Attention citizens of the Xucc Federation™:

If you have not yet enlisted for the Mandatory Volunteer Hormone Experimentation Program™ you will not be able to vote in the upcoming 2032 election.
Furthermore, if you have recently attempted to uninstall your Subdermal Lactation Implant™, expect a inquiry from the Xucc Federation™ Equality Squadron™.

Best Wishes,
Supreme Leader Xuccoberg


Kek, checked. Very good

the best part about this post is checked

Do not be sad, human.
Lactation may at times be painful, but it is all for the greater good of the Xucc Federation™.
Complementary Zucc Drops™ now with Estradiol™ have been dispatched to your domicile.

Sweet dreams,
Your friend, Xucc.


Man life sure sucks in the zucc timeline. I have to take daily estrogen-shots and stick a dildo up My ass just to get My neetbux. And they made all people on earth change sex. So now all males are female and vice verca. Also niggers are filthy rich now, the only Palme people with money are jews

i would legit sign up for all those things right now my life is so empty and lonely the idea of lactating from my big tits and losing my mind to xuccoberg subdermal implants to get away from my life is something I wish was an option

If they own everything what's the point of Trademarking?

/xfg/ threads when?