We should assign genders to babies IMMEDIATELY!

What if a female brain existed in a male body? Would we say this person is male of female?

Genitalia do not define gender. Let the kids decide their gender on their own instead of forcing it on them.


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Into archive archive.is/vG6XH

At least some baiters archive

*We should STOP it

>What if a female brain existed in a male body?


I'm just going to assume anyone cowardly enough to not use their native flag is a shill/disinfoist and sage

Not a bait. The article didn't archive properly.

>The science of biology is a thoughtcrime.
Leftists wonder why people are sick of their bullshit.

Was I a bit too early?
Anyway, if you actually meant to make an honest post sorry about that. It ended up looking like baity trash.

We should reconsider not involuntarily institutionalizing delusional homosexuals who insist on shoving their psychoses in everyone else's face 24/7.

As an anarchist, I don't recognize any state flag as my own.

>OP Is a faggot

Why not let kids decide their parents as well?

I identify as a Rothschild. Now let me in to the billionaire pedo ring. I need to adrenalize some blood.


Stop using the term (((gender)))


Gender is a social construct, blah blah.

Babies should be sex biology, but that shouldn't be enforced socially. Their sex shouldn't be a basis for their outlook on life. You shouldn't abort a fetus just because it is possibly sex male or female. You shouldn't forbid someone from wearing certain clothes or playing with certain toys or participating in certain sports, just because of their gender. Their education, profession, and pay should also not be based upon gender.

etc. etc.


actually biologist acknowledge the whole intersex actually exist things and know that most A_AB intersex patients dont fucking end well thanks to dogmatic and retarded ignorance that gender is a binary system.

Unfortunately having no gender at all would be just as retarded. it would be preferable to develop a better idea of what natal processes could have affected a child and turned them interesex so that sublter conditions can be caught at birth

bet 20 bucks they would still mutilate the "boys" genitals

I'd be careful if I were you. The ring looks like it's going to go down.

Should be sexed biologically*

Fucking hell. I believe a gender should be assigned at birth, but with an asterisk to imply that this is merely a social concept, and not actually what the child itself identifies as. Once the child comes of age to identify properly, then whatever they identify as should be take as their concrete gender identity.

lmao if this catches on it'll become illegal to circumcise all babies instead of just female ones


They already are on their birth certificate.

Weak b8 faggot. Try harder.

literally WHO gives a shit, WHERE IS ALL THE GOLD GOING

you mean exactly how it is?

Gender in itself is such a lame way of defining one's social role. Suppress that shit instead of creating new boxes, transfags

are leftists unknowingly taking down the jude?

People need to die thats what it takes to stop this insanity from becoming normal

currently if you get born with intersex traits that affect genetalia, they cut off what little of your penis there is, stick you on estrogen, and raise you as a girl, this never fails to fuck up intersex people who invariably transition back.

Gender was never binary.

If a female brain exists in a male body then it must have been transplanted from an actual female.

If you think you have a female brain in a man's body then you have a condition known as gender dysphoria. Get help.

>Let the kids decide their gender

hard to do that when rationality is being burned to fuel paranoia and degenerate polarization. I'd love to have they them their be a single pronoun for all gender confusion for example, or replace poz parades with parades of gay people in normal clothing just walking down the street so people get confused if they missed the parade, but unfortunately your side wants to kill us all so my comfags will just listen to the jews and the sjws about how to act.

if genitals don't define gender then gender has no definition and is no longer a word.

no shit, and if you have that condition its a provable fact that you have a feminized brain.

i call bullshit; females don't have brains.

gender is binary because there's dick and pussy, unless you've invented a new type of genitals.

You're changing the subject.

Sure, intersex treatment can be improved but you're talking about absolutes where there are none. Intersex individuals don't "invariably" transition back, but would at a substantially higher rate then the rest of the population, sure.

If you want a world of nuance where things are done rationally then start with yourself, and stop spewing bullshit.

Biological sex exists and strongly correlate incredibly strongly with gender identity. Our world isn't based on absolute truths so there are often exceptions. That doesn't invalidate the facts

Think about it this way. The statement: "Biological Sex determines gender identity" would have a p-value of ~0.01. If it explains 99% of the data points then it's a biological fact. It's true that it doesn't explain EVERY data point, but very very few things do.

ironically, it's leftists who have been spearheading the anti-circumcision movement here (think naturalism, anti-establishmentarianism, individual bodily rights etc). all the legal changes have taken place in parts of commifornia and the idea is slowly spreading eastward. unfortunately, conservatards routinely proclaim themselves to be israel's closest pals (in the bid to bring about the second coming of christ) and don't mind mutilating their kids in a show of cultural solidarity.