Why else here thinks we need another plague?

Why else here thinks we need another plague?

Jews did black plague

calm down
thats a horrible idea
we have zika though so we can stop our children from entering this backwards world until we fix it

Wasn't it the Mongols flinging infected corpses over city walls?

No, I think it would be fucking awful, and may well happen when one of these super bugs breaks out of a Chinese hospital.

Yeah, we are ridiculously overpopulated, so we need a good plague (or world war) to thin us out a bit. It will thankfully come soon enough due to drug-resistance.

Bubonic plague is out there waiting ..

I'll tell you the most likely scenario.
>China pushes into Africa
>China likes to eat weird ass shit
>bushmeat trade explodes
>AIDS, Ebola, ect are all from bushmeat
>Chink gets infected with the Red Plague
>think Ebola but airborne
>Chink goes home, and spreads it
>week later patient zero dies
>by week 4 hundreds of thousands if not millions are dead in China, they try to quarantine
>corrupt government officials bail though, spread infection to Canada, Australia, and Europe
>6 months later
>most governments have collapsed due to a combination of panic, no food, collapse of trade and utilities
>death toll 2.5 BILLION

They're called brown people, thank you.
