So... what's the joke?

"haha, germans are dying out, fuck whiteys" ?
It's a video making fun of the decline of the german people, paid by the german people? what the fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

is this even a little bit surprising? Germany is a hub of the worst of mankind

Fucking hell the humiliation. The complete and utter HUMILIATION.

The Jews have fucking won. The Germans tried, they failed, and the Jews are destroying not only them but all of us.

Fair fucking play to the kikes. The true master race.

It's how casually they equate Aryans with Nazi's that really bothers me.

The black female scientist.

It's a subsidiary of Clinton's own Vice News, specifically a group for "political comedy", named "Schlecky Silberstein" or similar in reference to some "great donor" who requested to stay anonymous. There was a website up briefly when the video first got uploaded to Youtube, but I'm not sure if it's still around (and then it was in German).

It's really just lame propaganda, and aimed at a strawman (their eternal skinhead and his line of thinking, which we are apparently to understand as our own) no less.

I thought it was pretty funny. They're saying racists who think all Germans should be white 10/10 Aryans are dying out. Racists that are dumb enough to believe the Nazi propaganda. They are going extinct, and it's true.


Here's a better video. Enjoy his stinky foreskin and floppy flaccid.

I'm glad your kind is dying out.

If you can't be white, nobody can.

I'll be happy when your values and beliefs disappear from mainstream society due to low fertility.

i bet you are


go die.

Colored savages wish they were white.
They know they can never be white, though.
As a result, they have to destroy the white race, because they can't stand the fact that we're superior to them.
If white men die off, the Japanese will take our place.

I think many people especially girls will side with the nazi i mean look at him and a t the ugly neckbeard libcuck
Stupid idiots hahaha should have rather used some ugly ass skinhead instead if they want to make him look bad

Ehm no sweetie :')

I can't believe this shit. The fucking gall. Next step, all whites are nazis.

I hate /pol

When a country is flooded with propaganda, you call that nation cuck

Instead of hating on the creators of this shit

There is still some pseudo-national pride going on, which is completely out of place nowadays

Idk much of /pol is so backwards

How can you be politically engaged and not realize the west has to stand together

And brits and burgers really dont have anything to laugh about youre much worse off so it doesnt even make sense

I hate /pol

Why am i wasting time on this depressed board

I'm not Jewish, I'm Ethiopian/Italian.

This is what happens when germans start allowing non-whites into their country based on increasing 'diversity' . A slow push toward eventual white minority populations. Why am I not suprised.

one of the few videos to give me an audible "what the fuck"

joke is that social darwinism guides NS racial theory. premise underpinnig joke is that with ethnic competition now introduced to German land by Merkel, the 'aryan' fitness to survive/prosper in changed environment is lacking. conclusion the viewer is supposed to arrive at is that the 'Aryan' cannot adapt as well as competitors even in its own habitat.

>Darwin "In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."

Your kind shouldn't even be operating computers.

Most of your country has bought in to the propaganda, you can't blame others for laughing at the state of a country when they prostate themselves on the world stage.

Even worse. You're literally a shit race. I'd prefer poos or bantu africans over you.

pol is truly shit. The USA is completely fucked and it will probably be easier for you to reclaim your country. The USA is facing apocalyptic level chaos soon.

It's just particularly disturbing how the Germans in particular endure the most jarring degradation. It's obviously because it's the heartland of Europe and the former Reich.

In the book MindWars the case is made that humiliation is one of the most important aspects of brainwashing and conquering a people. It triggers bizarre reactions in the human mind. Oddly, I often wonder if it has helped places like pol brainwash the youth for OUR side because receiving a mix of humiliating/infuriating videos like this juxtapose with hardline National Socialist commentary has certainly programmed me into being a radical reactionary and I like it. Feels good to know what you want to do with your life.

plus they want white women

>Having no sense of humor
How contrived

>paid by german people
its not like we get a choice


>>implying propaganda applies to common sense
Propaganda works mostly on people who can not think for themselves- it applies to the majority of every nation
The difference is, if you have counter-propaganda or not
Also youre not making a difference between nation and state, which is another typical poltard mistake

Looking at the world stage, i see everywhere the same. USA is flooded with hispanics, france and UK are already black since decades, germany is fairly well off in comparison even if you can say so.

