What are conservatives "conserving"?
What are conservatives "conserving"?
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Sanity and common sense.
A dying ideology that doesn't factor in race, which is doomed to fail in the future as demographics have way more of an impact than most people think. Get ready for the gibs voters of the future.
Is this black supremacist the new Hitler?
pscp tv/w/1DXxyOYDOXPGM
It was a better time
Literally nothing. Ethnonationalism is the only true conservatism because at this point Western peoples are the biggest thing being threatened.
Hell yeah
hard to say now
with trump being president because we willed it it's either nothing or everything
Glad to see the left is still doing our job for us
At this point? Classical liberalism and fiscal responsibility. And the concept that debt =/= wealth.
the white race as it was meant to be
Liberal values from the 80s.
The term conservative is relative.
For an example, British conservatives are Polish socialists.
Polish conservatives are British far right
Is this true
i have never seen a single conservative in the main stream stand up and actually talk about ACTUALLY conserving something. it's like they all exist just to lose. almost like they've all been installed in their media positions by rich and influential jews who use them as paper targets......or something
imagine if Sup Forums had a network television channel? the country would be fucking full on 1488 inside of 2 months.
I'm hoping the neocons and moderates get kicked out in 2018 but it's doubtful.
rural and suburban retards
A childs right to be free from sex trafficking.
What are you talking about user? Watching FAUX NEWZ bash white supremacists during Charlottesville was SUPERR CONSERVATIVE
It's because of neoconism, which is just centrism with a penchant for war.
Frogs and hurricanes
that image is so true it hurts
This guy's such a liar he ignores the party of the guy he keeps spamming. The Republigoyim Party
We need to instaure a parent license ffs wtf
So she is laughing my grandchildren will not be white. Thereby admitting that white genes are superior and that brown gene's are not, for how else could this be funny if not for the fact that I am losing something. That, or she is happy she is genociding white people. Thereby proving she is racist.
She is actually making the statement about race, not me.
>smoke weed on the weekends
>stay up late
>fast food
This is my entire life, yet I don't feel depressed.
Am I doing something wrong?
Michelle nooo! We were only joking about you having a penis
Civilization probably
I wish you'd won.
japs were going to genocide all australians if the reich won.
>inb4 there's nothing wrong with that
There's literally nothing wrong with that
a fucking B R O W N M A L E
are you implying third position is conservative? Because its not
>looting white stores
>in Texas
That's a really easy way to get shot.
left to right, top to bottom:
wrong, wrong, wrong, partly right, wrong, wrong, right, right, wrong, wrong
How many hits before you're a lost cause?
Now I REALLY wish they'd won...
mostly Israel and Saudi arabia.
>orange nail polish
Colleges were a mistake
If that's his moderate list I would hate to see his left leaning.
if so, Saudi-Arabia because of their influence in the region and their Oil.
Israel because of the democracy and Intel Processors?
I'm implying that you need something stronger than conservatism to save western civilization. Adopting old Liberal ideals from 30 years ago isn't getting America anywhere.
Christ, at put something passable like AP, Reuters etc. This is just plain dishonesty. Maybe he was taking suggestions from his students?
I agree and disagree. If there was a way the third position would be it, but I doubt western civilization is salvageable at this point
It's an indoctrination centre. Dishonesty is its purpose.
Nothing wrong with erradicating those feminist scum
white nationalists are scum of light skinned people
white nationalists are scum of light skinned people
white nationalists are scum of light skinned people
white skin is NOT an identity
white skin is NOT an identity
white skin is NOT an identity
white skin is NOT an identity
Problem with conservatism is that it just wants to retain the status quo. Once the left changes something, it just becomes part of the new status quo and conservatives will never touch it.
It's just Inactivity - The Ideology
wtf I love the axis now
Now you're going to be genocided by the Chinese.
black skin is not an Identity either.
>white skin is NOT an identity
It evidently is. Just because you think it should not be an identity does not mean that the people who think otherwise give a shit.
>What are conservatives "conserving"?
nothing. literally nothing. They aren't conservatives.
The only people conserving anything are Christian conservatives, political conservatives conserve nothing at all. They are all politically modern and post-French Revolution in their political theory.
>le capitalism is bad maymay
Somehow, it worked in US for decades and only in XXth century it became bad... I wonder if (((somebody))) didn't accidentally worm their way into government and entrenched itself with corruption and nepotism, while simultaneously teaching people to be live like nihilists.
it will hit you all at once.
Stop doing those things for a few days and it will hit you. It won't be withdrawal as in an urge to do those things, it will be disgust and contempt for ever allowing yourself to be roped in by them.
I tell you as a friend, save yourself while you still can,.
Astute post. You Germans are often the most insightful people on the board. German intelligence clearly isn't a meme.
so insightful that they vote for merkel everytime. Europe is just another muslim continent.
Purity, decency, culture, character, folklore, and in one word - humanity. Conservatives stand for each man's right to his culture and to his race. They refuse the liberal globalist thesis which consists in turning us into cultureless, mindess drones, and to drown us out in an ocean of consumerism. When I rail against the Islamification of France, I'm not saying all muzzies should be eradicated. N line with my principles I fully support their right to worship, as long as they do it in their ancestral home countries, and not in mine
there are a lot of fucked up things in this image
Teacher is a jew, a "NO HATE" poster, also the jew doesn't have an occipital bun -- not even human as far as i'm concerned
they are strip-mining yosemite. that's conservative.
The color scheme and the way she wrote "BROWN" looks like the DOOM title graphic
third way is fascism? it was called "la terza via" (the third way)
Women and Turks vote for Merkel in Germany. Her support was actually waning and that's one of the reasons she flooded Germany with a million perpetually left-wing voting subhumans.
How did it come to this?
I just wanted to be a normal guy.
Drink beers with friends, read shitty sci-fi novels, go to work, meet women, etc.
Why did it have to come to this?
Escape europe. or get weapons and fortify your town for the coming decades.
The stylization and wording make it very ominous. I know this is deliberate, to play on a perceived irrational fear on the part of white nationalists, hence the "LOL". Still, it portrays the "browning" of our DNA as some terrifying prospect which we should oppose at all costs.
But the US is getting browner because of immigration and higher non-white birth rates, not because white women intermix. In fact, they almost never intermix. Only 7% do and 4% of that is with spics.
I agree, she is presenting it as something to be avoided. They don't understand that if they (the left, some minorities, SJW's, etc) acted like normal people then there would be no room for counter arguments. Instead, they threaten people, are violent and come to conclusions based on emotion.
>Only 7% do and 4% of that is with spics.
And even when they do how many have kids let alone many kids?
Mormon families in Utah probably have more
Their feefees.
at this point? leftism as it was five to ten years ago
or did you mean what are real conservatives conserving
Nigga u gay
Is there porn of this yet?
>Once the left changes something, it just becomes part of the new status quo and conservatives will never touch it. It's just Inactivity - The Ideology
Yeah, I was trying to say that too. Just didn't know how to word it.