Why else here thinks we need another plague?

Why else here thinks we need another plague?

Jews did black plague

calm down
thats a horrible idea
we have zika though so we can stop our children from entering this backwards world until we fix it

Wasn't it the Mongols flinging infected corpses over city walls?

No, I think it would be fucking awful, and may well happen when one of these super bugs breaks out of a Chinese hospital.

Yeah, we are ridiculously overpopulated, so we need a good plague (or world war) to thin us out a bit. It will thankfully come soon enough due to drug-resistance.

Bubonic plague is out there waiting ..

I'll tell you the most likely scenario.
>China pushes into Africa
>China likes to eat weird ass shit
>bushmeat trade explodes
>AIDS, Ebola, ect are all from bushmeat
>Chink gets infected with the Red Plague
>think Ebola but airborne
>Chink goes home, and spreads it
>week later patient zero dies
>by week 4 hundreds of thousands if not millions are dead in China, they try to quarantine
>corrupt government officials bail though, spread infection to Canada, Australia, and Europe
>6 months later
>most governments have collapsed due to a combination of panic, no food, collapse of trade and utilities
>death toll 2.5 BILLION

They're called brown people, thank you.


Plague is a shit tier way to go, I think I'd rather have Yellowstone go off.

That said I doubt a major plague could spread in the US.
Like even if bubonic plague came back and was immune to antibiotics, modern quarantine procedures/technology and better hygeine in general would keep it from having anywhere near the impact that it did way back when.

If thousands caught it at the same time, the system would collapse.
Hospitals here close whole wards when norovirus is around and that is mild next to plague.

Even in a bad outbreak like that I don't think it would be nearly as bad as the old days though.
Just the fact that people understand germs and how to avoid them now is a huge difference.

I would actually think the next superbug has an equal chance of coming from the US as Africa.

Did you know that the vast majority of human diseases and infections originally came from animals? Simply being in close contact with the diseases over generations or just eating animal products allowed them to easily spread over to humans. The problem now is that farmers, particularly in the US, regularly give animals antibiotics as a routine preventative, whether the animal needs it or not. This means the infections that commonly affect animals slowly build up a resistance to the antibiotics and become drug resistant. It will only be a matter of time before it passes on to humans. There has already been a case in the US a few years ago where an antibiotic had to be banned from being given to animals because it was linked to the development of a drug-resistant strain.

they piled the dead bodies of all of the villagers from a village and left it there without even burning it. Can you imagine the type of bacteria that grows in e bottom of that shit?

some copypasta from AnonymousConservative blog,

>I am convinced the most beautiful era in humanity was the Renaissance, following the Black Plague. Imagine today if every Antifa protester, every LGBTQNBC activist, every global warming asshole, every whiny liberal, every welfare queen, and all the other rabbits just disappeared in the space of a few years. Imagine the ascendance of the nation, unfettered by the whining and obstructionism of those fools.

White race is already suffering a plague, a plague called CIS WHITE MALE

>the Black Plague was great
>it will only kill people I don't like

a plague which is cured by a diet of bacon would be best user

Degenerates are the ones with the low disgust reflex, so yes.

In his defense, most of the people he mentioned live in squalor.

There is hope

Keep telling parents vaccinating their kids is bad and youll get your plague

When I get sick I never take medicine, maybe a little something for the symptoms but nothing else.

Honestly, I blame the whites for the mutation/creation of these new drug resistant super bugs. You should see how they eat pills, no hesitation

It's like candy to them. They use pills and have pills for everything

I dial down on antibiotics only, rest is needed

something that will develop rapid onset sickle cell anemia in susceptible individuals

I, as a white person, avoid medicine as well and just get over colds, flus, headaches, etc. Unfortunately, that won't do jackshit when you get a drug-resistant infection, the infection won't suddenly become weak simply because you having been taking antibiotics, it will still be resistant to the antibiotic.


thanks nice to hear from you grandma

We already are plagued. But this time the sicknesses are mental and doctors are feeding them.

Oh please God airborne botulism.