This specific disgraceful propaganda is possible because of germanys hate for its past. However, all whites in the world are demoralized and humilated imo. The propagandists just search for the weak spot in every nation.

I dont think pol is on the right track. pol is demoralizing and humilating itself further. Of course there is a place for that, but not in the dosis like here. Exposing oneself to this should be a one time thing, then we know whats up and can move on. There's much hatred spilled around, coming from this. We dont build up anyone. Instead we hate, on each other and everything. There is almost no positivity on the board. Thats what my problem is, the energy here is negative, hateful, depressed, blackpilled. We need the opposite. We need to have a vision. You should leave /pol inspired and with a desire to change something. Instead you leave pol frustrated and full of hate. And i see so many stupid threads about islam, or primitive threads about hating on specific countries blabla. This place on the internet is worse than every shithole you can find in real life.

>Your kind shouldn't even be operating computers.

And your kind is the one getting all their servers shut down for hate speech. Checkmate.

What do you have over me? Besides being an uneducated racist of course. Literally nothing. You're a joke. You don't even show your true flag, just the flag of a dead ideology that lost the only war it ever participated in. Fitting I think.

>And your kind is the one getting all their servers shut down for hate speech
suddenly, in jamals mind, censorship is a good thing

Good enough for the Nazis to practice it.

And by the way my name is Andy, not Jamal.

Do you jack off to male models? That's GAY

It is kind of racist, while knowing that the german race is existent. The german is a meme from the other century, and we should embrace the virtues which comes with multiculturalism!

listen jamal
the nazis were in favour of censorship a few decades ago
you are in favour of censorship today

Since I dont live in 1930s germany I really don't care if nazis want to censor me, they cant
But I do care if people who live today want to censor me

Germans are over rated.. 2 nil in world wars.. unreliable cars.. cuisine mainly sausage based.. you need new genes

By the force of memes, you are to abide.

The difference is that we want to censor speech that leads to violence like your Nazi rhetoric. Nazis wanted to censor everything that wasn't Nazi-approved. It's called the paradox of tolerance, go look it up. We have to make sacrifices for freedom and censor a few viewpoints that do damage to our society and advocate genocide, that is the only way we can remain a tolerant nation. You don't reason with nazis you punch them in the face.

>Nazis did some bad stuff
>therefore native Germans must die

Why are Germans so autistic?

Well the jews convinced the germans to comit suicide on themselves - Have to give them the 4d chess master award

Such struggle amongst those unfortunuate.

no you're not, you're a fucking mongrel

>your nazi rhetoric
what are you talking about?

>we have to prevent violence
>we dont reason with people we perceive as nazis, we punch them in the face
nice one

We have laws like that in germany, if you call for violence against a group of people its a crime
too bad that those laws are only enforced when a german says something against foreigners
our leftists can still go around and call for the death of every native german
laws like you want them will only lead to a double standard

I don't get it? This is pro Aryan not anti Aryan?

It trivializes ethnic German nationalists who fear their own extinction by comparing them to literal dinosaurs from Jurassic Park who are to be protected as a rare and cherished creature

It's saying ethnic Germans are a thing of the past, but they are still a novel creature, so let's keep them around as a minority where they belong, in a wild life preserve

Obviously, this is not what they literally want to do, so they're saying

"Look how stupid you nationalists are with your paranoia. You aren't being replaced, nothing to see here. It's all a joke. Go back to watching soccer and forget about having kids"

>Why are Germans so autistic?

Wehrboos forget Germans are inherently Socialist or Communist by nature, so when deprived of NatSoc they went full leftard.

Extra hilarious are Burgers who have never visited Germany thinking they know anything about it.

Sorry for reddit spacing. I forgot what periods are for.

>this depressed board
I know what you mean. Sup Forums is synonymous with depression at this point. They're doing half the enemy's work for them. i.e. demoralization. Nothing worthwhile can come out of this. There's no forward movement or will to something more. It's a self perpetuating cycle of noise and impotent outrage.

Sup Forums is not active. Sup Forums is passive.

>the park manager is a kike

The joke for the leftists is that there are people that still think in racial terms.

Its actually pretty scary because when the facade cracks and the pendulum swings its going to be severe.

Why can't germans just do anything moderately? They either have to be full blown nazis or full blown cucks.

