing? Literally would be considered a non-issue in almost any other country.

who's deported so far?

Last I checked they were not American citizens so why should I give a fuck about someone who broke laws to get here?