What is the ultimate goal of white people?

What is the ultimate goal of white people?

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Dude that is actually pretty legit.

to have fun in this shitty world... having a wife and kids doesn't necessarily mean you will be happy. Vidya on the other hand always makes you happy, just like animu

>playing video games past the age of 12

Should we just start beating these people in the streets?

Welcome to reddit , friend

not an issue if there are already two kids ready to rek daddy in forza. I see three controllers, still have hope

Video games are the most effective stress reducer other than sex

Saying that though, I only boot them up when I'm too stressed to do anything productive

>you have to hate fun to be redpilled meme

To place hotels on both Boardwalk and Park Place.

Okay grandpa.

Being with a good group of friends is way better than playing video games man

Guessing you don't have a wife and kids.


Gaming should be made illegal if you're older than 15

>muh freedumbs
Freedom to destroy your society shouldn't be allowed

t. millenial loser

why would his wife get him that? don't Vasectomy lower sex drives or some shit? or is that to occupy him while she fucks jamale

This was posted on r9k ealier.

Why a wife would want a husband to do this?

This made me cringe pretty hard too, since the guy is probably kind of old. I'm guessing he's at least 35.

The games are going into the closet in I ever get into a serious relationship. I've mostly lost interest in them anyway.

To crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

What a shitty wife, gifting him an Xbone instead of a gaming PC

And people wonder why dudes like to be alone, if females can't even get that shit right

You're right, I don't.

I play music, lift weights, go hiking, read books, do photography ect. ect.

I like fun but I hate video games. Video games are just as expensive as any other hobby. You could buy a ton of photography equipment for how much video games cost.

Deciding what's good for others is the best though, right?

ohh man i want to just yell at this fucking idiot

Kek. It's called a porn box brother.

Happiness is over rated

I wonder how many people here shitting on this guy have full time jobs, a marriage, and kids.

>playing games on a console

Yes, yes and yes. In fact I'm just about to leave to work. This "all Sup Forums browsers are virgin neets" meme is quite stupid, it's not rocket science to start a family

wife dosent want sex anymore.
go play with your new toy.



So because you prefer being social over gaming, every single human also prefers being social, there is no alternative, everyone are just like you in their preferences? Cool story dude.

>Hobbies destroy society
I suppose all forms for sport and recreational activities should be banned then too?

>We should beat gamers in the street because I don't like gaming and the cost is too high for me

living an easy life and dying without a pain

Basically every gamer is a depressed friendless loser

So why are you shitting on the guy? He just got snipped and his woman gave him license to go play vidya and leave his ass alone. I get NEETs being negative and thinking they know shit, but why are you projecting as a grown ass man?

And I say this because I know, I used to play games a lot


Legacy > happiness (though often the realisation of the former leads to the attainment of the latter)


I play vidya with friends, nigger.

>video games are expensive
See my flag.

its so he has something to do in his cuck shed

>oh look at me, i can point my camera at shit and press a button, im so avaunt garde

>Gamers are so immature, i bet they hate women too. We should beat them in the streets.

Fucking hipster scumbag.


>insert erect penis into female vagina
>vigorously shake
>bake for 9 months

Why don't you, gamers, do something productive, like reading a book?

I don't know about anyone else but right now my ultimate goal is to beat my record of orgasming 14 times in one day. My prostate felt like it was going to expload and my nuts were like being squeezed in a vice on the the 14th but I think I can go for 15

I'm 30 years old btw

do you mean Americans, OP?
if oyu do, im pretty sure its to be the best

That shit can barely turn on, how can it play game?

That might be a medical condition

Same goal as every people:


You're the loser then. I enjoy games on occasion and love my life
Play with friends and it's a whole new experience

Well photography is good because it gets you outside around nature and stuff, and then you have something to show for it.

It's a decent hobby if you're not being a weirdo and taking weird snapshits of fence posts and stuff

Tiny little pathetic dribble of cum came out on the 14th honestly the pain in my prostate was so extreme I wanted to dig my finger in there and rip it out. Agonizing

quite literally shake 'n' bake, human version.

The Jewish recipe brings both immediate satisfaction, and improves the general situation better; though.

> playing video games to reduce stress
> not playing to further fuel your high test

Casual detected

>having a wife who you'll never have children with
What the fuck is the point? She'll just take half his money when she inevitably divorces him because of the lack of children.

>gets you outside around nature and stuff
>like and then you can... uh... look at the plants?
nigga i eat plants, aside from that, they can stay the fuck away. Technology exists to keep humanity separated from that shit.

A man should never get a vasectomy. It is like castrating yourself. Yeah, yeah, you don't want to have more kids etc. Then your wife leaves and kids die in an accident. Do you still want your vasectomy?

At least it won't be half his money in addition to child support

World domination through simply existing and
passively being better at than everyone else.

Uhhh user do you know why most guys get this done?

My ex had a contraceptive implant and I could fill her with cum as much as I wnted. It should be mandatory for all women to have thiis unless they are trying for a baby

It can be reversed.
Plus if you let that happen you you should kys.

Training for war.

>not trudging through the wilderness with a pistol in your backpack looking at the incredible and diverse landscapes
>not spotting wild animals and just lurking around watching while they do weird animal shit

Every man should connect with nature

Building spaceships and leaving the rest of you fuckers behind.

He could find actual meaning in life and build something that outlasts him.
He could have someone to bury his ass once he drops dead.

These Peter Pan wannabes are gonna be the extinction of us.

Baiting this hard

To advance technology, society and humanity

You are living in it

>What is the ultimate goal of white people?
A racially pure Europa with families of at least 5 children.


both of them are childfree