Just take a deep breath and interface with reality sans the fucking extremism for fuck sakes.

Surviving in the colder climates requires ingenuity and strength. Warmer climates breed niggers and lazy people.

some italian bitch couldn't refuse that long distance olympic runner dick

Yes I am. Who the fuck are you to tell me who's Italian and who's not?

Meh desu I think that we've seen a big kickback with race, people didn't talk about it from probably late 80s through to a few years ago, but I know normies who openly say your only English if your Anglo Saxon. And I don't mean in private I mean at work etc. The whole race doesn't exist belief (which would lead to white groups dying out) can only be sustained if you have no contact with other races: it becomes obviously false on contact

Hence white liberals who know 0 foreigners support these policies, and people who've lived in coon neighbourhoods dont. So in a bizarre kind of way immigration the refugee crisis etc is what's simulated a sense of white identity. Before it we were sleepwalking into the abyss

Moonman for chancellor

Very true

I can't be the only one laughing at the absurdity at least can i?

Why does that bother you? Nothing wrong with Naziism. Nothing wrong with Naziism at all!

if by Italian you mean coalburning Guidette filth, sure
still not Italian tho
>amerimongrels in charge of heritage

This, he looks like a slavshit subhuman with those cheekbones. With darker skin, hair and eye color he'd look straight out of Somalia.

One of the easiest ways to get a dog to turn on its master is to humiliate the master in full view of the dog. There have been plenty of cases where dogs will start out defending there owners from attack only to turn on their owners when the other side begins to dominate the fight. It's weird. It's like something in their neurochemistry just flips.

I'm assuming, and please confirm this f true, that 90%+ of Germans think stuff like this is retarded; and it's just a few Jews and their white left slaves supporting this.

On a side note, Chinese have a word for white lefties and race traitors, it translates to white left but I can't remember what it is. Read about it it's pretty funny

He's Italian, who better? You can't be more then quarter Italian though, no traditional mafia family chick would fuck a black as devil nog.

Which means you can't say no "WE WERE ROMANZ", your heritage are people being able to chase zebras for kilometers

kys or make Ethiopia great again, boy

This is a good point too, Germans are naturally quite extreme I think

Strong cheekbones correlate with high testosterone and masculinity.

>who the fuck is an italian to tell me who's an italian and who isn't
This is your brain on being a mongrel, folks

Shtiskins come in two types: those who can run days after fucking antelopes and those who didn't have to, because there was food on the trees and ground.
No incentive to even invent a fucking wheel

>being mongrel
not even once

There is nothing wrong with natsoc though. Libertarians need to fuck off already, they are killing the white race

Baizuo - I got a "refos welcome" cuck to get it tattooed onto his neck (and in Chinese script no less) -

As for how correct you are, I am not at all sure, there's a lot of the cuckold types at least in the public eye. But the vast majority of people I know have been alert since that one faggot who housed migrants back in '15 got called out as a PR asset of Merkel's, and the "Merkel got to go" chants every election rally have me mildly optimistic.

>This is your average amerimutt.

>t. cockroach

>I dont think pol is on the right track. pol is demoralizing and humilating itself further. Of course there is a place for that, but not in the dosis like here. Exposing oneself to this should be a one time thing, then we know whats up and can move on. There's much hatred spilled around, coming from this. We dont build up anyone. Instead we hate, on each other and everything. There is almost no positivity on the board. Thats what my problem is, the energy here is negative, hateful, depressed, blackpilled. We need the opposite. We need to have a vision. You should leave /pol inspired and with a desire to change something. Instead you leave pol frustrated and full of hate. And i see so many stupid threads about islam, or primitive threads about hating on specific countries blabla. This place on the internet is worse than every shithole you can find in real life.
I can see exactly where you are coming from, but follow your premise through to its logical conclusion. If people start trying to build others up here, start trying to organize and form institutions...what do you think the response will inevitably be? The Left has a monopoly on everything, not just culture and entertainment. The instant you try to move beyond anonymous negative rhetoric, you'll find yourself in a cell. Any attempt at forming even bare bones institutions will be met with the strictest reprisal, and the dirtiest tactics available. This is because the Left is thoroughly institutionalized, and they have come to recognize the power in this.


the jews win


Lmao , snowniggers BTFO

Balls. The left did a complete cultural takeover against a hostile establishment, and so can we. Just go and get a job, do well. You aren't going to change your views, we catch em young here, and over the next decade or so people of the pol class of 15/16/17 will go into positions of power

Haha that's gold mate:

Yeah a lot of those people are plants , was good to see people throwing tomatoes etc as well: I think a lot of the people going along with the cuck stuff are just doing it because they don't have an alternative, I'm confident it can all change very quickly. Never despair

Gotta admit, that is a beautiful man.

