On North Korea

Guys, I don't think North Korea is real. I don't think it's an actual country that is governed by Kim Jung Un. I think it is 100% a facade put forth by the Chinese government to manipulate the United States

Let me clarify: China is a global power.
The United States is a global power.
North Korea was not seen as a threat, more as a weak bully that got overlooked by the entire world, and especially by the global powers.
North Korea is a giant thorn in America's side because of the insanely comical hatred/weird fascination it has with the United States. It's like the dorky girl in high school that had a crush on you in highschool, but when you gave her a chance, she almost cut your dick off. Worse yet, China backs the stupid little slut.
However, in comes a new president, Trump, and all of a sudden, North Korea is a big adversary.
Well, here is where it gets interesting: Trump had always proposed a 45% tariff increase on Chinese products. So when he is elected, China stirs up the threat of North Korea, telling them to threaten America, maybe even giving them means to do that, all so Trump has to denounce/lower his 45% tariff increase, and make more profit.
2 Questions now come up.

Did the United States just get mega-rused?

Could it be that North Korea is just a pawn of China, and is actually just some sort of political prison camp for China?

Thoughts and discussions welcomed.

Sounds about right.

North Korea is a fucked up country but they don't do shit to anyone. It's better off being ignored.

All global superpowers maintain the means to fabricate cause for war with other superpowers in the event that they find such a war has come to be advantageous.

North Korea is literally controlled by China.

his wife wont speak to him if russia isnt given the world. the only way that happens is if they get a good distraction

north korea has popped up in the news off and on with democrats (of all factions) demanding a war . al gore sent 2 chinks into north korea just to try to spread propaganda and they were detained. signs with one stick figure guy shooting another in the face line the boarder with north korea and there are fences you dont just go hiking and end up in north korea

and even in the 90s america tried to push for a war with n korea but the general public never supports it and democrats look stupid. the previous administration tried and failed to get a korean war 2

The more we focus on North Korea the less we focus on china,it's what they want

China has always been playing the long game. NK has always been a mere bargaining chip so China can get what it wants. That's just what they do.

Trump has businesses IN China. Think about that. Trump is also a Chinese and Russian puppet. All of this is to essentially drain the US of being a superpower, which we no longer are.

Sounds plausible, China would side with nk starting ww3, could Russia side with china? Is America fucked?

if anything it gives trump an excuse to raise tariffs against china for not playing ball. Funny enough, the stronger North Korea gets, the better it is for the usa. We have an excuse to massively build up our military right next to china as well as fuck with chinese trade because they back a crazy.

Adding to this. China and Russia will be the new superpowers and with a growing middle class. You will see Hollywood, firearms, electronics, etc. coming from China, while the USA becomes the new "China" working factory jobs making nuts and bolts and shoveling coal.

Yes, we're going to be the new china with factory jobs, pollution, and working for nickels, but hey, we'll have jobs at least, right?

It's not NK that has a weird obsession with the US. It's the other way arround. The US still holds invasion exercises annually in SK. Of course NK is going to have to respond with threats and tests as from their perspective the US could invade them at any time.

There's truth to this. Imagine having your country split in two by some dick-ass foreign army for opium and LSD. Almost every war we had caused a drug epidemic.

This might make sense if you had 0 understanding of the history of Korea.

Consider understanding these nuts.
Also, feel free to explain, I would like to hear your input on the matter.
An Orwellian scenario just seems the most likely, feel free to input your point at any time.

>Almost every war we had caused a drug epidemic.
>implying this was a side effect

>Consider understanding these nuts.

We were trying to tell you this shit since last year, you fucking idiots. But nooo, "MUH BENGHAZI" Hillary may have been a corrupt corporate shill but at least she wasnt a Manchurian fucking candidate. And we've had those before and it didnt fuck us this bad. Thanks Sup Forums

Jesus how is it even possible for Americans to be even more schizophrenic?



You think we have a limit?

no you're an idiot

you retards believe anything that sounds like a conspiracy theory

north korea has been building up their nukes for years and were already really close when Obama got elected
and the coward is to blame for letting it get this far because he knew he could pass the Buck

it has absolutely nothing to do with trump or china

also unless you think the south Koreans are in on it then your theory doesn't make sense

>it has absolutely nothing to do