No homo.

Imagine the outrage if they did this to jews, native americans, aboriginals, kurds or any non white group which homeland is contested.

actually Germany is one of the best countries in the world which the Jews are trying very hard to ruin
you wouldn't know this because you ACTUALLY live in a borderline 3rd world "western" shithole
wipe your tears on a foodstamp and scooter the fuck on, fatass

except the "demoralizing" and the "humiliating" on Sup Forums is all shitskins cuckposting about their pathetic lives
they can live in a 3rd world shithole or cuckpost whilst getting betabux in the western world, it's all the same garbage
inferior people displaying their inferiority


Fuck what they say, DE anons, I still have faith in you.

Just imagine the most stereotypical jew you can in a parody of this combined with narration like
>Here in the Anne Frank reservation we do our best to save the jew from going extinct, who else will do our accounting if they die out? Schlomo Goldstein here is one of the last purebred khazarians in the world but he has yet to find a mate.
And then close up of a jew walking around with a sniveling nose picking up quarters from the ground and building a bank from sticks and stones he collects in the forest.

you should remember that the "depressed" board feel you're getting, is because you're LITERALLY talking to shitskins almost all of the time on here
they're not clever, they're not interesting, they can only spout the same drivel that they picked up
why let them get you down?

you took nigger refugees in, 10 years before anyone else AND without anyone asking you to, so stop posturing you underage plumbercuck

There is no country more humiliated than Germany. You might have the best economy in all of Europe, but your legacy will be trash and trashed.


>the "Merkel got to go" chants every election rally have me mildly optimistic.

On top of that they started throwing food at her, which is also kinda entertaining. I wonder when her "I don't really care about this at all" facade is going to break down at one of her speeches.
Or if she's really so fucking autistic that she feels nothing.

>when he is fucking the woman with salute

fucking kek
They are in progress to replace the y chromosome.

The male nuclear y chromosome only mutates 0,3 % per generation.
This is why we used to have male upon son inheritance to ensure the bloodline and genetic identity.

Most countries in the world still know this but the west forgot and is quickly losing their genetic identity because men dont have male offspring any more.

The thing about the European genes ,Europeans have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter/younger family trees then the African and arab genetics.
These genes are inbred, this causes those to be more dominate.

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group

This is the cause of recession of the European genetics AKA genocide.

Tl;dr european genes are recessive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.

You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 70% to 90% of their native population left.

this is the most hilarious shit i've read today
i figure austria is the same as germoney when it comes to nigger and mudslimes population? lmao you're their cucks anyway, always been

you mean olisadebe?

You are right in stating that the internal rivalries and squabbling on Sup Forums is counter productive. Its a smaller board but cripplechan suffers a lot less from this because the users and mods take a more active stance in noticing and calling out blackpill shilling. That and they don't have flags (which are a terrible idea imo as they derail every thread and cause endless amounts of infighting and one-upmanship)
I genuinely think a lot of the squabbling and d&c (against countries like Germany and UK) is a shilling tactic that is being capitalised on by hostile outside forces with a vested interest is seeing Sup Forums become a black pilled den of infighting rather than a cohesive unified front. The constant spamming of the same threads is evidence of this. Be aware of subtle shilling because it's happening.

they've actually been multicultural cuck enclave for much longer then germany.
Part of Hitlers resentment for all but aryans is attributed to him growing up in Cuckstria-Hungary

Despair is the first thing you get over being right-wing here, don't worry. The guy with the tattoo helped me get over it, in fact; first he went to impress girls with a story about how he earned his tattoo surviving a trip through Asia, and then he came back from work at Ming's with a newfound fondness for turtlenecks. Thanks and good luck with things on the island too though, times will be tough but rewarding soon.

it is subversion of meanings, they do it with many things terms and words